Review: Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps & NFL Playoff Predictions, Reviewed

Junk Food Nation, it’s time to look back and see how I did with my NFL playoff predictions!  Here are the results:

AFC EAST: Predicted: Patriots. Actual: Patriots.
AFC WEST: Predicted: Broncos. Actual: Broncos.
AFC NORTH: Predicted: Bengals. Actual: Bengals.
AFC SOUTH: Predicted: Colts. Actual: Colts.
AFC Wildcards: Predicted: Texans and Steelers. Actual: Chiefs and Charges.

Nailed every single AFC division winner (BOOM) but totally missed on the wildcards.  Moving onto the NFC:

NFC EAST: Predicted: Redskins. Actual: Philly.  (Oof.  I picked the Eagles to finish LAST.  Yuck.)
NFC WEST: Predicted: Niners. Actual: Seattle.
NFC NORTH: Predicted: Packers. Actual: Packers (BY THE SKIN OF MY TEETH)
NFC SOUTH: Predicted: Falcons. Actual: Panthers (WHAT).
NFC Wildcards: Predicted: Seahawks and Saints. Actual: Niners and Saints.

HUGE swings/misses on the Falcons and Redskins.  Just awful.  But despite it all, I actually got four playoff teams (Packers, Saints, Niners, Seahawks) right, in one form or the other.  Yeah, I know…for football aficionados, this wasn’t a huge stretch.

Some other predictions I had were Peyton as the NFL MVP, the Pats over the Broncos in the AFC, the Seahawks over the Saints in the NFC.  We’ll revisit those later – I don’t think those are bad gambles, actually.

As far as this weekend?  I’ll take KC on the road over Indy (without Reggie Wayne, I’m not too impressed with the Colts, sorry), I’ll take Philly at home over the Saints (Drew Brees is not the same QB outdoors. Iggles take care of bidness), I’ll take Cincy at home over Chargers (I’ve been a huge SD fan but they didn’t look great against the KC second string and Cincy is perfect at home, 8-0), and I’ll take SF over the Packers on the road (the closest matchup of all – GB’s offense will be fine, but it startled me how bad their defense looked against Jay Cutler.  Yuck.)

What’re your predictions? How did YOUR playoff predictions work out? Tell me in the comments below.

Today’s junk food: Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps!

Stacy's Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps

Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps: The Money Shot

Ah, Stacy’s.  Who doesn’t love their Pita Crisps, dipped into veggie dip or into hummus?  I know I do. Plus, her mom has got it goin’ on.  I’ve reviewed plenty of Stacy’s products on this blog, including some Pretzel Bread Crisps.  But with Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps, the company has trended towards a sweet route…and I like it!

Stacy's Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps

Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps: Those are just slices of banana bread, no?

See here’s the thing: I’m excited for these Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps, because I LOVE banana bread.  My mom used to make it.  I eat bananas all the time.  Office colleagues have made a billion iterations of banana bread over the years.  AND I LOVE ALL OF IT.  So now, banana bread CHIPS?? I’ve never heard of such a thing. But why hasn’t someone come up with this before??

Stacy's Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps

Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps: Makes sense.

A play by play on how these are made.  I’m sure it’s not THAT easy, Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps, but thanks for making me think so.

Stacy's Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps

Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps: Um…what?

Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps with coffee? Ok.  With…berries?  Er….right.  Adding preserves or toppings? NOW you’re blowing my mind!  With…Nutella?  Holy sh*t.

Stacy's Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps

Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps: 26 cal per crisp

Stacy's Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps

Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps:  Banana Puree!

Anytime Banana Puree is in the top three ingredients of a snack, I’m all in.

Stacy's Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps

Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps: Treat yourself!

Treat Yo SELF!

Stacy's Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps

Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps: LITTLE BREAD SLICES!

Ok, first of all, the fact that these Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps actually look like little slices of banana bread, with the semi-domed top and everything, is pretty amazing.  AND with nuts slices and embedded within?  Love the attention to detail, Stacy’s.

The opened bag smelled like banana bread, I guess.  I mean, I know what banana bread smells like, and it doesn’t really smell like banana.  It has a distinct warm and toasty smell, maybe with a hint of banana.  This smelled like that – pretty spot on.

Stacy's Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps

Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps: LOOKS LIKE BREAD SLICES

These Stacy’s Bake Shop Banana Nut Bakery Crisps were super crunchy, like you’d expect from a bread crisp.  Like a crostini or a bagel chips – these were semi thick cut and had plenty of crunch.

The flavor, I thought, was DEAD. ON.  LOTS of banana bread flavor.  Started out not too sweet, not too sugary, just some good starch taste with a little cinnamon.  As I chewed, the nuttiness came out, and then the sweetness started to grow, until the sweet banana bread flavor took over.  Like real banana bread, the main sweetness was in the banana flavor, not in some cloying sweet sugar. Yes, I know sugar was the first ingredient above.

All in all, these crisps were FRIGGIN AWESOME for those who like banana bread.  One of my favorite new products of 2014!  BOOM.

PURCHASED AT: Super Walmart

COST: $3.48 on sale

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy


Discuss - 16 Comments

  1. alek says:

    do you hate when you buy the chips or any bagged snacks and the bag is 1/2 full of air? I wish companies would be able to squeeze little more of the product leaving 1/4 air.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @alek: Absolutely hate it. I get it, though – the air helps cushion the product. My feeling – so just charge me less!!! Lol

  2. Steve says:

    Do you pick the ads on the blog or is it automated? Because an add at the end of a review of banana bread crisps that says “250m Americans Infected” with a diagram pointing out all of the problem areas (including “mouth ulcers,” “white coated tongue,” genital itching,” and “constipation or diarrhaea”) is probably not the best choice.

  3. Brit says:

    About the ads: I get bouncing cartoon jugs in a bikini, a cartoon gal striping off her jeans, and another caressing her bikini-clad body. Being that I am not a testosterone enraged teenage male, I really wish I didn’t have to look at a bunch of these ads just to read your blog. Especially since I it at read at work a lot.

    Sorry for being a Debbie Downer…or should I say Brit Bummer 🙁

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Brit: LOL, I’m so sorry Brit! Unfort. I don’t have control over what ads are shown – I just contract with a company and that’s it. Hopefully today’s ads are different! Yikes.

  4. Now I want to try slicing up one of the little loaves of banana bread* I have in the freezer and baking them until they’re crispy. I wonder if it will work.

    *Also have pumpernickel, cinnamon raisin, etc. left over from Christmas baking/gifting (always make extra for the freezer since I know I won’t want to bake again for a month or two after Christmas) that should also work in ‘crisp’ form…hmmm….

  5. Anna says:

    Aww, you never should’ve underestimated the Eagles! They’re going to the Super Bowl!

  6. Kn says:

    Have wondered if these were good. Thanks for the review.

    My ad is about dieting and has a banana saying “5 foods you should never eat to get rid of stubborn belly fat”.

  7. Kahnfucius says:

    Shouldn’t you know a lot about cookies (that are likely what helps select the ads the website gets)? You should review them…
