Review: Vanilla Milkshake Whoppers & Worst Thing You Ever Received Trick Or Treating?
JFG Nation, Halloween is right around the corner! Some of you have kids and are taking them trick or treating, some of you are going trick or treating yourselves, and others of you are just going out to throw eggs at people’s houses. You know who you are.
When I was a kid, there were definite favorites that I hoped to get on Halloween. Obviously full size anything was great, but in terms of actual candy, any name-brand candy was always the winner: Snickers, 3 Musketeers, etc. Basic Hershey’s bars were next in the ranking – there’s no chance I’m choosing to eat a Hershey’s with almonds instead of a PayDay. No – PayDay goes into the mouth, Hershey’s with almonds sits in the tub until all the PayDays are gone.
But then I was thinking: what’s the worst thing I’ve ever received for Halloween? My friend J. said one place used to give out bags of change. Like, pennies. What the hell, man? You’re basically avoiding going to the Coinstar and depriving me of my Take 5s!
I got a toothbrush one year, which quite frankly is BS. Don’t push you “clean teeth” agenda on me on Halloween! Halloween is about destroying my teeth and stomach with sugar! I don’t need Oral B, I need M&M’s! The other thing I remember getting is religious pamphlets. Ok, look – I’m not dissing religion at all, but a conversion pamphlet? On Halloween? In a little kid’s bucket? I just think there’s a time and a place.
So what’s the worst thing you’ve received? Let me know in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: Vanilla Milkshake Whoppers!
Vanilla Milkshake Whoppers – I’ve been seeing these all over social media and I finally found them! Are they new? Who knows – new to me!
I enjoy Whoppers, and I like the Strawberry Milkshake Whoppers that have been around. Vanilla Milkshake Whoppers? Let’s do this.
Vanilla Milkshake Whoppers have a white coating that is different than the standard chocolate coating. When I chomped them, I have to be honest — I thought they had the same malted flavor I know and love from regular Whoppers.
However, the more I chewed the more I definitely got a really sweet and distinctly vanilla flavor. Definitely vanilla flavor…was it vanilla milkshake flavor? I mean, since Whoppers remind me of malts, I guess this was sort of like vanilla milkshake?
All in all, I liked these – they were everything you’d expect a vanilla Whopper to be. I still like the strawberry ones better though.
Have you had these? Let me know in the comments below.
PURCHASED AT: Walmart, Germantown, MD
COST: $0.99

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Worst: religious pamphlets, anything with coconut, nuts or raisins, Snickers, hard candy with jelly centers (it would cut up my tongue sucking on them), caramel taffy on a stick, those chewy peanut butter things and of course, candy corn.
My favorites were always stuff we never had at home, like Smarties, Sweetarts, Butterfinger, Kit Kat, Reese’s peanut butter cups, Peppermint Patties. This was the mid-late 1980s so there wasn’t as much variety as there is today.
It was a head, like, a human head.
I didn’t realize it was in the bag until I got home (it was a baby’s head, it was pretty small).
But, yeah, that was pretty much the worst thing I ever got for Halloween.
Worst: Raisins & Pennies. I remember when my neighbors whom passed away few years ago due to old age (94 & 96) gave me pennies for Halloween. I was a kid that time I told them “CHEAPSKATES! Get real candies” and my mother had to apologize to them. Then I realize later on pennies does count up and putting in the bank.
Raisins; the horrible crinkly dried totally chewy ones. BLECH!
Raisins. I eat them now but it’s not like they’re my favorite snack. But I did love the house that gave out nickles. I am my penny-pinching mother’s daughter.
I agree with my fellow posters on raisins, but I also remember that feeling of immense disappointment when you realize you just have empty wrappers without any candy when you go to investigate your grand haul later.
Those horrible peanut butter chews in black and orange wrappers.
Any small plastic ring or do dad. Man, I want candy!
These first came out in 2009 as an Easter item, and now they’ve come back as a permanent item. I hope the blueberry ones come back sometime later too, I never got to try them