Review: Cape Cod Americana Barbecue Slow Smoked Potato Chips & What Do You Never Have To Eat Again?
JFG Nation, over the years, as my palate had matured, I’ve come to love some things I previously hated: Brussels sprouts-delicious. Sushi-favorite. Even cilantro-I can appreciate it in certain preparations.
But one thing I grew up hating and still hate? LIMA BEANS. Edamame is a wonderful green bean with lots of snap and flavor. Lima beans? Oversized light green demon seeds that should never go into anyone’s mouth. Texture, flavor, appearance: all F-.
But hey! I’m an adult so I NEVER HAVE TO EAT THEM EVER AGAIN if I don’t want to. And that is an amazing feeling.
What about you, JFG Nation? What food did you have have to eat growing up, but now that you’re an adult, you can avoid like the plague? Tell me in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: Cape Cod Americana Barbecue Slow Smoked Potato Chips!!
Cape Cod Americana Barbecue Slow Smoked Potato Chips are the second of BBQ-holiday chips that Cape Cod had produced. The first were the Brisket chips that were made for Memorial Day.
And now these Cape Cod Americana Barbecue Slow Smoked Potato Chips are here only until Labor Day! Get em while they’re…slowly smoking?
Cape Cod Americana Barbecue Slow Smoked Potato Chips are described as BBQ chips, so unlike the Brisket chips, I’m not expecting any meat flavor on these.
Cape Cod Americana Barbecue Slow Smoked Potato Chips have no meat seasoning, so that confirms it. Just your standard sugar, tomato powder, garlic, vinegar.
I snapped into a bunch of these Cape Cod Americana Barbecue Slow Smoked Potato Chips, and they were good. They weren’t the most bold BBQ chip I’ve ever had, and I’m still deciding whether that’s a good or bad thing.
The chips themselves were tasty as usual – never a complaint there. Despite the presence of vinegar powder, I didn’t think these chips were especially tangy…. Nor were they especially smoky. I guess that’s a good thing for some who are sick of chip companies overseasoning. I tend to like boldness but I do like balance once in a while.
The tomato-ey BBQ sauce flavor was good, not overpowering. I dunno – I know it sounds like I’m down on these chips but I’m not. In a world where everything released these days is EXTREME, these were not. They were balanced, tasty, fine. Just a solid, mellow, BBQ kettle chip.
PURCHASED AT: Giant, Germantown, MD
COST: $3.00 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.

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I used to eat Chef Boyardee ravioli all the time as a kid. I remember feeling nostalgic a few years back and grabbing one at the store….nearly barfed. Never again. Lesson learned
BLECH ME TOO! The mac & cheese from Chef Boyardee is the worst! It is like eating flavorless paste and even when tried to doctor up with salt, pepper, and even hot sauce still tastes awful
Gotta admit – I like the packaging telling you when you’re last chance to buy this product is. That would be cool if more CPG brands made ltd ed products and gave you a actual deadline.
That being said, if its the day after Labor Day, and they are stocked on the shelf unsold – they’ll sit there til depletion.
Sauerkraut. Vile rubbish. 😛
Lima beans? What you said.
Apparently when in Scotland (among other barely edible foods that left me 8lbs lighter after 2 weeks) you must try haggis. I will never do that again.
The official way is to douse it with whiskey first. Or is it drink lots of whiskey, then eat it, I forget 🙂
Let’s see…
Pickled herring. Liver sausage. Swedish meatballs. Split pea soup on with ham on toast. Fried whole smelts. Perch. Ham. Egg salad. Tuna boats. Natural peanut butter. Scalloped potatoes. McDonald’s burgers. Brussels sprouts. Corn on the cob. Pork sausage scalloped potato casserole. Parmesan garlic spaghetti or any pesto pasta. Hot dogs. Hot Pockets. Spaghetti-O’s (tastes like puke). Any Chef Boy r Dee product. Basically every red & white Campbell’s soup. Scampi and de Jonghe. Orange chicken. Cooked carrots. Wax beans. Broccoli. Lays classic potato chips. Bread & butter, sweet pickles. Pepsi. Potato / egg / pasta salad. Classic beef stew.
Sorry for the long list. But this is what happens when you grow up with old people & basically junk / convenience food doesn’t exist, tho I basically O.D’ed on the junk. A lot of memories came flooding back, wow. It was also, “You either eat THIS, or you starve.” Sometimes starving was the better option 😛
Basically fast food. I learned how to cook a few years ago, and fast food just doesn’t taste good to me anymore.
I liked the Brisket ones, these were…meh. Lima beans as well. My mother was obsessed with them and they came out kinda of chalky, hated them. Oh and liver. My mother didn’t prepare that correctly and it was literally like eating shoe leather, that tasted like someone’s smelly foot…blech!
spaghetti oh’s BLEH or Chef Boyardee. I’m cringing just sitting here!
I hate caviar. LOL.