Review: Quest Beyond Waffle Cereal Protein Bar & Pie: During Thanksgiving Dinner vs. AFTER Thanksgiving Dinner?

JFG Nation, it’s time to settle a second important disagreement tearing the nation apart. Since Thanksgiving is Thursday, that means one thing: PIE. Now for those of you who have pie with your Turkey Day, here’s the question:

Is your pecan/pumpkin/sweet potato pie served WITH Thanksgiving dinner, or served AFTER Thanksgiving dinner?

I’m amazed that there’s a split but APPARENTLY THERR IS. Some people have Thanksgiving as a free for all – everything comes out at the same time: meat. Salad. Pies. Snacks. Cheese. Rolls. You fix a plate and go.

While others only have pie once the savory portion of the meal is done, like a dessert course. I grew up doing this, but I’ve learned that most of my friends do the former. Which seems like a whole new world to me – you can eat pie BEFORE your turkey??? Mind. Blown.

So which way is correct, JFG Nation? Let me know in the comments below.

Today’s review: Quest Beyond Waffle Cereal Protein Bars!


Quest Beyond Waffle Cereal Protein Bars!! The second flavor of cereal protein bar that was sent to me. When I see waffle flavor, I’m looking for syrup, butter, and batter flavor.



Quest Beyond Waffle Cereal Protein Bars also contain allulose. I see butter in the ingredients too, so that box is checked.


When I opened one of these Quest Beyond Waffle Cereal Protein Bars, the smell of maple syrup smacked me in the face. It was unmistakeable.








The Quest Beyond Waffle Cereal Protein Bar was covered with a bit of “frosting.” It looked more like a Rice Krispy treat to me that anything else…


…and the consistency of these Quest Beyond Waffle Cereal Protein Bars was very Rice Krispy treat-like too! Soft, chewy, and almost marshmallow-y-feeling.

The flavor was spot on. It tasted like maple syrup through and through and the bar itself had good notes of butter and batter flavor. It didn’t obviously taste exactly like a waffle – the underlying yeast-y protein bar flavor seeped through a little – but generally the flavor was perfect.

I liked yesterday’s cinnamon roll flavor a lot but date I say I liked the waffle flavor slightly better. These were good.

PURCHASED AT: Sent to me

COST: Looks like you can buy a box of 15 for $24.99 online



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Discuss - 6 Comments

  1. Sue says:

    After dinner, for dessert. Even our sweet potatoes are in the dessert area after dinner because they are covered in brown sugar and walnuts.

  2. MP says:

    After dinner. But I’m learning every Thanksgiving dinner is different; especially in different parts of the country. We always started the dinner with a juice glass of V8 or Clamato, if that’s weird.

  3. Sean E. says:

    Damn right these are better! Also, pie after dinner. What are these heathens thinking?

  4. Elisa says:

    Pie comes out for the dessert table on Thanksgiving. Since a lot of people show up at my aunt’s house, it’s self-service for the main meal.

    Safe travels everyone!

  5. Alley says:

    I’m a little weirded out by the concept of pie *during* the main meal, to be honest. Then again, I’m also weirded out by people that do their Thanksgiving meal at like, one in the afternoon. We’re barely into the appetizers at that point and the pies come much later, as dessert.

    • MP says:

      We’ve always done it at 2pm. Plus you get sandwiches for 6, 7, or 8pm, which some say is the best part.
