REVIEW: Pringles LOUD Fiery Chili Lime & Stop Standing Up When You Don’t Have To, Metro Riders
JFG Nation, I just wanted to report on another ridiculous situation I witnessed on the Metro last week. Here is another example of people being overly polite, and it benefits NO ONE.
I was on a crowded train, and after pulling into a stop, people started to get on. A younger woman offered her seat to an older woman. Nice, right? Here’s how it went down:
Younger woman: “would you like to sit?”
Older woman: “no that’s ok, but thank you.”
And that should have been the end of it. THE END OF IT. But no – this transpired next:
YW: “oh but I’m getting off at the next stop.”
OW: “oh so am I. It’s ok, thank you.”
And THAT should have been the end of it, right? NOPE:
YW: *stares at Older Woman for brief second, gets up anyways* *stares at the Older Woman*
OW: *notices what the Younger Woman is doing but tries to avoid eye contact, because WTF, I just told her I didn’t want to sit down*
So now BOTH women are standing, there’s an empty seat, and it’s a crowded train. Repeat, A CROWDED TRAIN. BOTH people sort of stand next to the seat awkwardly, and both glance at each other occasionally while the next leg of the trip is happening, looking away quickly anytime they briefly make eye contact.
Heck, I would’ve sat down if I was close enough, but whatever. This happens a lot of the DC Metro – people who are so polite that everyone stands to let someone else sit, no one sits because they don’t want to be the person who took advantage of someone else’s good will, and the train gets super crowded because EVERYONE IS STANDING AROUND EMPTY SEATS.
Please, everyone, knock it off. Just sit down. You’re killing me. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: Pringles LOUD Fiery Chili Lime!!
Pringles LOUD Fiery Chili Lime! Another new LOUD flavor, this time back on the corn chip – like the Pringles Tortillas.
The problem with all the chili lime flavors I’ve ever eaten – they tend to taste a little Froot Loop-y, artificially lime-y. The worst offender were the chili lime Dinamitas. UGH. Hopefully, these Pringles LOUD Fiery Chili Lime won’t go down that road.
When I opened these Pringles LOUD Fiery Chili Lime, and sniffed, I sort of burned my nostrils. The savory chili aroma was great – couple by a STRONG TANG “smell,” like when you smell Salt & Vinegar chips. Woo! Didn’t expect that. Also, I detected some notes of cumin.
I munched some Pringles LOUD Fiery Chili Lime…and you, a little Froot Loop-y. The line was definitely artificial tasting. Thankfully, the chili flavor WAS BOLD. Wow. This is definitely the first flavor of the ones I’ve tried that was “LOUD.”
As I chewed, the lime faded into the savory chili flavor and the resulting chip taste was surprisingly good; i.e. the initial line shock didn’t deter me from wanting to munch this whole can. The savory bold and spicy chip accomplished what I wanted – it had a loud enough flavor that made me want to suck air into my mouth.
All in all, one of the better chili left me chips I’ve had despite the initial fruit cereal taste. Nice work, Pringles. Buy.
Purchased at: They will be out in Jan 2017 at Family Dollar, and probably other places too!
Cost: I’m sure they’ll be decently cheap

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I’m just glad to see some people being polite. You don’t see that much on MARTA in Atlanta, which is why I avoid it at all costs.
Well I guess chivalry is dead, way to hate on someone for trying to be polite to the eldery. You’re one step away from yelling at the young whippersnappers to stay off your lawn…
Sounds like Minnesota, and the opposite of where we live now – Chicago.
When kindness reaches awkwardness…..yaah, sure, you betcha.
Can’t wait to taste all of these Pringles!
never stop blogging about your metro stress
This is really hot, but not that sour.