Junk Food Guy Seeking: Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Cuts Potato Chips & My Particular Poison

Junk Food Nation, everyone has that one drink that is poison to them because it led to good/bad memories – Spring Break with shots of tequila, rum daiquiris in New Orleans, or maybe even just Jagermeister, period, anywhere.  (Jagermeister was always a great wingman to me, personally.) Me? I have a bad history with brown liquor.

You name the brand, I’ve got a story.  Johnny Walker: I once went to a party, and was trying to chat up this girl.  I decided that I need some liquid courage…an ENTIRE BOTTLE’S worth of Johnny Walker Red.  I ended up passed out on a couch in front of everyone.

Knob Creek: Another time, at another party, also trying to hit on a girl, my attempt at liquid confidence resulted in me sobbing on a couch in front of all my friends. (I’m seeing a pattern here.)

Needless to say, I haven’t touched brown liquor in years.  However when I heard about Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Cuts Potato Chips, I was intrigued – were they flavored with bourbon?

The Money Shots (credits embedded!)

Originally released in Australia in 2008, these chips contain no alcohol.  (Apparently, there was some outrage over these chips and the concern that kids might eat them thinking they HAD alcohol inside. Really?) Instead they are presented in three different flavors: Southern Salt with a Hint of Black Pepper, BBQ and Chilli Grills.  Again, why do other countries spell Chili with two LLs?

I’ve never seen these in the US (maybe if I ever went to Kentucky?) but if I ever venture down under, I’ll be sure to grab these.  I bet these chips are amazing, and declare that alcohol in junk food needs to happen more often.  We already have rum in cake, so why not Tequila tortilla chips? Beer soaked pork rinds?  Frito-Lay, I’m looking at you here.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy


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  1. Adi says:

    It’s the brown liquor for me too… Jagermeister… *shivers*
