Review: New Häagen-Dazs Honey Milk Chocolate Graham Gelato Bars & Bone-In vs. Boneless Wings; LET’S FIGHT ABOUT IT!
Junk Food Nation, it’s Friday, and I AM SO GLAD. Seriously, I’m starting to understand, after three decades of being alive, why people say “THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY.” Definitely had another one of those weeks. Oof.
Anyways, to today’s topic – recently I was on Yahoo Sports Radio’s Bitterness and Rage Show to discuss a recent report that Buffalo Wild Wings sold more boneless wings than bone-in wings. Oh by the way – I’ve talked about the Bitterness and Rage show on this blog before, but just in case, here’s the plug:
Rob Kuney is a teacher, husband, father, son and sports fan, all of which have conspired to create “The Bitterness and Rage Show.” He is just a dope who loves watching sports and talking about them. If you want a sports show for the fans by the fan, then you have come to the right place. Stream “The Bitterness and Rage Show” live, Sunday mornings 9-11am ET on the Yahoo Sports Radio App.
Anyways, we were discussing bone-in vs. boneless wings, since Buffalo Wild Wings apparently sold more boneless wings than bone-in wings this past year. This fact sheet says 1 billion boneless vs. 768 million bone-in wings, accounting for 22% vs. 21% of sales. And the two-part question was: (1) why do you think this is, and (2) are boneless wings actually “wings”? I answered that question on the air here at the 20:00 min mark. Go there. Listen. Enjoy. Back in my voice.
Let’s answer the second part first. Boneless wings are NOT wings. This is a fact; I am not hating on them. Boneless wings are strips of chicken breast, white meat only, that have typically been breaded, then fried, and then tossed in sauce. That’s it. Boneless wings are NOT actual chicken wings that have later been de-boned. No one is doing that, not even that pimple-faced high school kid groping your fries in the back. Do you know how long that would take? That’s absurd. So, repeat after me: boneless wings are chicken strips. Boneless wings are chicken strips.
So why did they sell more of these than actual chicken wings? Well, theories abound. My guesses: people like that they are easier to eat – less mess. Rob, the Emperor of Rage, said that’s why he liked them – less mess at a sporting event. And I get that. Junk Food Gal agreed – she can just bite/eat the whole thing without worrying about needing to deal with bones, wiping off fingers constantly, etc. She is also in the camp of boneless over bone-in. My honest take? Maybe people think they are healthier: white meat only. Maybe people think the sauces stick easier – that breading has nooks and crannies where sauce gets trapped. Plus, maybe it’s just easier for kids – ever see a child trying to eat a two-bone wing? It’s like they’re disarming a detonator. Calm down, kid.
So yeah – I get it. The ease of eating means more sales. But does this offend me? I mean, sort of. Growing up in Upstate New York, I’ve been eating chicken wings forever. And chicken wings, to me, are well defined: Dark Meat. Skin on, fried to a crisp. No breading, or maybe just a flour dredge to get some texture. Tossed in a big stainless steel bowl with Frank’s Red Hot or a local concoction. And that’s it.
So yeah, I’m a bit of a purist. However, this is not to say that I am HATING on boneless wings. I love chicken strips a lot too! Let’s be honest, I’m not going to turn down any bit of fried chicken in any form. BUT. BUT. Bone-in wings are better. They are. The meat is more flavorful, the skin, done right, is amazingly crispy, and while it’s a mess, I ENJOY THE MESS! Given the choice, I will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS choose bone-in over boneless.
Thoughts, Junk Food Nation? Riddle me this in the comments below: (1) Are you in the bone-in or in the boneless camp? (2) why do YOU think one is better than the other? (3) Tell me your insane argument as to why boneless wings should be considered “wings.” GO. LET’S FIGHT ABOUT IT.
Today’s junk food: New Häagen-Dazs Honey Milk Chocolate Graham Gelato Bars!!
I first saw New Häagen-Dazs Honey Milk Chocolate Graham Gelato Bars over on The Impulsive Buy, and KNEW I had to get them. Whenever new ice cream comes out, I defer to my friends over at On Second Scoop. But they hadn’t reviewed these yet! GAAAAH NOOOO. Therefore, it was up to me. I’ll take that bullet for all of us, people.
There’s been a TON of different Gelato Bars put out by H-D, as evidenced by this list. And while they’ve all looked good, I’ve always thought, “Eh, I probably know what that tastes like. I’ll come back to it later.” And I never do. But once we spotted these New Häagen-Dazs Honey Milk Chocolate Graham Gelato Bars – INTO THE CART THEY WENT.
New Häagen-Dazs Honey Milk Chocolate Graham Gelato Bars combine honey and chocolate? WAAAAH. THIS is the reason I needed to try this. This is a combo I haven’t eaten much, and certainly not seen in ice cream very much. INTRIGUED.
Yeah, these aren’t good for you. Moving on.
These New Häagen-Dazs Honey Milk Chocolate Graham Gelato Bars were sort of pricey, and only three came in a box. Still, lovely packaging, no?
Each New Häagen-Dazs Honey Milk Chocolate Graham Gelato Bars was sort of heavy – which I liked. Chocolate coated down to the stick with graham crackers pieces poking out everywhere…
When I first bit into this New Häagen-Dazs Honey Milk Chocolate Graham Gelato Bar, the texture was the first thing I noticed – CRUNCHY. The chocolate shell was thick and provided good bite to the bar. It shattered easily, but it wasn’t super thin like a Klondike.
The graham pieces were AWESOME. GREAT crunchy texture added, and I swear, they sort of added an almost cinnamon-y flavor to the bar? Maybe I was imagining it, but whatever. It gave the chocolate a slight Mexican-chocolate taste, which I LOVED. (No real spice, just the cinnamon part). Great milk chocolate flavor – sweet and milky.
But the ice cream inside of these New Häagen-Dazs Honey Milk Chocolate Graham Gelato Bars was the BOMB DOT COM. I took a little spoon to shovel it out by itself, and the gelato was sweet and FULL of honey flavor. DEFINITELY noticeable even though in my picture you can’t really see the ripples. But it tasted just like you’d think – honey taste through and through backed by that nice creamy gelato.
Eaten altogether, the honey flavor was somewhat masked by the chocolate, but the more I chewed the more it emerged. It paired really nicely with the graham bits, of course, and the combo of chocolate and honey and cinnamon was, as I expected, heavenly. Great texture, great flavor, this bar had it all. I loved it. H-D, your execution was perfect. Kudos.
PURCHASED AT: Wegmans, Germantown, MD
COST: $4.29
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 19 Comments
I dated a guy who said he never ate any meat on a bone. We broke up.
But, to be fair, the boneless ones may be healthier…unless they are made of chicken “stuff” like McNuggets.
Those new gelato bars are awesome…worth every calorie!
@Anne: And there are SO MANY CALORIES. Meh, who cares *greedily consumes another bar*
I love boneless wings because they are easier to eat and not having to go through the bones and the skins.
I’m with JFGal on the wing argument. But I’m with you on boneless not being “wings” but “clumps of fried chicken covered in sauce” isn’t as appealing as “boneless chicken wings”.
Those gelato bars look/sound AWESOME. Three seems awkward. Why not four?
@Jeni: “Clumps of fried chicken covered in sauce” ——- I like it. That’s what they should have on Popeye’s menu!
YEAH let’s FIGHT!!!!
1)I’m in the “lots of meat” camp. Personally in general I prefer dark meat – I don’t care if it has more calories / is unhealthier – dark meat is where the flavor is. Sick to death of lean breast meat. Turkey or fried chicken I go straight to the thighs, drumsticks & wings.
2)I think it depends on the product. I’ve eaten .50 cent wings that had about two toothpicks worth of meat on it. But I prefer the dark meat, skin & mess.
3)Boneless wings being called wings makes as much sense as putting ketchup on a hot dog.
Well that wasn’t much of a fight. Hrmph.
@MP: Thighs are my favorite, every time.
Ok….buffalo had to chime in on this. “Boneless wings” are chicken nuggets with the sauce on them. There should be some sort of law saying that you can’t call it a wing unless it has a bone! Tried some Kansas buffalo wings just yesterday….eww!…
Chewy skin!!….oh, the horror!
if i want wings, i want WINGS, i.e. bone-in, legitimate chicken wings. they are so much juicier and more flavorful, imo. now, if i want “wings” and i am on my normal health-conscious eating kick, i get naked boneless wings with sauce on the side. so boring, but it works for me.
but really, i don’t like buffalo wild wings, so i don’t get either from them, haha 😉
oh, and those bars look so good. graham and honey are my fave, so i’m sure i’d love these!
@Kaitlyn: Naked boneless wings with sauce on the side??? What the
First, I’m not a huge fan of dark meat. People are always like “But it’s so moist and juicy!” Those are big cons for me. I’m that person who cooks my holiday turkey until it looks like the one in Christmas vacation. The drier, the better! I prefer boneless wings mostly for that reason. That said, I ate a lot of bone-in wings in college because we had a Pizza Hut on campus. You can only eat personal pan pizzas so many times. I branched out to wings and I didn’t hate them.
So I prefer boneless, but I won’t turn down bone-in. As for the name, boneless wings definitely aren’t wings. I have been some places that call them Buffalo nuggets, but I don’t care what they call them as long as they’re heavily sauced and super hot. 🙂
@Heather – The drier, the better???? GET OUT *points to door*
Wings are white meat NOT dark meat!
I like chicken strips and I like chicken wings. I order which ever depending on what my mouth is in the mood for. But I don’t order “boneless wings” – there’s no upside to it.
That Gelato bar sounds a little too rich for my blood (my mouth is savory>sweet) but my parents would be all over it like a a bear on a 6 pack of beast light. They love the Breyers caramel gelato game.
I wouldn’t even call boneless wings ‘strips’. That’s being too generous. Every boneless wing I’ve had *lacks* the ‘striated’, fibrous quality of former chicken muscle that characterizes a chicken strip. Identifiable chicken meat? Nope. All the boneless wings I’ve sampled have ‘particulate’ (mashed-up, re-shaped, mealy) chicken-chunk or chicken nugget interior. Why not just call it soylent? And then, the horrible breading on the outside of these chunks has a kind of pimply, goosebumpy, scabby, leprous texture which makes my stomach roil. It doesn’t hold sauce well (in my experience).
A real Buffalo chicken wing is an amazing experience with perhaps 25 different textures and mouth-feels. A myriad of flavor levels, intensities, and combinations all exploding against the roof of your mouth. There is ‘give’ and ‘resistance’ as you shear what is actual chicken flesh apart with your incisors and as you gnaw into all the hidden recesses where there’s still pockets of moisture and fat. Crispy skin outside vs moist, light chicken meat inside. This is the point.
If I have the option I always instruct the waitress to instruct the chef to skip any of the two-bone style wings and strictly give me drumsticks. My fave wing place lets you do so for a small surcharge and then you also get to order multiple sauces: say you order 18 wings you can order 6 wings in 3 sauces. Order 24 wings, get 4 sauce choices.
Especially on ‘wing night’ where they’re half-price. Get a stack of handi-wipes and go sit in the corner table and chow down. Grab each huge drumstick and dunk it into a ramekin of blue-cheese *in addition* to whatever wing sauce you already chose and its ridiculous. Take one massive bite and then, while still chewing, dunk the other side and ready it for bite #2.
I’d never order wings at any kind of sporting event, its not something you can do on your lap.
In New York City of course, you can get on any bus or train and find tiny piles of chicken bones under the seat. Common sight. Its no mystery as to who left them there either. Just a cultural thing, yo.
p.s. wait–‘exploding…mouth’? uh –scratch that metaphor
oh yeah exploding against the roof of your mouth. i wont let you forget that one.
I began to dislike ice cream long before I discovered gelato, and I didn’t know why. But gelato clearly showed me the reason. Nowadays I never order ice cream. It holds no further interest for me.
Ice cream is a strange, bastardized, inferior product. Its main drawback is that is too cold and therefore not as flavorful. Your tastebuds are temporarily frozen and dulled with cold, when you eat ice cream. That’s why the best part of any ice cream experience is when it gets soft and gooey.
Well that’s what gelato is. The dense, velvety, luxurious texture of gelato is light years better than blocky, chunky, ‘ice-floe’ hunks of ice cream. And the flavor options in any decent gelateria put ice cream to shame.
Lots of places in my city claim to serve authentic Italian gelato. These boasts are disappointingly found to be false, on investigation. You see all sorts of bogus concoctions trading on the ‘gelato’ name.
So despite the interesting-sounding flavor above (Honey Milk Chocolate, typical of the awesome flavors in the world of gelato) I’m really dubious about the ability of Haagen Daz to create gelato in a popsicle bar which is stored–like all other ice cream must be– in standard store freezer cases at the same temperature as ice cream. That’s the issue–a gelateria has freezer cases which operate at a different, less-cold temperature. You can’t put gelato in a normal freezer case.
@C. – well, if you try these, let me know what you think! I agree with you though about establishments falsely claiming to be gelato parlors when they aren’t