As Seen in LA & It’s Episode 3 of the Nosh Show! Plus, Titus Young and “24” is Coming Back???

Junk Food Nation, I’m back from LA, and I *think* back on a normal sleep schedule?  I dunno, I woke up a few times last night and thought I was in Narnia, so what do I know.  Lots to share, the first of which is THE NOSH SHOW EPISODE 3 IS OUT:

The Nosh Show!

The Nosh Show!

This new podcast features Marvo from The Impulsive Buy, Ryan from Grub Grade, Dubba from On Second Scoop, and me, your friendly neighborhood Junk Food Guy.  This week, the four of us discuss poutine-flavoured soda, bubble gum peeps, we come up with our own Ben & Jerry’s flavors and more!  There’s even a giveaway in this one.

To stay on top of The Nosh Show, you can subscribe to The Nosh Show on iTunes. Or if you don’t use iTunes, you can use this link to subscribe using your podcast player of choice. You can also follow The Nosh Show on its own blogTwitter, and Facebook page.  OR just listen to it, embedded above!

Next topic: Titus Young, former Detroit Lions receiver, has been arrested for the THIRD TIME IN ONE WEEK. The first time was for DUI, the second was for trying to steal his own car out of the tow lot, and the third was for trying to break into a house that he (maybe) thought was his own?  All I can say is wow. I guess they say, if you don’t succeed the first time, try try again.  If only he was this good at breaking down defenses.  Read all about this nutjob here

Final topic: FOX is bringing Jack Bauer and the 24 franchise back for one more limited 12-hour run???  You have GOT to be kidding me.  I was a huge 24 fan back in the day, but at some point during Season 6-7 when Jack Bauer was actually riding the motorcycle jumping the shark, I stepped away and never looked back.  Now, Jack Bauer is back again?  To do what?  Against who? Haven’t we explored every single conspiracy theory already?  What country has not been tabbed as an enemy yet?  I’m sure FOX will suck me in again, but damn.  Sometimes, you gotta let sh*t die.

Let’s check out some stuff I found in LA that I’d never seen here on the East Coast:

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

I know I’ve been complaining about how unhealthy Lunchables are… but I would totally eat these.  Ritz, cheese and cut up Slim Jims?  It’s a sodium filled smorgasbord!

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

Mac and Cheese that tastes like Cheese Pizza?  How, when there’s no red sauce?  And that slice of “cheese pizza” in the corner of the box looks like a skin flap.

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

HOW LAZY ARE WE? We not only need noodle dishes that can be made/nuked in 2 minutes, but we need the noodles pre-cut also???  Next they just need to include someone to spoon this swill into my open gaping lazy mouth.

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

How are caramel flavored Tootsie Pops “Limited Edition?” Maybe this bag is from 1989…

As Seen in LA

@ Vons

Ah-Ha!  Flavor crossovers.  Cold Stone Creamery -flavored Jelly Belly Beans?  What if Coldstone then use these jelly beans as mix-ins for their actual ice cream?? MIND BLOWN.

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

Come on… Irregular Jelly Beans?  Are we really trying to pretend this isn’t just a mistake batch that J-B is trying to pawn off onto the customer?

As Seen in LA

@ Vons

As Seen in LA

@ Vons

Cinna-Munch Drumsticks?? With a cinnamon caramel center?????  I need to tell my friends over on On Second Scoop about this…

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

I KNOW these aren’t new, but I’ve never seen one in person.  BRILLIANT IDEA though.  Everything should be Neapolitan.

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

So…you’re just beggining me to eat candle wax, is that what’s happening here?

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

Twisted Mallows look pretty gross. I can’t think of funny caption.  Just…yeeeeg. Looks chewy.

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

How many things can we find wrong/offensive/not-right with this bag of Shred-Mate? I can count four…can you?  Tell me in the comments below.

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

Of course, this finely shredded Ched-O-Mate looks equally unappealing. And why the heck would I use this in tacos when you have a perfectly good Mexican Cheese above?  Know your own brand, Shred-Mate.

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

Well, this just seemed appropriate for me, heh heh *hikes belt* Yes, that’s me, big hunk *looks around* What, nothing?  Nothing?  FINE.  *untucks shirt, eats frozen pizza*

As Seen in LA

@ 99 cent store

Which Pop-Tarts knockoff is better, do you think?  Tasty Pastries has a nice ring to it, but the Toast’em Pop-Ups seem to have more filling… What say you?

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy


Discuss - 15 Comments

  1. Nick Rovo says:

    A little late to the cone party;] Though we haven’t found the big cones yet, which look way more promising.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Nick: I figured you guys had already tried it. Still curious about the cinna-syrup center on these big ones

    • Nick Rovo says:

      @Eric, cinnamon caramel is some pretty awesome stuff and is underutilized in my mind. I can only think of a couple of flavors that use a legit cinnamon caramel so I’m hoping Nestle can help promote it’s usefulness. That is unless they botch it completely, then I’ll be very disappointed..

  2. Lindemann says:

    Things that are wrong with the cheese:

    1. That cheese is coarsely shredded
    2. “Chile” is spelled wrong
    3. Imitation cheddar? Barf
    4. Oregano? Really?

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Lindemann: Your #1 was my first thought, LOL. I also thought since when is Mexican cheese cheddar cheese mixed with spices? Other brands at least try to mix in some jack cheese in there somewhere. It shouldn’t just be FLAVORED cheddar cheese. Gross.

  3. Marvo says:

    That Nissin Top Ramen with short noodles made me laugh. I hope it wasn’t more expensive than regular Top Ramen. You know, 35 cents instead of the usual 33 cents.

  4. Californian says:

    I’m surprised they’ve packaged Belly Flops for larger consumer retail. I’ve only before seen them at the Jelly Belly Factory itself. All they are is the jelly beans that don’t LOOK like perfect beans (ever notice how every single jelly bean you buy is perfect?). Having bought huge bags of them before, I can say they taste exactly like their perfectly-shaped brethren.

  5. I like how they couldn’t manage to put the crackers on the side where it says crackers and the meat on the side that says meat. It like a fun little brain teaser before the salt starts in on you. Like ‘this is a circle’ next to a picture of a triangle.

    Oh yum, can’t beat ‘artificially flavored vanilla frozen dairy dessert’!

    “What if Coldstone then use these jelly beans as mix-ins for their actual ice cream” Well, if Doritos and Taco Bell are any guide – Jelly Belly will then release Jelly Belly-flavored Coldstone Creamery ice cream-flavored jelly beans.

  6. Dubba says:

    avoid the cold stone jelly belly jelly beans, so not worth it

    neopolitan in an ice cream sandwich is always kind of a fail for me, but maybe no one has done it right yet. i’m too much a traditionalist i guess.

  7. Sascha says:

    Titus Young has become such a waste of space. As a Lions fan, I’ll say he showed a lot of talent in his rookie season, and started off well last year, before basically cutting himself. Not sure how much of his skill was due to playing opposite Megatron, but he looked like a very legit #2 that could’ve eventually become another team’s #1. Doesn’t look much different from an Antonio Brown. But now, of course, he decided to be scum instead.

    I have seen the Cold Stone JB’s and the flavored Mac n’ Cheeses here on the East side.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Sascha: Agree. I mean, it’s clear he has issues, and I am not one to make light of that, but then don’t put yourself in dangerous situations. Sad. He was very talented – quick, downfield threat.
