Blue Bunny 24 Karat Carrot Cake Premium Ice Cream & Someone Invent This: Plane Ticket Price Catalog

Junk Food Nation, I’m headed to Mexico in December, and I’ve been searching for plane tickets.  I’m seeing $760 round trip from DC to PVR, $786…and I realized that I have NO IDEA IF THIS IS A GOOD PRICE.  And then I had the best brainstorm ever.  I know I have tech readers.  Someone invent this:

A plane ticket price catalog!

Explanation: a catalog of what plane tickets cost from city to city on any given date, complete with searchability!  Because unless you travel the same trip over and over for, say, work, most people have no idea what these plane tickets SHOULD cost.  Buying plane tickets is like being produce.  You’re in the grocery and you see “Apples, on sale from $1.59 a lb. down to $1.39 a lb.” And your friend is like, “Oh that’s a good price.” IS IT?  You have no idea!  Maybe somewhere else apples are selling for 99 cents, and you’re the schmuck left with pricey apples. (I clearly think too much)

That’s the problem with these discount airline sites.  People use Kayak and Orbitz and Priceline…and they bring up a list of prices sortable from lowest to highest. But is the lowest price still a GOOD price? What if there’s a pattern where four months out, rather than five months out, prices suddenly get cheaper? How are you supposed to know this?

With my plane ticket price catalog, I could say, “Oh, DC to Puerto Vallarta.  I wonder how much this ticket cost a year ago to this date? I wonder what this trip cost a year ago from a date three months from now?” You could have graphs and visuals to show how this ticket price trended down to the very last day! And then you’d know how much a ticket SHOULD cost, not just what the cheapest ticket you can find NOW is.

C’mon, someone else out there has to think this is a good idea!  Build this shit.

Today’s junk food: Blue Bunny 24 Karat Carrot Cake Premium Ice Cream!

Blue Bunny 24 Karat Carrot Cake Premium Ice Cream: The Money Shot

Blue Bunny 24 Karat Carrot Cake Premium Ice Cream was purchased at Harris Teeter for $2.50. Not a bad sale for a pint of ice cream.  How could I resist Duff’s smiling face?  I mean, he’s the Ace of Cakes!  His ice creams CAN’T be bad…can they?

Smiling Duff

I really didn’t know much about carrot cake growing up, besides thinking, “EWWWWWWWWWWWW vegetables in cake?”  All I knew about carrot cake was that one of my sisters, whom I shall call Doctor Sis from this day forward, liked carrot cake.  I dunno when that was, I just remember one day hearing from Doctor Sis that carrot cake was her favorite and from then on, in my memories, it became synonymous with her.

You know, I have no idea if she still thinks carrot cake is her favorite.  I should ask her.

I love cake and ice cream

Ah, Duff – you and your Charm City Cakes.  On their site, Charm City Cakes lists flavors of cake they make, and besides the standard fare and carrot cake, they also make pear compote and ginger cake!  SAY WHAAAAAA.  I wanna see THAT ice cream after I try this Blue Bunny 24 Karat Carrot Cake Premium Ice Cream.

130 cals for a 1/2 cup? But…it’s got carrots in it…

I like that it has oatmeal raisin flavor base

Blue Bunny 24 Karat Carrot Cake Premium Ice Cream is full of good ingredients and chemicals alike.  I like that carrot cake is the fifth ingredient, but also surprised to see Oatmeal Raisin Flavor Base as part of the mix. Are there usually raisins in carrot cake?  Maybe there are…. <confused>

A regular ice cream yin yang

Blue Bunny 24 Karat Carrot Cake Premium Ice Cream unveiled!  An immediately spiced cinnamon smell came from the tub.  Oh, I was gonna like this…

Dual color cakeness

Blue Bunny 24 Karat Carrot Cake Premium Ice Cream was really, really, really good.  Blue Bunny, you have another hit.

Texture of the ice cream was perfect.  It was smooth and creamy and didn’t break up or ice over like cheaper versions of ice cream with various water contents.  The cream cheese frosting ice cream was creamy and full of that sweet cheesecake like flavor.  Definitely tasted like cake icing.

Cake is embedded into each bite

The carrot cake ice cream was interesting.  It really tasted more like cinnamon cake ice cream – which, I guess in my head, is basically what carrot cake tastes like most of the time.  But it was good – cinnamon-y, sweet, and full of spice.

Cinnamon-y taste

The combo of the two ice creams was wonderful, and then you add in the hearty carrot cake pieces.  They tasted more like carrot cake brownies pieces because they were little clumps of firmness.  Not too firm – just firmer than cake pieces.  Still, they tasted great – full of spice also, and when you chewed them they definitely gave off a carrot cake taste.

Like the Red Velvet version, this tasted like cake and ice cream in the same tub.  Really good.  Would highly recommend!

Thoughts? Let me know if the comments below!  Or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy


PS: Hey…does my plane ticket idea exist already? IF SO, LINK ME!!!!

Discuss - 11 Comments

  1. Jen says:

    It, umm, does. It’s called Farecast, and Bing bought them up. Just go to and it’ll redirect you.

  2. Dr. Stanley Goodspeed says:

    PS: Hey…does my plane ticket idea exist already?

    That’s a clown question, bro.

  3. Nick Rovo says:

    I seriously think this ice cream tastes like dunkaroos. Dubba has never tried dunkaroos in his life so I need to know if my taste buds are crazy or does this remind you of them as well?

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Nick Rovo: DUNKAROOS! YES! Very good link – the cream cheese icing especially.

    • Nick Rovo says:

      That was my whole mindset once I first tried the pint. I couldn’t get over how similar it was to dunkaroos and Dubba was no help to confirm my reaction. Good to know you feel the same way aha.

  4. Will says:

    I liked this flavor too. I can’t remember what dunkaroos tast like anymore, it’s been so long. Try the strawberry shortcake flavor. I really like that one. My last pint didn’t have enough short bread peices in it for some reason. Most carrot cakes do have raisins in them and also walnuts.

  5. amy marantino says:

    i am not the kind of geek to make a flight price reference guide… but I am the sort to notice that margarine is spelled incorrectly in the ingredients list on the ice cream carton.
