Review: Pringles LOUD Salsa Fiesta & Bouncing Across The Atlantic
JFG Nation, the last 24 hours have been crazy. Not Jack Bauer crazy, but still nuts nonetheless. Work has been blowing up, and two nights ago my garbage disposal decided to wear down completely, resulting in water pouring all over my feet from below the sink. FUN! Add getting that fixed on top a number of other real life things like recording the wonderful Nosh Show, and it’s safe to say that I need a vacation. Luckily, that’s exactly what’s happening tomorrow.
I’m going to be out of pocket, Nation, starting tomorrow until after Columbus Day – 10 days! That’s nuts. I’ll be in SPAIN, the place where flavors are born. It promises to be a gastronomic adventure, so you’re going to want to follow me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Just go right to those buttons in the top right part of the page and click. Don’t be afraid.
I realize I’m going to miss a lot being abroad: my Bills potentially beating the Patriots! The second debate! My Yanks having a 0.04% chance making the playoffs! More Pen Pineapple Apple Pen challenge videos! ….I think I’ll survive.
So yeah. That’s it. Talk to you soon, JFG Nation. I’ll miss you.
Today’s junk food: Pringles LOUD Salsa Fiesta!!
Pringles LOUD Salsa Fiesta is the last LOUD flavor in the line. I’ve generally liked all of the flavors so far. Still wish these were SUPER crispy to reflect a LOUD crunch. Where are the Pringles Kettle chips, food scientists?? WHERE?
Pringles LOUD Salsa Fiesta is probably the most straightforward flavor of the LOUD series. Corn chip. Salsa. Makes sense.
When I opened these Pringles LOUD Salsa Fiesta chips, I definitely got a sour burn to the nose – like sniffing vinegar chips. I could smell the tomato powder too.
I munched a bunch of these Pringles LOUD Salsa Fiesta and they ARE DELICIOUS. (IMO; The JFGal thought they tasted a little fake tomato-y). They tasted exactly like the old Salsa Room Doritos, which I loved!
SUPER tomato-powder-y, these had an amazing tang upon first crunch. After that, these chips were heavily seasoned with onion powder, balanced with enough garlic powder to give an impressive savory flavor. It tasted creamy even though there was no cheese added. Decent tiny tingle on the tongue afterwards representing a TINY spice.
Overall, really REALLY tasty. Definite BUY.
Purchased at: They will be out in Jan 2017 at Family Dollar, and probably other places too!
Cost: I’m sure they’ll be decently cheap

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Safe travels! Enjoy!
I absolutely love this blog! Except you’re a Bills fan. Bleh. Hate getting blanked at home :/
Tried these and regular Pringles taste much better.