Review: Chili Cheese Pringles Tortillas & If There’s a Train On the Platform, STOP INCHING FORWARD, METRO

JFG Nation, I take the subway to work here in DC, called the Metro. It’s been under a lot of heat, lately, and for good reason: constant breakdowns, fires, etc. Because of this, I’ve reached a point where even the slightest thing sets me off. Like when you look at your spouse of 5+ years and you just want to strangle them BECAUSE THEY WON’T STOP DOING THAT THING WITH THEIR TEETH.

This happens to me all the time: the subway will stop between two stops on the line. Announcer: “There’s a train on the platform ahead of us; we’ll be moving momentarily.” Ok cool. Then we started slowly inching forward, coming to a stop after about 10 yards:

Announcer: “There’s a train on the platform ahead of us; we’ll be moving momentarily.”

*train moves another 15 feet, stops*

Announcer: “There’s a train on the platform ahead of us; we’ll be moving momentarily.”

*train slowly inches forward 3 feet, stops*

Announcer: “There’s a train on the platform ahead of us; we’ll be moving momentarily.”

*train moves another 10 feet, stops*

Announcer: “There’s a train on the platform ahead of us; we’ll be moving


Seriously, I know it shouldn’t bug me, but WTF. What is the POINT of this start and stop all the time? Trust me, it does NOTHING for the riders, Metro. None of us are standing there thinking, “well at least SOME forward progress is being made.” You don’t have to drive the train, nervously thinking “well I gotta give these riders SOMETHING or they might riot!”

Just wait til the train leaves the platform, and then go. Trust me. We’ll be ok. Take you hand off that lever. KNOCK IT OFF.

Thoughts? Comment below.

Today’s junk food: Chili Cheese Pringles Tortillas!!

Chili Cheese Pringles Tortillas: The Money Shot

Chili Cheese Pringles Tortillas: The Money Shot

Chili Cheese Pringles Tortillas have been since last Fall, and I saw them recently at my local Wegmans. “Huh” I thought. “Those look familiar.” And when I got home, I realized why – because I had purchased a can MONTHS ago and they were languishing at the bottom of my junk food box waiting to be reviewed. Checked the expiration date – STILL GOOD!



Pringles Tortillas have been reviewed on this website many times before, and I was definitely excited for this chili cheese variety. Who doesn’t love chili and cheese? Healthy people, that’s who.


These Chili Cheese Pringles Tortillas looked great – like other Pringles Tortillas, they were slightly smaller than normal Pringles and slightly thicker with the same basic shape. They were tinged with seasoning, which was more visible on the edges.

Popping the top, they smelled liked chili – the chili seasoning was strong and there was a slight whiff of cumin. LIKE IT.


I munched some of these Chili Cheese Pringles Tortillas, and they were pretty good. Decent chili flavor – the chili seasoning had enough onion and garlic powder to produce a general chili flavor. The cheese added a bit of creaminess which was nice. Both the chili and cheese powders were pretty salty, which was good because the underlying tortilla chip was basically unsalted.

These Pringles Tortillas always sort of crumble, which mimics real Pringles – you can take a stack and crunch through it like a Titan with no issues. Which is what I did to this can of Pringles.

All in all, a good eat – not my favorite, but scratched the itch I had.

PURCHASED AT: can’t remember but I saw them at Wegmans

COST: $1.89 at Wegmans

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.



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Discuss - 2 Comments

  1. Alek says:

    I agree with you. Since when I started school in DC I hated the metro. It so stupid that they move a bit and then stop; repeat until platform is reached. COME ON METRO! I try to avoid metro but use metrobus much I could. It is cheaper and 2 hours FREE unlimited transfers. 1 low price and it gets me where I need crossing from NE to NW DC. Especially the X2 line which gets me to White House right in front of me and saving me time. I rely on the 90 often because it gets me to NW DC easily and do errands plus I love to gaze on that beautiful Duke Ellington Bridge. If I have the stamina I would trek to the zoo

    • Alek says:

      Also the metro design is so stupidly built. 2 tracks design and it so stupid when the red line trains stops further from the transfer platform at Chinatown. People have to run for the train.
