What Should I Eat At: HOAGIE HAVEN?
JFG Nation, one of the reasons my posts have become a bit all over the place is because I am traveling A LOT this year. Like, A LOT a lot. I used to wish for more travel in my life; for work, for pleasure, all of it. Well, now I have it and I feel like National Airport is, or will soon be, my second home.
This weekend I’ll be heading back to my alma mater and that means a chance for me to eat at one of my favorite places is the world: HOAGIE HAVEN.
The Haven is a resting place for resting meats, a sauna for sausage, a deep tissue massage for deep fried foods, a….well I think my analogies are getting away from me. It’s a damn fine sub shop that I ate at many times during school and the primary reason I was waaaaay heavier in college.
You’ve definitely seen me repping Hoagie Haven on Instagram before:
No, that pizza didn’t come from Hoagie Haven…THIS is Hoagie Haven:
Hoagie Haven is a small counter, inside a small storefront, and you better know what you want. There is no rhyme or reason; only salt pepper ketchup.
Yep, this is a common scene at Hoagie Haven… On any night of the week! I love this place.
In fact, you can see an eeeeeeearly video review I did of one of their sandwiches on my still-existing YouTube channel:
Yeah my film skillz were TIGHT back then. I’m going back, going back, so I’m going to try a new feature on here: WHAT SHOULD I EAT? Basically I put up the menu of a place I know I’m going to be, and you tell me in the comments below what I should be stuffing into my face.
You can see the full menu here, but this is the part of the menu I want to concentrate on: The Haven Specialties.
Obviously I’ve already eaten the Body Bag before, and it took three years off my life, I’m sure. The Middle Finger is a new one, and the Mac Daddy might kill me.
Tell me in the comments below: what should I eat at Hoagie Haven? And, for good measure, what would YOU eat? And feel free to choose off the entire menu; not just the specialties. I can’t tell you how many non-specialty Pizza Cheesesteaks I’ve had in my day.
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.

Discuss - 14 Comments
OMG! No wonder you were way heavier back then. This menu ought to be illegal! While I honestly could not get more than 3 bites into any of these sandwiches (and Im not small!) I vote that you eat the Phat Lady for me! I can’t believe Im saying this, but that one sounds appealing!
I eat here pretty frequently and have tried almost every sandwich. Most are great but some have too much going on Sanchez is usually my go to sandwich but I have been eating the Mac Daddy more frequently now that I started to 86 the honey mustard (as it doesn’t really go with it). Go for the Mac Daddy!
I agree with Derek, Mac Daddy is the one that stood out to me for YOU to eat : )
I’m more of a Chicken Parm gal – look forward to the review!
As a traditionalist (read: old fogey), I reject the “Haven Specialties” side of the menu in favor of the old-school menu board from when we were in college. The Haven Specialties sandwiches represent an attempt at the Rutgers Grease Truck sandwiches, and I, for one, think Princeton is quite beyond that sort of thing. Let Rutgers do its thing; we will do ours.
No contest. You have to go with the Chicken Pachanga. It’s got chicken and chicken tacos listed separately. You cannot ignore a hoagie that includes entire tacos (plural) as only one of its ingredients. That’s the melting pot in action right there.
If it was me, I’d start with a grilled cheese sandwich. Yeah I’m real basic.
For you, I’d pick the Middle Finger because it seems to incorporate a gilled cheese but with a few extra items. I’d be interested to know what kind of bread and cheese they used. My fav is a swiss on rye.
Damn I could eat there everyday !
The Mac Daddy gets my vote. Save one for me
Big Cat ftw – bacon and double egg!
Sanchez sauce sounds kinda………….iffy….
I vote for the Sanchez or the Phat Lady. Mozzarella sticks sound awesome on a sandwich! *puts Hoagie Haven on bucket list*
I’d probably get the Mac Daddy or the Phat Lady sans ketchup. Tho for me, that menu looks like one of those “I need to try everything once,” kinds of things!
Stick with a simple #1. We don’t want to lose you to a coronary.
I vote Mac Daddy or Big Cat! But they all sound so interesting….man you’ve got a decision on your hands for reals haha.