Review: Limited Edition Hostess Pumpkin Spice Twinkies & Chicago Food vs. Cleveland Food
JFG Nation, the World Series is set: the Cleveland Indians vs. the Chicago Cubs. Both have storied histories. Both have no World Series wins for a very long time. Both cities are clamoring and the stakes have never been higher. For one city, their long baseball headache will be remedied.
But which city has the better food? I’m not talking restaurants generally; I mean signature city dishes. Cleveland’s signature dish, according to Google and Wiki, is a Polish Boy – grilled kielbasa sausage on bun with BBQ sauce, coleslaw, and either fries or potato chips in the sandwich too. That sounds like an auto heart stop.
Chicago has, meanwhile, their classic Deep Dish Pizza – a high edge pie with tons of cheese and a chunky tomato sauce. Some people don’t think of it as pizza, but I think it’s tasty nonetheless.
So the question for you, JFG Nation, is which one would you prefer? Let me know in the comments below.
(As for me, I’m torn. I actually love deep dish pizza, and I’ve never had a Polish Boy but the combo of kielbasa and coleslaw sounds killer. I dunno – someone convince me why one is better than the other.)
Today’s junk food: Limited Edition Hostess Pumpkin Spice Twinkies!!
These Limited Edition Hostess Pumpkin Spice Twinkies came out last year but I never found them because the junk food gods hate me. Yes there are junk food gods. One is named Larry, I think.
Limited Edition Hostess Pumpkin Spice Twinkies are NOT the Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake Twinkies which are new this year. No these cakes are just basic pumpkin spice.
I feel like Twinkie the Kid should be holding a pumpkin or something ….lost opportunity, Hostess. Do you expect he FLAVOR of these Limited Edition Hostess Pumpkin Spice Twinkies to be enough??? I demand thematic decoration!
Limited Edition Hostess Pumpkin Spice Twinkies contain both tallow and hydrogenated tallow. You know, in case you were worried you weren’t going to get all your food groups in.
I could smell cinnamon through the wrapper of these Limited Edition Hostess Pumpkin Spice Twinkies. Visually they look like regular Twinkies.
The inside of these Limited Edition Hostess Pumpkin Spice Twinkies is, however, some sort of pale beige nonsense. Not the most appetizing color but whatever – good taste will win me over.
I bit and chewed and ….. oof these were greasy. The Twinkie cake itself was standard Twinkie fare (maybe even greasier than I remember.) Was there pumpkin spice flavor? I have to be honest – not really. Lots of cinnamon and a slight bit of additional spice profiles that remind me of what would go into a Pumpkin bread or something, but nothing distinctly PUMPKIN.
Lame…these are not worth it at all. Avoid.
PURCHASED AT: Walmart, Germantown, MD
COST: $2.97

Discuss - 7 Comments
I would go with Chicago, but not just because of the deep dish pizza. They are also known for really great cheesecake and Chicago dogs. I can’t think of what else Cleveland has going for it. Also Little Debbie makes a good pumpkin swirl cake…kind of like a ho ho without the shell.
Chicago also has the greatest sandwich (most) people have never had: the Italian Beef. Plus the all-beef hot dog with the steamed poppy seed bun that’s been dragged through the garden. No ketchup, of course.
Deep dish (either stuffed or not) is just pan pizza anyway. It should be noted that according to pizzerias, the thin crust outsells the deep dish 100:1, and is cut into party-style (squares). What makes the thin crust is its cracker-like crust, marinara sauce, and mozzarella cheese heavily piled on and sprinkled with oregano.
Deep dish all the way! Anything stuffed with so much cheese you can strettch it out feet into the air when lifting a slice is the winner 🙂
Go figure, I really enjoyed these. If you have extra leftover (you may not like this combination if you really, really hated these), I highly recommend slicing them and then using the twinkie as a bun for hotdogs. I used an Oscar Meyer wiener and you wouldn’t expect it, but it tasted really good together! Perfect salty and sweet combination and they fit perfectly. I actually recommended it to another food blogger who tried it and agreed it was delicious. You should give it a shot, this needs to be more known! (
Despite being a quarter Polish, gimme Chicago Deep Dish any day of the week over a Polish boy. Whether or not it’s pizza, I don’t care; its awesomeness.
Now you just need to do a head to head with the Pumpkin Cheesecake Twikies.
I know they’re Twinkies and everything, but it appears that you ate them one day before the expiration date. Perhaps they were old?
Umm…pumpkin flavored things taste like pumpkin. Pumpkin spice flavored things taste like the spices that are often paired with pumpkin. I feel like the promise of pumpkin dupes people into buying these products every year. They should just call them “holiday spice”.