Review: Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix & Nailing My Crotch To The Ground? UM, PASS

Hey Junk Food Nation!  So, in case you missed it, over the weekend Pyotr Pavlensky, a Russian artist in, well, Russia, went to the Moscow’s Red Square, and stripped naked.  What did he do next? Oh, you know, the usual – HE NAILED HIS GENITALS TO THE GROUND.  Um, what?

Apparently this artist, who is known for self-mutilation, committed the act as a civil protest to the “police state” he felt Russia was becoming.  Wow.  Now that’s a protest that requires COMMITMENT.

Of course, it’s nothing really new to this artist: “In the summer of 2012, Pavlensky sewed his mouth closed to protest the imprisonment of three members of Pussy Riot band.”

Um, holy sh*t.  Now look.  I’m not a huge fan of Russia right now given the shenanigans surrounding the Olympics.  And I support this artist expressing himself in whatever way he is comfortable.  But GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY. Thankfully, here in the US one doesn’t have to go to such extremes to get noticed…just do a stupid twerking video on YouTube and you get 8 million views.  I’ll keep my jewels intact, thanks.  Wooo.

PS: HUGE COLLEGE BASKETBALL NIGHT.  #1 Kentucky vs. #2 Mich. State and #4 Duke vs. my boys, #5 Kansas.  Awesome. I’ll be up until 1:00am…

Today’s junk food: Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix!

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix: The Money Shot

So, Pringle Stix have been out for a while.  I remember when I saw these wheat-based (not potato-based) snack sticks, my FIRST thought (as an Asian person) was: THIS IS A COMPLETE RIP OFF OF POCKY AND PRETZ!

Pocky is an Asian snack I grew up with, which are essentially cookie sticks dipped in a variety of frostings (see photos here), and Pretz was the savory version of these sticks (see photos here). I mean, LOOK AT THE PHOTOS.  Are these NOT the same??

So, I had avoided buying these Stix out of principle.  Copycat knockoffs!  Boo.  But…when I saw these Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix…I was intrigued.

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix: Speechless huh?

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix caught my eye not only because of the big Limited Time Only tag, but because in the Asian version, I’d not seen a sweet cracker stick WITHOUT frosting.  And sugar cookie flavored??  What the heck.

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix: yeah, but how many calories per stick?

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix: That’s a whole LOTTA ingredients.

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix seem to have a frightening amount of components for something that looks just like a cracker stick with no other accoutrements. MSG AND salt? Butter AND margarine? Sugar AND sucralose?  Good luck, colon!

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix: SUGAR COOKIE DELIGHT!

When I opened this bag of Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix, the smell was undeniable – BUTTERY SUGAR COOKIE.  I mean, this was one of those situations where the smell of sugar cookie was soooo spot on, it made me a little worried how many chemicals went into producing this aroma.

The stick form was exactly like the Pocky and Pretz I was familiar with.  Fun to eat either bit by bit like a wood chipper, stick two in your mouth like a walrus, whatever – these are a fun shape.

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix

Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix: Invisble glaze

The first thing I noticed when I stuck on of these Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix in my mouth was the feeling of an invisible glaze.  Despite the fact that these Stix were not sticky at all, once my saliva activated the surface I could feel there was a layer of vanilla-ish sugar on the outsides.  The flavor was very much like a sugar cookie – vanilla plus sugar.

As I chewed the stick, the buttery starchiness emerged, mixed with the sugar, and produced, by golly, an amazing sugar cookie flavor.  Pringles got this RIGHT.  And what;s more, they reminded me of those butter cookies we all got in a tin, back in the day:

Butter Cookies

Butter Cookies

OH YEAH, THOSE.  These Stix reminded me a LOT of those.  I used to eat one cookie off the top of each paper sheath thinking my parents wouldn’t notice.

So, Limited Time Only Pringles Sugar Cookie Stix?  I like ’em.


COST: $2.99

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 8 Comments

  1. Lindemann says:

    I enjoy the juxtaposition of the first two tags on this post. Or perhaps the first three. Or four. But beyond that it’s not funny any more.

  2. Shorneys says:

    Next, on an all new Ow! My Balls!

  3. Kate says:

    Oh those butter cookie tins of my youth; how I yearn to relive the days when I didn’t know how to read a nutrition label!!!

  4. Rich says:

    Late to this post, but I have to recommend the other Pringles Stixs to you as well. All seem to be available in mini 80-calorie packs, 8 packs per box. The Sugar Cookie and Cheddar flavors are so good, 9.9 out of 10, and the Honey Butter flavor is truly a perfect 10. (And I am not an easy reviewer. I recently chucked a big new box of S’mores Krave cereal in the trash because frankly it was gross!)

    I can’t speak to the Pizza flavor Stix as I had heard they weren’t as good so have never tried them. If you have not yet reviewed the Honey Butter Stix and Cheddar Stix flavors I highly recommend you go for it!

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Rich: I’ve had the honey butter and you’re right, it’s pretty good. I feel overly compelled to devour the whole box though
