Review: BBQ Steak Pringles (from China) & WIZ STILL TORCH
Happy Valentine’s Day, JFG Nation! Let’s talk about some weird foreign chips!
Oh wait, one thing about the Washington Wizards:
You really just need to see this again in slo-mo. #WizThunder Monstrous Moment pres. by @MonsterProducts
— Washington Wizards (@WashWizards) February 14, 2017
That’s the Wiz smokin’ the OKC Thunder. That’s not the Nets, folks. Ok, now let’s get to the chips –
Today’s junk food: BBQ Steak Pringles!
My Doctor Sis bought me these BBQ Steak Pringles on a recent trip – eating something from a foreign country is always a bit dicey. What are the ingredients? WHO KNOWS? CAN’T READ IT! What are these supposed to taste like? The English translation might as well be a crap shoot. So when these say BBQ Steak – but then the picture is of a shish kabob, clearly – what am I supposed to expect?
WHY OR WHY NOT? When I opened the can, these smelled slightly beefy. When I placed a chip into my mouth and crunched, I knew exactly what I was eating – ramen noodles. Dried ramen noodle snack. I GREW UP EATING DRIED RAMEN NOODLES OR RAMEN SNACK. So these tasted FANTASTIC. These tasted EXACTLY like dried ramen noodles, right down to the slight greasiness of the chip itself. That bit of oily taste/feeling that comes from munching on a deep fried ramen noodle block? That was here. The seasoning was straight up ramen noodle beef seasoning packet. IT WAS UNMISTAKEABLE. Beef seasoning packet. So, all in all, these tasted great.
ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW? You don’t need to go to China to get this flavor. Just go to your local grocery, buy a packet of Maruchan beef noodle soup. Open it up, and sprinkle the seasoning packet on it. Chomp. Done. Oh, and if the idea of eating dried ramen noodles sounds gross to you, as your nearest Asian friend. They will sing its praises; trust me I’m not the only one who does this.
PURCHASED AT: Somewhere in China.
COST? No idea.

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These are also available in Germany, called “Texas BBQ Sauce”. My favorite Pringles by far, the only exception is “Salt & Pepper”, which is not available anymore 🙁