MICRO-REVIEW: New Fiber One Salted Caramel Cheesecake Bars

JFG Nation, thanks again for all your nice comments yesterday. I love you guys, too. Meanwhile, today is NBA Draft day. Supreme Court opinion day. Anthony Bourdain’s birthday. I’m all geeked up. Let’s get to the review.

Today’s junk food: New Fiber One Salted Caramel Cheesecake Bars!!

New Fiber One Salted Caramel Cheesecake Bars: The Money Shot

New Fiber One Salted Caramel Cheesecake Bars: The Money Shot



You know, I often pass by the shelves that contain Fiber One bars, and never stop. It’s not because they don’t have exciting flavors, but honestly, I get plenty of fiber in my diet (overshare). But when I heard about these New Fiber One Salted Caramel Cheesecake Bars, I had to find them. Cheesecake in (presumably) a “healthy” vessel? And Salted Caramel to boot? Hm.

Each of these bars does give you 20% of your daily fiber, which is impressive. It also gives you 18% of your daily saturated fat which is not so great. But none of that matters because these are GOOD. Like, surprisingly good. Are all Fiber One bars this good? Damn. When I opened this bar, it smelled sweet – I could smell the caramel and a semi-cheesecake aroma. Taking a big bite, I chewed, and I’ll be damned if this didn’t taste like cheesecake. I know the picture makes it look like there’s two layers combined in this bar, like a cheesecake layer on top, crust layer on bottom, but when it was in my hand, it was really just one complete dough bar. No recognizable “cheese” layer. But when I bit into it and chewed, the “feel” was EXACTLY like a cheesecake – that tug on my teeth, tongue, that I usually get when I eat a bite of cheesecake. Big points for texture. I don’t know how they did it, looking at the bar, and feeling it in my mouth….but Fiber One did it.

Flavorwise, spot on too! Tasted like cheesecake, and the added layer of salted caramel was PERFECT. The salted caramel was actually salty (THANK YOU FIBER ONE), and blended perfect with the “cheesecake.” Salty, sweet, creamy. I would’ve loved more caramel, but when I jammed this whole thing into my mouth, the balance was perfect.

Was it a perfect cheesecake? No – clearly there was no actual mouthfeel of the cream cheese layer. But it was damn close, and the flavor was good. That ribbon of frosting? Who knows. But I liked these a lot. Would buy again, for sure. These are dangerous. I might eat five, get my 100% daily fiber, and be done with it.

PURCHASED AT: Walmart, Germantown, MD

COST: $2.98 each

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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Discuss - 13 Comments

  1. Jessica says:

    I completely agree with this review. It’s not quite cheesecake (more like a cheese danish I think) but it satisfies the craving enough that I think I’ll keep buying them. Still haven’t tried the Raspberry version yet though.

  2. Natalie says:

    I bought some of these when I was over in the US to bring back to the UK and must say that I loved them! Think they’re really good and there is absolutely nothing on the UK market like it; I picked up a couple of the other Fiber one bars too and must say I was pretty impressed.

  3. CR says:

    Please, continue to overshare! Did you not get the horrible stomach pain/farts that traditionally come with fiber one products? I had to stop eating these because the chicory root induced gas was too much.

    • John says:

      I’m not seeing chicory root as an ingredient in these… now the Fiber One granola bar things, I did have to give them up because of the bloating fart monsters.

  4. Marc P says:

    Once in a while, a review shocks me. I thought these would have been a nightmare.

    Most important pre-draft nugget: Okafor is changing the pronuniciation of his name (I am guessing to distinguish from Omeka?)

  5. Louie says:

    *Writes constantly about food*

    *Doesn’t read the studies defining saturated fat as neutral and non harmful*

  6. Game says:

    The Cinnamon Crumb Cake ones are good too.
    Makes you wonder their evil ploy is to get you to consume more than one at a time…..

    Fiber in yum form. Well if it works, it works.

  7. Summer says:

    Picked up at 20 ct box of these for $5.98 at Sam’s Club last week. I was impressed!

  8. Game says:

    Oh god. They are evil.
    Cr is right.

    Stay away… From open flame, other people, buying another box….. They are evil in wrappers.

  9. Game says:

    Well, the cinnamon crumb ones anyway.????

  10. Silver_Linings says:

    I found these at my local Stater Bros & thought I would give them a try, even with being 150 calories.

    They are melt in your mouth yummy, but if you are on a low carb diet this is not the way to go. Especially if you have a salted caramel sweet tooth which I most certainly have. Not to mention on medication to lower bad fats in your system. LOL…

    Would I recommend them? Absolutely!!! Will I buy them again? No, because I can’t allow them in my diet.

    However, since you asked if ALL the bars are this good, I can make a 100% recommendation for the 90 calorie Lemon Bar. It’s one of my favorites & is just enough to take care of the late evening craving without going over the top.

    I’ve also tried several of the other 90c varieties, found them flavorful & great as a just before bed snack either with low fat milk or a cold glass of water.

    Here are the differences in bars. Lemon values 1st – Cheesecake 2nd:

    Calories: 90/150
    Total Fat: 3g/6g
    Cholesterol: 0mg/15mg
    Sodium: 80mg/130mg
    Carbs: 18g/24g
    Dietary Fiber: both 5g
    Sugar: 8g/10g
    Protein: <1g/2g
    One bar: 0.89oz/1.38oz
    Cost: same

    Bon Appetit :o)
