Review: New Nature Valley Biscuits with Almond Butter & Suggest a New Beer for Me to Drink

JFG Nation, I’m in a bit of a rut. As you know, so many things in life depend on constant repetition to achieve excellence. You can’t be a good restaurant critic, for example, unless you’re eating at a lot of restaurants. If you stop working out for one week, you could lose the gains you had from the previous couple weeks. If you want to be an NBA know-it-all, you have to be paying attention to almost every game.

I’m down with the food game. I eat plenty of food to know what I think is good. But when it comes to beverages, I’m a bit stuck. I enjoy wine at nice restaurants, and I’ll usually default to a porter or brown ale if I get beer. I am NOT adventurous when it comes to beer, because I’d had plenty of BAD beer. There was a time in my life where everyone was homebrewing. No, my buddy Josh is an expert homebrewer – would drink his brew any time. But I’ve had plenty of BAD homebrew, and I’ve had plenty of beer that I just don’t like.

So I’m a bit gunshy when it comes to trying new beers. But I don’t want to be. So please, in the comments below: TELL ME A BEER I SHOULD TRY. And it doesn’t have to be wacky – I’m talking about YOUR GO-TO BEER that is a bit off the beaten path. I want to know what YOU like, and I want to try it.

Also, don’t forget to sign up to challenge me in a March Madness bracket – details yesterday.

Today’s junk food: New Nature Valley Biscuits with Almond Butter!!

New Nature Valley Biscuits with Almond Butter: The Money Shot

New Nature Valley Biscuits with Almond Butter: The Money Shot

Can I tell you, JFG Nation, that I fought the breakfast biscuit movement a long time? “BISCUITS?! THIS AIN’T ENGLAND,” I’d smirk. Then I finally had a Belvita biscuit and immediately bowed down to the breakfast biscuit gods. Essentially-cookies-for-breakfast? Why was I a moron?

And when I spotted these New Nature Valley Biscuits with Almond Butter, it was a no brainer. Breakfast cookies WITH super sweet creme filling? IN CART. NOW.


I’ve never had a Nature Valley biscuit but I can’t imagine it’s that much different than a Belvita one. I’m the most curious, therefore, with the almond butter. I’ve had lots of almond butter before…it has a deep flavor and is typically NOT very sweet. The below ingredients show that this is “honey roasted” almond butter?  Plus…oil of rosemary? Interesting, Nature Valley…



These New Nature Valley Biscuits with Almond Butter came individually packaged…


…one New Nature Valley Biscuit with Almond Butter…er…sandwich…per package. So, like a normal biscuit package, there are two biscuits, it’s just that these are glued together. Opening the sleeve, the aroma I got was cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon. And a little bit of honey. Basically it smelled like every other Nature Valley granola bar I’d ever eaten.


The “halves” of these biscuits pulled apart semi-easily, so I was able to taste the almond butter alone. It was super smooth, and pretty sweet – sweeter than any almond butter I’d ever had. It also had an interesting tang at the very back end. Not unpleasant, but unlike a tang I’d ever tasted in a nut butter before.

Sandwiched together as a whole, these New Nature Valley Biscuits with Almond Butter were of course tasty, and predictable. The Biscuits were basically more cookie-like- crumbly versions of Nature Valley granola bars – lots of honey and cinnamon flavor. The almond butter added a bit of creaminess; otherwise, I really couldn’t taste the almond butter when eaten altogether. It just served to add a bit more ….glue-iness?…to the whole mouthful as I chewed. Which…was that the goal? I dunno. Still tasty.

All in all, these were good, but I’m not sure if I need to buy this version again (with the almond butter filling) – might be better off just getting breakfast biscuits and dipping them into a jar of almond butter.

PURCHASED AT: Safeway, Chevy Chase, DC

COST: $3.99

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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Discuss - 10 Comments

  1. Jess says:

    My go to beer is anything by Abita Brewing – Turbo Dog especially. Last weekend we visited Waredaca Brewing in Laytonsville, MD and took home a growler of Belgian Dubbel that was very good. Waredaca will also sell you a 32 oz can (if you don’t have a growler) to take home with you.

  2. Forrest Gump says:

    You won’t get good advice until you tell people what made you think the BAD beers you’ve had are BAD. Or at least give one example of a beer that you considered to be BAD.

    Without this information, it’s safest to just assume that you’re not a beer fan.

  3. Jacob Day says:

    If you can get your hands on a Death By Coconut I would recommend that as a porter. Very tasty.

  4. Erin says:

    Everything I’ve had from southern tier has been top notch! Their darker stuff especially. Also Left hand Milk Stout..

  5. Anne Sutton says:

    My boyfriend lives in Nicaragua. Tona is their beer. Very popular and well rounded beer. I can’t see you not liking it if you drank it.

  6. Marc P says:

    Nugget Nectar.
    —-mic dropped

  7. MP says:

    I like Goose Island & Leinenkugel. 3 Floyds if you can find it. Tho I find it’s more fun to go to the warehouse & randomly pick imports.

  8. Tenko says:

    Belvita is my go to commute breakfast. When buses run hourly, I don’t want to miss one, because I ate @ home.

    I honestly dislike beer, but everyone else in my family likes it and they second Leinenkugel & add Dragon Mead.

  9. On the Nature Valley Biscuits, the oil of Rosemary is added as a preservative. It’s a natural preservative, so it satisfies both camps – the people who want something free of preservatives and something natural, but also the commercial /corporate need for something to stay fresh. FYI, as a side notr, the amount used is trivial. So ‘twouldn’t really add any flavor

  10. Marci Villanueva says:

    My go to beer is always a Redhook IPA, although all Redhooks are great. These have great flavor and are easy to find. Although I really like American Brewing Co. beer, Breakaway IPA or Flying Monkey are great. These are just harder to find.
