Review: New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers & Interpreting the Music on My iPhone

Junk Food Nation, have you been following along with all the live tweeting going on regarding the disaster that is the Sochi Olympics infrastructure?  If not, you need to go here.  It’s the best entertainment I’ve read all day.  And if you’re in Sochi, DON’T DRINK THE WATER, because apparently it’s poison.  Wow.

While the journalists in Sochi were trying to figure out when they’d be able to clear the stray dogs and construction workers from their rooms, I spent the evening clearing my iPhone of random songs and apps that I don’t use.  How bourgeois of me, I know.  Anyways, I finally had a chance to reflect on what music was on my iPhone.  With the Facebook-Lookback-Movie craze happening right now, I wondered if my music couldn’t also tell me a story about myself…a sampling:

1. Alien Ant Farm, ANThology, “Movies”: Because apparently, I enjoy listening to music I heard in college. Between this and AAF’s rendition of “Smooth Criminal,” I can never delete this album from my iPhone. Ever.  I click play and it’s like I’m back in my college dorm room, pretending to study while I’m really trying to download more Alien Ant Farm albums via Morpheus.  Remember Morpheus? Limewire?  God, I’m old.

2. U2, “Invisible” (RED): Because I’m a lemming and during the Super Bowl when the commercial came on and said this song was available for free via iTunes, and that every download would donate $1 to (RED), I only heard FREE DOWNLOAD and hopped over to my computer to do so. By the way, I like run-on sentences.  Not a bad song, too.

3. Imagine Dragons, Night Visions, “Radioactive” and Fall Out Boy, Save Rock and Roll, “My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light ‘Em Up)”: My two current walk-up songs.  You know, the songs that would be blaring over the loudspeakers if you were a baseball player, as you strolled up to bat in the bottom of the ninth, bases loaded?  What, I’m the ONLY person who thinks about this? I THINK NOT.

4. One Direction, Midnight Memories, “Story of My Life”: WHAT!? ARE YOU A COP? DON’T JUDGE ME.

What’s on your iPhone/iPod RIGHT NOW?  And what does it mean? Tell me in the comments below.

Today’s junk food: New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers!

New Snyder's of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers

New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers: The Money Shot

I reviewed the other two Snyder’s Korn Krunchers flavors a while back, and generally enjoyed both of them. Then people started to assault my social networks, asking, “Why didn’t you review Chili Lime? Why didn’t you review Chili Lime?!” OK! JEEZ – CALM DOWN.  They’re here: New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers. Happy??

New Snyder's of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers

New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers: THAT’S RED

Despite my excitement for these New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers, I’ve had both good and bad experiences with Chili Lime flavored products.  Usually it has to do with the lime tasting too forced or artificial.

New Snyder's of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers

New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers: 140 cal per serving

New Snyder's of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers

New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers: Soda

I love that New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers have “extractive of paprika.” Extractive HAS to be a made up word, no?  I mean….isn’t it?  I’ve heard “extract” ….but extractive? What is this, some molecular gastronomy restaurant where I’m also going to be served the “essence of beef”?

New Snyder's of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers

New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers: Red letters – thumbs up

Tangy punch of lime? You’re starting to scare me, Snyder’s…

New Snyder's of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers

New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers: COATED

When i opened this bag of New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers, I stuck my nose in, took a big whiff, and….well, I’m not sure what I was smelling.  There was definitely SOME smell, obviously, though I couldn’t pinpoint what it was besides general savory smell.  I guess the positive out of this was there was NOT a crazy weird lime smell.  That’s a good thing. Time to munch…

New Snyder's of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers

New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers: SO MUCH POWDER

Like the other two flavors of Korn Krunchers, these New Snyder’s of Hanover Chili Lime Korn Krunchers were very krunchy, and chewed like pretzel pieces.  I didn’t get a ton of corn flavor with this variety until the very end of the chew.  These definitely seemed/tasted a lot like standard pretzel pieces.

The first flavor I got was the tangy chili flavor, immediately.  It was nice and strong and savory, with a good kick of burn that rose gradually.  It wasn’t overpoweringly spicy at all – it just had a nice chili flavor that was sort of sweet. The peppery taste was the type that lingered on my teeth and tongue after I swallowed without killing my taste buds.

But the key question is the lime – how did it fit in? Answer: BEAUTIFULLY.  Honestly, this is one of the better Chili Lime snacks I’ve had in a while.  It was nice and tangy but right when I thought it might cross over into forced mode, it stopped and mellowed.  Mixed with the chili flavor, this was a very good balance of the two tastes.  Perfectly complemented the chili flavor, providing nice contrast.

Honestly, I wanted to hate these, to confirm my belief that no company could get the chili lime flavor right.  But even as I type this review I find myself munching the hell out of the bag.  These were VERY good.  Slow clap, Snyder’s.  Slow clap.

PURCHASED AT: Mailed to me, but I’ve seen them in Safeway, Wegmans, and Harris Teeter

COST: Regular Price, $3.69

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy


Discuss - 12 Comments

  1. Did you intentionally oversaturate those pictures or are they really that scary looking? I know it’s junk food, but that looks disturbingly unnatural. Although on the bag they look like chunks of raw beef, so which is worse?

    My Zune (yes, it’s still going strong) currently playing: The Mighty Mighty Bosstones’ “A Little Bit Ugly”

  2. Elisa says:

    The “Washington Post” had an interesting article about the 1980 Summer Olympics in Russia today. The Soviet Union is long gone but some things haven’t gone away…

  3. Chip Review says:

    “Honestly, I wanted to hate these, to confirm my belief that no company could get the chili lime flavor right. But even as I type this review I find myself munching the hell out of the bag. These were VERY good. Slow clap, Snyder’s. Slow clap.”

    We agree with your sentiment entirely. We have been SO OVER chili lime flavored snacks for so long, and yet were very surprised and pleased with these!

    We have yet to try either of the other two flavors, but based on your high praise for them as well, we can’t wait!!

  4. Origami_Kat says:

    Have you tried Takis? They’re like these Snyder’s Korn Krunchers but in little taquito rolls..It’s hard to explain. But seriously. Story of My Life? xD

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Origami Kat – yes, I have – Takis are good! Some flavors are more hit and miss than others. What’s your favorite Takis flavor?

  5. Bart says:

    I am eating a bag now, and i gotta say that i wish they were pretzel pieces….to me it tastes like chunks of VERY stale cornbread. The flavor is fantastic, but theres definitely an aftertaste of crunchy cornbread. I like cornbread. It just seems odd.
