Review: Tostitos Cantina Sopapilla Cinnamon & Sugar Tortilla Chips & Do You Like Cinnamon?
JFG Nation, yesterday I showed a co-worker the 3-lb Cinnamon Roll that I got from Sam’s Club, and her first comment was, “oh….I’m not really a cinnamon person.” Wtf? I wasn’t asking her to eat the photo; I was showing her how ridiculously massive the roll was.
Plus, what does that mean? You don’t like the taste of cinnamon? Who doesn’t like the taste of cinnamon? It goes into everything during the holidays, it’s part of every spice blend coffee, and it’s just tasty. Mind you we were talking about a cinnamon spice in a cake, not some generic Big Red, Fireball cinnamon flavor.
So tell me – do you even like cinnamon? And *I* the weird once to think most people like cinnamon? I’m not taking about whether cinnamon is your FAVORITE, or first choice, or if you have an allergy to cinnamon, I’m taking generally – does the presence of cinnamon turn you off? Sound off in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: Tostitos Cantina Sopapilla Cinnamon & Sugar Tortilla Chips!!
A sweet Tostitos chip! Cool. Makes sense – Frito Lay made the cinnamon and sugar Cheetos, aka Cheetos Sweetos, they have cinnamon and sugar Stacy’s Pita Chips, and now these. Wake me when they make cinnamon and sugar Funyuns.
WHY OR WHY NOT? There is really nothing complicated about these, especially if you’ve ever eaten a cinnamon and sugar cereal or had bunuelos in Mexican restaurants. It’s cinnamon and sugar on a crunchy thin tortilla chip. What’s not to like?
The taste was slightly buttery and the chops weren’t too sweet. The sugar was a little more dominant than any salt but these were only slightly sweet. Great balance with the cinnamon, which was nice and bold.
Very tasty. A light thin snack that was hard to stop eating.
ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW? These tasted a LOT like the Sweet Cinnamon Wheat Thins from years back. Tasty tasty tasty.
PURCHASED AT: Safeway, Bethesda, MD.
COST? $2.99.

Discuss - 6 Comments
I don’t consider myself a cinnamon person either. Cinnamon gum, mints and toothpaste are wrong, just wrong (Cinnamon is NOT a mint!).
I like things that have a light cinnamon flavor, like the Halo Top Oatmeal Cookie Ice Cream I had for breakfast this morning or regular oatmeal cookies. But not snicker doodles, too much cinnamon there.
I LOVE cinnamon. Even cinnamon flavored toothpastes like Close Up are dangerous because I want to ingest! I can totally see these chips in a sundae with some french vanilla ice cream and Torani Caramel syrup. Yum!
Cinnamon is fantastic, it should be sprinkled on everything possible
Cinnamon is delicious and good for us!
I thought these were just ok. They had potential to be great but came off as a little too artificial to me. A thicker chip, more liberal salting, and simple cinnamon/sugar mixture (rather than also incorporating buttermilk powder) might have helped impart a more natural, churro-like experience. That being said, they were going for sopapilla, not churro, so maybe just wishful thinking on my part!
I will always prefer cocoa to cinnamon, but cinnamon has it’s place. Since I’m supposed to be cutting down on caffeine, my wake-up drink lately has been a mix of cinnamon and ginger with some sweetener in hot water. In these chips, I’d much rather have a Mexican Cocoa dusting. Still, these sound pretty good.