Review: Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits (Nougat Crunch, Caramel Brownie, Cookies n Cream) & Motorboating Girls…for Charity?

Junk Food Nation, it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!  If you’ve been watching pro football, you’ve probably noticed all the pink….on players, in the studios, and on the field.  I’m all for charities and organizations that help raise awareness regarding breast cancer and help fund breast cancer research.  While there is always a debate over these orgs in the business, political, and non-profit worlds, whether enough money is actually going to do good, whether too much money is going to certain areas, I think we can all agree – breast cancer = not good.

Because it’s Breast Cancer Awareness month, people all over have been engaging in their own efforts to support breast cancer research, including these three dudes in the YouTube video below.  Their premise: they will donate $20 for every girl that let’s them motorboat their…well, boobs.  Seriously.  And they managed to convince A TON OF GIRLS to allow this.

For those who live in a cave and don’t know what motorboating is, according to Urban Dictionary: “The act of sticking your face between a pair of ones breasts and shaking your head violently while making noises that resemble a motorboat.”  (BTW, that was one of the more tame descriptions on UD….yikes).

Anyways, these dudes filmed it too – just click play:

Now, of course, these guys have polarized many people….Huff Po is KILLING them, while others are saying it’s the greatest thing EVER (Bros, mainly). The coverage of this video has generally been negative…but as of this morning, the video had over 3 MILLION views. Um, that’s a lot. I have to admit, when I first heard about this premise, I thought, “There’s no way this would work – no one would let them do this.”  Then I watched the video, literally with my jaw dropped.  

So many different emotions, right?

Immature Male reaction: HOW HAVE I NOT BEEN DOING THIS ALWAYS?!  

Somewhat mature Male reaction: Er, how are these dudes not in handcuffs?

Positive spin: It’s for charity!  They’re just having fun!


I don’t know, Junk Food Nation – what do you think?  My biggest emotion is still my initial one – jaw dropped, look of disbelief on my face, regarding the whole thing generally.  Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Today’s junk food: Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits!

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits: The Money Shot

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits is Lindt’s mixed box collection of sweets comprised of flavors from their generally “Hello My Name Is…” line of chocolates.

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits: Three flavors in one!

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits contains Nougat Crunch bits, Caramel Brownie bits, and Cookies & Cream bits. I’ve reviewed Lindt’s Caramel Brownie flavor before, and my friend over at The Impulsive Buy has reviewed the Cookies & Cream.

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits: PRETTY

“Just For You With Pleasure.”  Yeah, I feel like that’s not correct English.

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits: PRETTY AGAIN!

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits collection has two pieces of nougat crunch (the upper right and lower left corners), three pieces of Caramel Brownie (The three HELLO pieces), and four Cookies & Cream hearts.  It IS a pretty collection, and NICE TO SWEET YOU is still a cute phrase.

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits: Square and engraved

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits: Nougat-y

These Nougat Crunch squares were made of milk chocolate and were very very smooth.  The outside was very soft, and the chocolate got all over my fingers, and the insides were light, whipped, and full of that caramel-y nougat-y flavor.  There wasn’t much “crunch” in my opinion – what little faint crunch it had was sparse.  Still, a tasty little bit.  Didn’t blow me away, but there was nothing wrong with it.

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits: GOODBYE

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits: LOOKS like a caramel brownie, no?

This caramel brownie bit was a little darker in chocolate flavor – it didn’t quite have the same bright milk chocolate flavor that the Nougat Crunch did.  It was good though – full of delightful caramel, and just a generally good confection.  Read my review of the Caramel Brownie bar here.

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits: AWH A HEART

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits

Lindt Hello We Are Some Chocolate Bits: C & C filling!

Finally, these Cookis & Cream hearts were very tasty.  Again, the chocolate shell was milk chocolate-y and soft to bit through.  The inside was a nice creamy filling that, when mixed with the rest of the chocolate outsides, made the entire thing taste like white chocolate.

Yeah, and that’s it.  All three chocolates were good, but nothing that blew me away.  Just tasty sweet chocolates.  A nice collection for Lindt to offer.

Have a good weekend folks!  See you Monday!


COST: $10.00

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 10 Comments

  1. TehBuLL says:

    “Immature Male reaction: HOW HAVE I NOT BEEN DOING THIS ALWAYS?!” …my one and only reaction. If I only knew taping a sign to my back could achieve so much…

  2. Lindemann says:

    I’m kind of freaked out by the idea that my chocolate could be talking to me. Just shut up and get in my mouth.

    Will have to wait until I am at home and not at work to watch that video!

  3. Devin says:

    Being completely honest, I had a goofy smile on my face the entire time I watched that video. Since all of the women agreed to it and it’s being done to charity, I don’t really see what there is to complain about.

  4. Heidi says:

    Great cause. Women know what they are subjecting themselves to. If I had anything larger than an A cup, I’d be game!

  5. Dr. Stanley Goodspeed says:

    One of those girls looked to be about 12. But I think this is a whole lot better than the entire NFL competing to see who can wear more pink for an entire month.
