Review: La Boqueria Market, Part 2: SWEETS
JFG Nation, yesterday I discussed some DO’s and DONT’s when you visit the La Boqueria Market in Barcelona. I also focused primarily on the savory side of things. Today if like to give you just a couple more tips but primarily walk you through the sweet things I spotted.
At La Boqueria Market, there are TONS of fresh fruit juices, pre juiced pre mixed pre blended in cups like these:
DO walk further into the La Boqueria Market to shop around for the best price and freshest looking juice – the ones on the outside tend to be a euro more than others, and some booths have clearly settled juices that you should avoid (when you see the liquid divided into two halves it means it’s been sitting there a while). But buy a juice and enjoy!
I got a fresh mango and orange juice that made me wanna dance it was so good.
Want chocolate covered fruit? La Boqueria Market has you covered.
La Boqueria Market has plenty of other chocolatey confections too. In this picture alone I can spot candied nuts, chocolate covered brownies, chunks of chocolate, macarons, chocolate covered macarons, bon bons…
(Let’s zoom closer) …donuts, cookies covered in chocolate, candy bars. Drool.
La Boqueria Market had lots of stands of confections! This was a different stand that had even more varieties of cookies, bon bons, and tons of dried fruit galore!!!
Did I mention La Boqueria Market has gelato? Well they do, in a variety of flavors.
Snickers, Oreo, and Nutella are always going to be a hit, but Sangria? Mojito? Now that’s unique.
DO NOT MISS the gummy candy displays at La Boqueria Market. This was my favorite part, as a gummy fan. If you can think of it, someone probably made it with gummy sugar and are selling it at the market. Long strips, small bites – all there.
And the shapes were so creative. You can see sunny side up egg shapes, blue sharks, wads of bananas…
…someone even took the time to make french fries, burritos, burgers, hot dogs, and buckets of KFC! This is a really fun way to get a stomach ache eating too many gummy candies.
So that’s my walk through of La Boqueria market – I hope you all get a chance to see it at some point. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Happy Tuesday!

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This looks AWESOME, espeically the gummies! I could look at those all day! I was in Barcelno for just a day and unfortunately missed this place – I need to go back!
OH MY GOD! That looks delish. I love how the gelatos are topped and having the actual snickers bar in there
Reminds me of a similar market in Budapest! 🙂
Wowwwwww! That is my heaven…..