MICRO-REVIEW: Pepperidge Farm Lido Cookies
Today’s junk food: Pepperidge Farm Lido Cookies!!
I bought these back during the holiday season, and forgot that I had them. Seriously. My bad, Pepperidge Farm. I admit I was drawn to these Pepperidge Farm Lido Cookies because of its name – Lido deck? Ledo Pizza? There’s gotta be a pun or wordplay joke there somewhere.
I munched on a few of these last night and spent a good amount of time trying to figure out how these were any different than Milano cookies. I mean: same company, same format (layer of chocolate between two cookies), and no other frills. Is this allowed, Pepperidge Farm? Can you just change the shape of the cookie and call it a DIFFERENT cookie? I guess so….but I’m definitely giving these the raised eyebrow.
The truth is, these ARE different than Milano cookies. The cookie is thicker and more buttery – in some ways the extra butter is nice, but the cookie feels less refined, more clunky. The flavor is, weirdly, harder to nail down. The layer of chocolate is also thicker – giving plenty of chocolate flavor, but it competes with the butteriness of the cookie. Unlike Milanos, where the understated cookie allows the middle strip of chocolate to shine, this cookie does the opposite.
The cookie isn’t bad, but lacks balance. I’ll munch these all day long, but Milano cookies are better.
PURCHASED AT: Walmart, Germantown, MD
COST: $2.50 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

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Lido is not new. It’s one of the original cookies made by Pepperridge Farm decades ago. It predates the Milano, and may have inspired it.
I agree with Todd Davis. Lido predates Milano. Your review is pretty accurate in describing the two. I, personally, prefer Lido. Interestingly, they are hard to find anymore so perhaps Pepperidge Farm is just pushing the Milano. If I saw Lido while walking down the aisle, I’d be sure to put a few in my cart. Milano, not so much.
And now Lido’s can be found in Pepperidge Farm’s Chocolate Collection, “where some vintage cookies (the Lido, the Orleans) that have apparently stopped pulling their weight as stand-alone items are now huddling together for survival”.