Review: New Keebler Simply Made Crispy Lemon Delight Cookie Thins & I’ve Consumed 10000+ Calories in 3 Days
JFG Nation, what happens to us during a blizzard? Why does it make us feel like our stomachs are Teflon? And by us, I clearly am referring to myself, at least. Despite this website’s name and purpose, I do love to eat heathy – keeps me regular, keeps me sane, and keeps me from bursting out of my suits in my day job.
The East Coast, and specifically DC, where I live, was hit with a big snowstorm over the weekend. Immediately I went into storm-prep mode – by buying all the not-great-for-you home-y foods I could think of. Carbs. Salt. Dairy. More Dairy. More Salt. Fat. CHEESE. Throw it all into a pot and warm it – I’ll slurp off that spoon all weekend. I can’t run out and get kale, so let me stay in and turn my body into a Duraflame log.
My rationale, which was the same as many I bet, was “Oh, I’ll burn it all off during the post-storm shoveling process.” So, starting Friday late afternoon when the flakes started to fall, it was ON: Pizza. Chili. Mac & Cheese. Beef Stew. Pasta. Quesadillas. Roasted Chicken. Pulled Pork. Sandwiches. Nachos. Cheez-Its. Doritos. Booze booze booze, just to fill in all the crevices of my stomach NOT loaded with nachos. It was ridiculous. I haven’t felt this stuffed since the Summer Fancy Food Show.
Did I shovel? Oh yeah, I shoveled. Did a lot of shoveling, too. But not nearly enough to work off the 2/3 pint of Haagen-Dazs I decided to just rip through Sunday evening. Am I ashamed? Heck no – I enjoyed every second of it. Plus, as the snow melts and my diet returns to normal, I’ll look back on this time fondly.
It just is funny to me that rather than storm survival mode, I went into storm binge mode. I’m pretty sure that waaaay back in the day, people looked at the long harsh winters as things they had to survive and would eat like one acorn mash a day – me? I decided to go for gusto.
What about you, JFG Nation? If you were caught in the storm, what did you eat to “survive”? And did you go overboard like I did? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: New Keebler Simply Made Crispy Lemon Delight Cookie Thins!!
New Keebler Simply Made Crispy Lemon Delight Cookie Thins are just a variation on the Keebler Simply Made line of cookies.
Right now, in terms of the Cookie Thin line, there are two versions: these New Keebler Simply Made Crispy Lemon Delight Cookie Thins, and a chocolate chip variety.
New Keebler Simply Made Crispy Lemon Delight Cookie Thins follows the same idea of the regular Simply Made cookies – as few ingredients as possible. These cookies have less than 10 ingredients, so that’s a win.
Opening this bag of New Keebler Simply Made Crispy Lemon Delight Cookie Thins, the aroma that came wafting out was really pleasant – like a lemon pound cake. It had that nice bright lemon-y aroma coupled with a baked good sweetness. These smelled great.
Each individual New Keebler Simply Made Crispy Lemon Delight Cookie Thin was about the size of a 50-cent piece. They were about a 1/4 inch thick. Munching on one, the cookie itself was super light and crunchy. Flavor-wise, delicious – mildly lemon-y, not too overpowering, a nice solid sugar cookie otherwise with great buttery notes. As far as lemon cookies go, these were simply and very tasty?
The problem? These aren’t THIN. We live in a world where Oreo Thins, Ginger Thins, and Cookie Chips exist. If you REALLY want to get into that market, Keebler, you gotta go thinner! Otherwise, jst call these what they are: small cookies. DELICIOUS small cookies, but not-thin-cookies nonetheless.
PURCHASED AT: Giant, Van Ness, DC
COST: $2.79 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

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Its weird. It does not snow where we live, although it did get cold (for us, low 40’s) this weekend. However, watching all the weather coverage of the snow on the east coast also made us want to just stay inside and eat junk covered with cheese and/or gravy. Seeing the blizzard on TV put us, mentally, in solidarity with you! Minus the snow shoveling. We want no part of that!
Naturally Flavored with Other Natural Flavors… What does that even mean? Is the Vanilla one natural flavor and the Natural Flavor what makes it taste like lemon?
It means they’re flavored with something natural that tastes like vanilla & lemon, but aren’t necessarily vanilla or lemon. Otherwise, it’d be naturally flavored with vanilla & lemon instead. I know flavors are proprietary, but it unnerves me to see that, because then, I’m wondering what else tastes like those, but those? Wood? Grass?
Why is the average calorie count always 140?
We got snow in the Atlanta ‘burbs; my husband’s favorite ‘blizzard’ treat is Pizza Rolls (totino’s?), so I got him some of those, also made some grilled cheese with Land o’Lakes american melty cheese goodness (fresh bakery made bread though), and I also made some Chicken and Dumplings. Oh and I impulse bought the Lay’s mac and chees potato chips…just o.k. My favorite Lay’s chip are the ones in the light blue bag, the lightly salted ones….you actually taste the potato taste and not all the grease.
Appropriately enough, the ad I saw on this page was for info on “the 4 stages of a heart attack”.