Review: Flamin’ Hot Fritos & The Nosh Show, Episode 4! Plus, Things I Hate: BUFFERING

Junk Food Nation, is there anything.  Anything.  ANYTHING as frustrating as when you’re trying to watch a YouTube clip, and the goddamn video won’t stop buffering.  It’s like getting to eat in four second increments.  Just punch me in the face, already.  As a YouTube-obsessed user, whenever this happens, I want to pick up my laptop, tie a grenade to it, pull the pin, and throw into the path of a moving truck that is also loaded with grenades. Is there any reason, in THIS DAY AND AGE, that we should have buffering EVER!? JUST LOAD ALREADY.

It’s also so frustrating when you’re trying to SHOW someone a video, and the movie won’t stop buffering.  COME ON, YOUTUBE, YOU’RE MAKING ME LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT HERE.  I always find myself re-assuring the viewer that this’ll be worth it, as we both stare at the red bar loading a millimeter per 30 seconds.  AAAAAARGH.

I know, I know, I’m complaining really about being impatient….BUT I’VE NEVER PRETENDED TO BE ANYTHING BUT IMPATIENT.

Thankfully, you don’t have to be impatient because THE NOSH SHOW EPISODE 4 IS OUT:

The Nosh Show!

The Nosh Show!

This week, Marvo from The Impulsive Buy, Ryan from Grub Grade, Dubba from On Second Scoop, and me, your friendly neighborhood Junk Food Guy, discuss the new Burger KIng attempt at the McRib, and we share some behind-the-scenes chuckles about writing our blogs.  It’s uber blog-nerdy.

To stay on top of The Nosh Show, you can subscribe to The Nosh Show on iTunes. Or if you don’t use iTunes, you can use this link to subscribe using your podcast player of choice. You can also follow The Nosh Show on its own blogTwitter, and Facebook page.  OR just listen to it, embedded above!

Today’s junk food is a true classic, nothing new, but one of my favorites: Flamin’ Hot Fritos!

Flamin' Hot Fritos

Flamin’ Hot Fritos: The Money Shot

I found these Flamin’ Hot Fritos at the 99 Cent Store in LA (spoiler alert for how much it cost….no one cares.  Ok, moving on).  Anyways, I looked at this bag curiously, and thought “Are these new, or not? Have I seen these before?”  I was racking my brain.  I hadn’t seen them on the East Coast, had I?

Then I realized DUH.  Of course, I’d seen them before…in the Taco Bell Beefy Crunch Burrito from almost three years ago!!!  The good people over at Grub Grade have an old school review of the burrito here.

Flamin' Hot Fritos

Flamin’ Hot Fritos: Tiny bag has 460 calories??? Yikes.

Anyways, I realized I used to eat these Flamin’ Hot Fritos ALL THE TIME.  Did they disappear off the shelves at some point?  I couldn’t remember.  My mind was in Inception.  Did they exist on the East Coast?   I bought them without waiting to find out.  Good lord, these have a lot of calories for a tiny 99 cent bag.

Flamin' Hot Fritos

Flamin’ Hot Fritos: NO LIME

As I looked over these Flamin’ Hot Fritos, I was glad to see no lime…I didn’t remember there being any back in the day, and wanted to make sure they hadn’t tweaked the formula.  I had to admit, this bag was throwing me off my game.  The 2004 Frito-Lay copyright inscription freaked me out too.  Am I eating nine year old chips?

Flamin' Hot Fritos

Flamin’ Hot Fritos: Super coated with powder

I popped some Flamin’ Hot Fritos into my mouth and chewed….classic Fritos crunch.  Nice and salty corn flavor.  Good initial savory taste, coming from the tomato powder and the MSG and the cheese and onion powders.  Where was the spice, however?

Flamin' Hot Fritos

Flamin’ Hot Fritos: RED RED RED

As I chewed more of these Flamin’ Hot Fritos, THERE was the spice.  It grew and grew, and while it didn;t overpower me at all, since I like spicy things, these definitely made my tongue tingle and made me cough once or twice.  Whooooo.  Nice lingering burn of these chips.

These reminded me a lot of Spicy Nacho Doritos, but with more corn chip flavor.  A truly classic snack that I was really happy to find still being sold, albeit in a 99 Cent Store in West LA.  Even if they have been there since 2004.  Or something. Cough.

PURCHASED AT: 99 Cent Store

COST: $0.99

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy


Discuss - 7 Comments

  1. Lindemann says:

    Fritos certainly taste the most caloric of the widely available chips. That deep frying goes super-deep on those little shells. That’s why you gotta pair them with a piquant dip or, in this case, dump a bunch of spice powder on them. In my opinion.

  2. Will says:


  3. Will says:


  4. Dr. Stanley Goodspeed says:

    Buffering? What is this, 1997?
