Review: New Stacy’s Toasted Cheddar Pita Chips & Brief Hiatus

JFG Nation, you know how sometimes I blog for three days straight and then drop off the face of the earth without saying anything? Yeah. My bad.

I’m here telling that I’ll be off the grid until Monday because I have a lot of personal life things to take care of. But fear not – I’ll be back Monday!

Today’s junk food: New Stacy’s Toasted Cheddar Pita Chips!!

Every time I see a bag of Stacy’s Pita Chips the riff “Stacy’s mom has got it goin on” goes off in my head. I have a secret obsession with early 2000’s pop rock.


WHY OR WHY NOT? These are just DAMN GOOD PITA CHIPS, plain and simple. Classic Stacy’s quality – good crunch, good toast, nice huge pieces, both flat and folded over. And then there’s just a deep cheddar flavor baked into the chip itself. Sharp and cheesy, these chips scratched every itch that a human tongue wants – salty, fatty, slightly creamy, crunchy. This might be one of my favorite cheese crackers / chips, EVER.

“Stacy’s chips have got it goin on…”

ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW? Buy two bags. They go fast.

PURCHASED AT: Safeway, Bethesda, MD.

WHERE FOUND IN STORE? Standalone display in the deli section amongst all the other pita chips and hummus dips.

COST? $2.50.



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Discuss - 2 Comments

  1. Juvi says:

    At least by me, these have been around for a couple years now. They do come and go from my local store, though. I agree with you, these are the best of all the Stacy’s chips.

  2. Sakib says:

    Don’t like pitta chips, the texture is weird. I like crisps that are really crunchy and crinkled.
