Review: La Boqueria Market, Part 1 & The Nosh Show, Ep. 89: Brunchfail
JFG Nation, it’s Monday, so let’s get to it: EPISODE 89 OF THE NOSH SHOW IS HERE!
For you new arrivals, The Nosh Show is a podcast started by Marvo from The Impulsive Buy, featuring Ryan from GrubGrade, Dubba from On Second Scoop, and, of course, me, your friendly neighborhood JFG. And today marks the release of The Nosh Show, Episode 89: Brunchfail!
This week: “Peeps Oreo Cookies, Toasted Marshmallow Milano Cookies, beef jerky trail mixes, Wendy’s Taco Salad, and much more.” You can listen embedded here:
You can subscribe to The Nosh Show using various services: iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, RSS.
Today’s review: La Boqueria Market!
La Boqueria Market is one of the places everyone recommended; it was a “must-visit” once someone heard the JFGal and I were visiting Barcelona. The famous market is an outdoor foodie haven; a collection of vendor booths that rivals the Fancy Good Show except that it happens every day. Imagine a huge farmer’s market and then multiply it x10. That’s the La Boqueria Market.
Incidentally, because there are soooo many people there squeezing by each other trying to buy meat cups, it’s also a place where pickpockets apparently do a lot of business. The JFGal kept her purse slung over a shoulder in front of her and I kept my wallet in my front pocket, so we were fine. I think the old axiom holds true: “Just don’t be a f—ing moron and you’ll be cool.” I think Edison said that.
La Boqueria Market was CROWDED. Before visiting, we read up on all the DO and DONT tips, so I’d like to share some with you:
In La Boqueria Market, DON’T just buy the first thing you see. These baskets of nuts of every type looked AMAZING but further into the market there were some other incredible displays of nuts that were even cheaper. Like most places, the places on the outskirts of the market can jack up their prices because they know they’ll catch the most foot traffic. Avoid.
Still…those nuts looked amazing.
In La Boqueria Market, DO shop around because there are plenty of competitors out there. Take these awesome displays of fried seafood above. They look awesome, but what if you only really wanted the crab and calamari and not the fried fish? Well then:
You walk around the corner and there you go – someone else only selling crab and calamari for 1 euro cheaper. Boom.
In La Boqueria Market, DO keep in mind how messy everything is. These cool looking breakfast cups complete with potato, sausage, and a runny egg look great, and these wasn’t a napkin box in sight. Yolk on the fingers is like having paint on the fingers – it’s gonna get EVERYWHERE. Plus, I’m pretty sure dried egg yolk is basically the same as Gorilla Glue.
In La Boqueria Market, DON’T ignore the take out signs. I.e. Not everything that you buy at the market is meant to be eaten RIGHT THESE. It’s obvious with raw fish and meat, etc., but it’s true for other items too! These empanadas looked amazing, were super cheap…and were meant to be heated in an oven at home.
This is me eating an ice cold giant ham croquette at La Boqueria Market because I ignored the take out sign. It was good, but it would have been soooo much better if there was a toaster oven or deep fryer somewhere.
The La Boqueria Market is also a place of assorted eggs! DON’T miss this really cool booth if you go – they sold all types of eggs including gigantic Ostrich eggs and tiny quail eggs. Super cool. To me. Whatever, wanna fight about it?
La Boqueria Market also has lots of fresh fish and seafood for sale. DO try to find the elusive fish stand that someone said will cook your raw seafood for you right these in the market on the flattop grill. I tried to find it. I was unsuccessful. Someone find it and tell me which booth it is.
And finally:
DON’T worry: La Boqueria Market has plenty of meat to go around. Look:
La Boqueria Market; it’s a beautiful place. Just watch your wallet. Tomorrow: the sweet side of the market to complement today’s savory pictures!
Let me know what you think in the comments below. Happy Monday!

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One of the favorite places I have ever been in my life.
My hotel on Las Ramblas for work years ago was literally a few steps away.
Just awesome on every level.
By the way, congrats on your Bills.
Looks amazing. Can’t wait to see the sweets. Wish we had more of these types of markets here. Except for a select few, and none in my state, we’re sadly lacking.
Re-reading the Boqueria posts and the market still looks just as incredible.
If I ever went to Spain I know I’d be there all day.