Mexican Layered Dip Pringles & People Misunderstanding Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Junk Food Nation, Awkward Mondays will resume tomorrow.  Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and I have a bone to pick on this federal holiday day-off. As you can see from the blog post, it’s with people misunderstanding MLK Day.  No, this isn’t going to be a discussion on civil rights, on the meaning of Dr. King’s movement, on its impact on society.  No, what I mean is, people ACTUALLY misunderstanding what MLK Day IS.

MLK Day is a United States federal holiday marking the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around the time of King’s birthday, January 15.  Again, it’s essentially his birthday.  HIS BIRTHDAY, people!  I don’t know how many times I’ve talked to people in the past and they’ve said, “Oh, this is the day he gave his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech, right?” Um, haven’t you seen photos or the speech, or at least Forrest Gump? You didn’t see everyone on the Washington Mall wearing winter coats, did you??  Or, “Oh, this is the day he got shot, right?” WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY HAVE A HOLIDAY FOR THAT??  I feel like I’m on an episode of Jaywalking!

I’m no American history buff.  I certainly do NOT claim to be a historian of ANY sort.  But you gotta know what these days stand for.  Take some of the day off to go Wiki it.

Today’s junk food: Mexican Layered Dip Pringles!

The Money Shot

Now, I’m not sure if these Mexican Layered Dip Pringles have been out for a while, but they sure seemed new to me, despite the word NEW not appearing anywhere.  They’re not on the Pringles website, either.  But they sure were stocked to the brim at my local Walmart with this purple can.

Mayan Temple??

Not sure what’s going on here with the labeling.  No I understand the bowl full of dip, featuring salsa, olives, jalapeños, cheese — but why is it on top of a Mayan Temple?  Mayan and Mexican aren’t the same, folks. And shush about how the picture looks like ancient temples found in Mexico…yeah, the Mayan ones! that Hebrew?

I will give Pringles credit – this chip can sure is international!  You’ve got the Mexican Layered Dip flavor, the mayan temple, Spanish listed ingredients, and …Hebrew print too? Plus English, of course.  Someone translate the Hebrew for me, please!

Not a lot of powder...not good

DI don’t like seeing lightly spiced chips when I open a can, especially one that claims to be layers of flavor…Mexican flavors!

Lightly dusted

Mexican Layered Dip Pringles, you are speckled LIGHTLY with bits of red and a light orange, and I am losing confidence quickly.

Closeup 1

Closeup 2

Closeup 3

I decided to lick the surface of the Pringle first before chomping it.  Did I get the flavor of cheese? Yes.  Salsa? Yes. Bean taste? Yes. Sour cream? Yes. Green onion?  Slightly. Yes. Olive?…..slightly. On the whole, however, the cheesy sour cream bean salsa taste REALLY came through.  I was actually really shocked by how accurate Pringles was able to match the flavor of Mexican Layered Dip.

Having licked the chip, I chomped down, and was pretty pleased. It really DID taste like a potato chip that had been dipped in dip.  The jalapeño burn came on VERY slightly at the end, which I didn’t get from the licking, so that was a nice surprise.

All in all, a nice chip.  Good work, Pringles!

Thoughts? Tell me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 9 Comments

  1. Kahnfucius says:

    I believe the Hebrew on the can indicates that the chips are kosher. Which hopefully means they do not contain the heart of some recent human sacrifice. Perhaps the stepped pyramid is an allusion to the layers of dip?

  2. Mexican Layered Dip Pringles?! LOL! I love food science.

  3. Shorneys says:

    Of course, what you’re really looking for is for Pringles to come up with a flavor that adequately captures this thirty-two layer bean dip. The only way to do it now is to stack 32 of these Pringles on top of each other.

    Brainstorm just now: if I make that dip for the Superbowl, I’m adding a 33rd layer: crushed Mexican Layered Dip Pringles. Hell yes.

  4. alphgageek says:

    The science at work here is certainly something the alphageek can get behind. I will have to give these a try, just on the science part alone.

  5. Dov says:

    The Hebrew reads: “Kosher-dairy for those who eat powdered milk from non-Jewish sources. Under the supervision of the O-U. Approved by the of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.” A very small number of observant Jews do not eat milk products made by non-Jews. Most Jews who keep kosher see the O-U, note that the chip contains dairy (but no human sacrifices) and ignore the rest of the Hebrew.

  6. ariel hatav says:

    Yea, the hebrew words says its kosher 🙂
    Good blog. Nice to read from Israel. 🙂
