Review: Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes & Pet Peeve Friday: Weaving and Walking

Junk Food Nation, it’s Pet Peeve Friday!  Pet peeve of the day: weaving and walking.  No, I’m not talking about drinking that causes you to weave while walking.  No, I’m not talking about hair extensions.  I’m talking about just regular old walking…and then changing direction BACK AND FORTH like you’re not sure where you’re going.

The way this often plays itself out for me is on the subway platform.  Here in DC, I take a lot of subways, or the Metro.  The platforms, while not skinny, are often packed with people.  And, in an effort to get where they want to be on the platform, most people head straight for that spot, and plant their ass.  Which is good – if I’m looking to get further down the platform than you, I can easily walk around you.

But SO OFTEN am I trapped behind a weaving walker.  Someone walking slower than normal who once I get behind them, suddenly changes direction so they block my path around them.  I step to the other side, and they have all of sudden decided to talk that way now.  This happens SEVERAL MORE TIMES.  This isn’t NASCAR, I’m not trying to draft behind you.  MOVE OUT OF THE WAY.

What is this, a pale summer morning where you’re wandering aimlessly through a meadow??  Stop moving all around, and let me get by you!!!  I feel like even though I’m coming from behind, you have eyes in the back of your head and you’re TRYING TO BOX ME OUT. Who are you, Shaq?? I mean, c’mon.  Usually I have a conga line of people behind me too, that when I do a side step swim move to get by the meandering fool, I end up boxing THEM out.  UGH.

So, all you weaving walkers – KNOCK IT OFF.  Just pick a direction, and walk in it.

Today’s junk food: Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes!

Limited Edition Arnott's Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes

Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes: The Money Shot

As I’ve stated before, Arnott’s Shapes are a line of crackers that I’ve been jonesing for for a while.  I did a “Junk Food Guy Seeking” post on it almost two years ago!  I even brought it up recently on Episode 5 of the Nosh Show that I NEEDED someone in the US to sell these Shapes.

Then Actor Sis and her friend Melissa got me some!!!  I reviewed the Chicken Crimpy flavor previously, and now I’m tackling the second box that was delivered: Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes!

Limited Edition Arnott's Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes

Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes: I SEE IT!

Limited Edition Arnott's Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes

Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes: There’s the woodfire oven!

Limited Edition Arnott's Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes

Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes: Worst cartoon ever.

Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes are apparently a pizza flavored cracker.  I love margherita pizzas, although, to be honest, when I first heard the term “margherita pizza,” I was an idiot and thought it had something to do with tequila.  I did.  This was before Wikipedia.

Limited Edition Arnott's Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes

Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes: GAMES???

Awh, how cute.  Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes has a game on the back of the box, like a cereal box does!  These “spot the difference” games are always so persnickety – it starts out “the one on the left has one button and the one on the right has three” and by the end the differences are “THE ONE ON THE LEFT IS PRINTED IN RGB COLOR AND THE ONE ON THE RIGHT IS CATHOLIC.”

Limited Edition Arnott's Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes

Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes: FOOD ACID.  YUM.

Limited Edition Arnott's Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes

Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes: Shaped like…slices of pizza?

As soon as I opened the box of these Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes, I could smell….tomato.  An artificial tomato smell, for sure, but a DISTINCT tomato smell, like I was sniffing the top of an open jar of sauce.  Like, legit sweet tomato smell.  Interesting.  Munch time!

The first flavor I got when I chewed these Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes was, indeed, the tomato sauce aspect of the “pizza.” Have you ever had a piece of crunchy bread dipped into some sauce?  Well, that’s what these tasted like, in cracker form.  It was pretty incredible, actually, how well Arnott captured that bread in tomato sauce taste…

Limited Edition Arnott's Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes

Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes

On top of that, the flavor of these Limited Edition Arnott’s Woodfired Margherita Pizzarama Shapes had a bit of creaminess to it – sort of like when you buy tomato sauce that has cheese already part of it, like a cheesy marinara, that sort of thing.  On the cracker, that small hint of cheese sort of reminded me of a margherita pizza, with it’s basic sauce-mozz-crust combo.  The sweetness of the cheese and sauce did go a bit too far in my mouth, however, and there were times when I felt like I was eating SpaghettiOs-crackers.  It’s that sweet cheesy tomato-y sauce…very bold.

Were the greener bits a basil or oregano blend?  A little bit…I could SORT of taste an italian blend of spices in the backdrop of everything, so that was nice.

All in all, I really liked these crackers!  They certainly reminded me more of pizza than most US based chips, which just throw some pizza-spice-zest on cheddar cheese (Combos and Doritos).  These actually tried to capture the flavor of a Margherita Pizza.  Didn’t like them as much as the Chicken Crimpy Shapes, but liked them well enough.  Still wondering why the US can’t make crackers like these.


COST: no clue

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s do this.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 4 Comments

  1. Shorneys says:

    1. The one on the left has 1 button, the one on the right has 3.
    2. The one on the left has 4 slices of pepperoni, the one on the right has 6.
    3. The one on the left has 3 pieces of flying cheese, the one on the right has 5.
    4. The one on the left has flames in the oven, the one on the right does not.
    5. The one on the left has 1 stripe on his left hand, the one on the right has 2.
    6. The one on the left has a tomato and pepper, the one on the right has two tomatoes.
    7. The one on the left has a shorter cheese than the one on the right.
    8. The one on the left has a sinister looking eyebrow, because the Latin word for left is sinister.

  2. Kellee Bender says:

    You mean to say that you’ve never had regular old pizza shapes… Or barbecue shapes… Or the cheddar ones?! Omfg, never going to where ever you’re at. At least six boxes of shapes make it into my trolley per weekly shopping trip.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Kellee: Yeah, I never had the old Pizza Shapes! Yeah, the lack of Arnott’s Shapes in my neck of the woods (Washington DC) is SEVERELY depressing 🙁 I kind of want to visit Australia with an empty backpack and just come home loaded up
