Rold Gold White Dipped Honey Braided Twists & Being Rude & Falling on the Subway

Junk Food Nation, I was going to get on here today to talk about Verlander winning the MVP award in baseball (nice job, Justin), but I’m not going to.  Instead, I want to talk about falling on the subway. I take the subway to work every day, and the line I ride downtown is the same line to Union Station, DC’s main train station, and the same line to the hub where the airport stop is.  Since its Thanksgiving time, there’s a lot of people on the subway carrying large bags and suitcases. There’s a lot of tripping and stumbling and trying to pull bags in through the doors before it closes. And for those of us going to work, there’s a lot of standing in between lines of suitcases and sitting next to people struggling with bags.

This morning, as I stood opposite the opening and closing subway doors, a tall man came onto the train with two large wheely suitcases, he stood right in front of me and more people got onto the train and squeezed around him.  The train doors closed and off we went.  As we’re pulling into the next stop, I notice this dude isn’t hanging onto any bars/rails.  This isn’t good, I think.

Sure enough, the train stops suddenly into the station, and this dude just bites it – he falls sideways, stepping on my foot in the process (ouch) and flattening this woman next to him, knocking both her to the ground and forcing others to stumble through a domino-effect.  His bags fell over and so did he.

What result? The friggin’ guy just gets up, angrily, stumbles around a bit, grabs his bags, and yanks them (sideways, dragging on a non-wheeled-side) off the subway onto the platform, ramming some people in the knees as he went.  Um, by the way, the lady he crushed – still getting up from the ground.  My foot, black-and-blue. Everyone else, bewildered.

First of all, at least apologize. He knocked a poor lady to the ground, and I think he might’ve put a knee into her sternum for good measure.  She’s coughing up blood while you’re dicking around trying to catch a plane to whatever awful place you’re from.  Second, I get it – you’re embarrassed or maybe you’re in a rush to make your flight. Plan ahead next time, Phileas Fogg, and stop body slamming people.  Finally, hang onto the rails next time, genius. It’s hard, I know…but try.

Today’s junk food: Rold Gold White Dipped Honey Braided Twists!

The Money Shot

I know, I know…two white fudge snacks in one week?  This is insanity. Coming off the delicious taste of the Rold Gold Peppermint Dipped Snowflake Pretzels, these White Dipped Honey Braided Twists had to be tried. Had to.  There was now “NEW” or “LIMITED EDITION” tag on them, so I figure I just overlooked these in the past.

White fudge...again???

Rold Gold White Dipped Honey Braided Twists aren’t the most colorful things in the world, so this bag design is really simple – just display the product prominently, no bells or whistles.  I can appreciate that.

Sweet and savory

Honey Braided Twists, by themselves, are a tasty treat.  The honey sweet yet salty pretzel is a big ole stick of crunch.  Adding white fudge to the outside seems like an interesting tactic.

Like a bag of thin candy bars

Ta-da!!! Rold Gold White Dipped Honey Braided Twists…yum yum yum?  They kind of look gross, to be honest.  Frozen ropes of toothpaste? A multitude of discarded ZERO bars? Edible candles?  Kind of waxy-looking, no?

Heavy suckers

These twists were thick with chocolate, to be fair.  Rold Gold definitely didn’t skimp on the covering.  Take a closer look…


You can tell from the way the fudge is formed that they basically just laid these twists out on a tray and poured white fudge all over them.  Delectable.


One bite, and I was sold.  Having just had White Fudge on Oreos yesterday, I was worried.  White fudge/chocolate can be a little rich.  But unlike the Oreos, these Rold Gold White Dipped Honey Braided Twists had a good bite of SALT to them, from the pretzel itself.

The first bite was wonderful – these twists had a nice crunch to them making eat braided twist feel like an individual treat, not just one of many.  The white fudge was thick and creamy, and very sweet.  However, it was nicely balanced with the salty savoriness of the internal honey pretzel.  And, to my surprise, you still DID taste the honey wheat flavor too – it never got lost.  Very good combo here, Rold Gold.

Thoughts?  Tell me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 6 Comments

  1. Amanda says:

    I am in love with these! But since the first bag, I can’t find them anywhere!

  2. Steph says:

    OMG! Just got a bag yesterday from Krogers…..I was already a fan of the Plain Honey Wheat Pretzel… I’m IN LOVE with the White Chocolate ones. So good! But like all great food….pretty high in calories…..3 sticks are 140 Calories…ouch. I also must say…..I agree…they are very generous on the white chocolate coating….so kudos to them. AND the bag has a pretty nice amount of product in it as well. If you haven’t tried them…do your taste buds a favor and pick some up.

  3. Missy says:

    Addicted!!! The first time I had them I was in love. I have never been a fan of chocolate covered pretzels. But I do love white chocolate and went through my addiction phase of the honey wheat pretzels. But this combo takes the cake. I have already bought 3 bags in 3 days and at 3.29 they are not cheap but so worth it.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Missy: Yeah, plus I trick myself into thinking that since the underlying pretzel is “honey wheat” it’s a healthy snack, right?
