Review: New Brach’s Brunch Favorites Candy Corn (Target Exclusive) & How Do You Pack For Trips?
JFG Nation, I’m going to be traveling for the next few days so I had a question – what type of packer are you for your upcoming trip? My parents are the type who gradually pack through the course of a week leading up to a trip. I am the type who typically makes a list throughout the week like an OCD weirdo and then pack things the night before, checking things off on the list.
The JFGal is more of a Jedi-packer, she can just open a suitcase and meander about the house grabbing what she needs for an hour straight, zip up the bag, and say “DONE.” Proceeded by flopping on couch, firing up Netflix. I’ve seen people do the “scan” – they will stand in the center of a closet or room and slowly rotate, deciding yes or no on things/clothes in their line of vision. Yes that shirt goes in the bag. No the trash can can stay where it is.
And I of course have had some friends who basically are scramble packers – no folding, no thinking, no planning. An hour before a flight they are throwing things into bags, leaving their glasses at home, bringing more shirts than needed, forgetting passports and phone chargers. They have the mentality “eh, if I really need it, I’ll buy it there.”
So what kind of packet are you? Let me know in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: New Brach’s Brunch Favorites Candy Corn!!
New Brach’s Brunch Favorites Candy Corn is the latest Halloween/Fall/Autumn abomination unleashed on our tongues. Only available at Target! The golden/orange leaves on the bag suggest that we can only brunch in the Fall. HA! I’ll eat slow cooked omelets all year round, suckas.
New Brach’s Brunch Favorites Candy Corn come in three flavors – French Toast & Maple Syrup, Waffles & Strawberry, and Chocolate Chip & Pancakes. Just one chip? Just one strawberry? Whatever, Brachs. You need to learn how to plural.
Each piece of Candy Corn is less than 10 calories, but gives you 100% of your feeing of “am I eating wax teeth?”
I opened this New Brach’s Brunch Favorites Candy Corn, and the smell that wafted out was … Like a big vat of maple syrup had been dumped on my head. Seriously. That’s all I smelled.
The chocolate chip & pancake corns had the brown tips, the Waffles and Strawberry corns were the red ones, and the French Toast and Maple Syrup ones were the gold with white tips.
The French Toast and Maple Syrup corns were the easiest to get the flavor profile – the candy corn was heavily flavored with maple sugar so the taste was there right away. Add onto that a bit of egginess and butter flavor and I could taste the French Toast (maybe half forcing the flavor in my head, but whatever). Could’ve used more cinnamon, but a good representation nonetheless.
Wagfles and Strawberry was decent – the artifice strawberry taste was prevalent but there was enough butteriness in the candy corn to remind me of a buttery waffle. It had a decent amount of maple syrup flavor in balance with the strawberry flavor, so I could see where they were going with it. I still would’ve liked more strawberry flavor, but these weren’t bad.
The Chocolate Chip & Pancakes corns were probably the least successful. I got lots of maple syrup flavor, which I guess fed the pancake taste, and there was a bit of deeper chocolate flavor but not very much. It didn’t have quite the chocolate flavor I wanted … The maple flavor quickly morphed into super sweet candy corn flavor and any semblance of Chocolate Chip & Pancakes disappeared.
All in all, eh…. These were just ok. I like the attempted novelty but wouldn’t recommend you go rushing out to buy these.
Purchased at: Target, Frederick, MD
Cost: $2.79 on sale

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I am a last minute, throw things in a bag kind of packer. If I even think about what to take the day before I am WAY ahead of the game. Usually, I don’t forget things but I generally rely on the ‘I can buy what I need if I forgot something’ plan.
Shouldn’t these be called Breakfast Favorites instead of Brunch Favorites ? What qualifies those 3 items as a brunch ?
I make a list, divided into three parts: To do, pack in suitcase (if taking one), pack in carry on. I then check off the items as I pack them. I add and subtract to the list in the week or so before the trip. Sometimes the list is tiny (for a weekend trip to Seattle, for example). Sometimes its huge (like for last year’s 2-week cruise).
This actually saved me once–I was flying to Seattle for a concert, and if I hadn’t gone down the list, I would have forgotten to pack the ticket for the concert. I could probably have still gotten in by purchasing another ticket, but I wouldn’t have had my prime fan club seat.
As for the reviewed product, I’m actually a candy corn fan (Brachs only!), but not interested in these. I do want to find the Halloween mix locally, since that’s my fave, with the chocolate and maple pieces. I can usually find it at Walgreen, but no luck yet.
I get all my clothes folded and stacked starting a few days before I leave. I buy whatever toiletries I can in travel size leading up the the trip. The day before I collect up all the stuff I use until the last minute and add it to the pile. Inside my suitcase I keep a master list of what should be coming with me. I tweak that master list after each trip, adding or subtracting things I wish I had brought or dont need anymore. Things I never travel without: a container of clorox wipes, a few sizes of plastic bags to put dirty laundry in (the biggest size being a 13 gallon kitchen bag for dirty jeans/pants) and cheap flip flops for inside my hotel room.
Depends on what kind of trip. Dive trips are easy – a few bathing suit covers, some PJ’s and my gear and I’m good. Anything else I’m not only a planner but an over packer. Not just clothes but food.
I find really chocolate in general doesn’t lend its flavor real well to candy corn. Those s’more ones from a year or two ago were a big disappointment.
I organize at least a week ahead of time, putting things in piles, in plain view. Then every time I walk by I either add or subtract from pile as I think of things or recheck the weather. The day before I make a final check and put it all in the luggage. I may make some final, final adjustments the day of, but usually have nailed down the list by then.
I hate PACKING! I fall somewhere between junk food gal and the random last minute packer. I try to do a mental check-off type of thing….making sure to put in my glasses, contacts, makeup and deodorant. Figure the rest will fall into place.
Very funny post today. I wish they would just leave candy corn alone. Let’s just go back to candy corn and Mallocreme Pumpkins….that’s it! I don’t even like autumn mix that’s been around for years. Call me a candy corn purist.