MICRO-REVIEW: Mrs. Thinster’s Pumpkin Spice Cookie Thins
JFG Nation, is it too late to review pumpkin spice stuff? I know we’ve been seeing and tasting pumpkin spice items since AUGUST, but can I get one in right before Thanksgiving? This is allowed? Ok, then.
Today’s junk food: Mrs. Thinster’s Pumpkin Spice Cookie Thins!!

Mrs. Thinster’s Pumpkin Spice Cookie Thins: The Money Shot
I don’t know much about Mrs. Thinster’s, but I do know that cookie thins, cookie chips, whatever you want to call them, have been really taken the market by storm over the past five years. Strangely, I THINK this is the first pumpkin spice cookie thin/crisp I’ve seen, which is why I bought them too. This was a HUGE bag (16 oz!) so if I didn’t like them, then I’d have a big ass bag of bad cookies. Don’t let me down, Mrs. Thinster’s.
I’m not sure if these, based on the name, are meant to be a diet cookie, but that doesn’t matter when you eat 20 at a time, right? Good ingredient list though, and waaaaay less caloriesthan Oreos per cookie.
I opened the bag and sniffed and got all of those good pumpkin spice aromas – cinnamon, spice, a tad bit of pumpkin aroma. Each cookie thin was a small disc bigger than a 50-cent piece. When I popped one into my mouth and crunched – REALLY GOOD, with one caveat. The cookie thins weren’t greasy or anything, and crunched nicely. It didn’t FEEL like a “thin;” these cookies disintegrated in my mouth but were still pretty substantial.
The caveat? These tasted more like GINGERBREAD than anything else. The Junk Food Gal tasted them and immediately noted: “GINGERBREAD” without my prompting or questioning. Now, I would TOTALLY eat these again because I LOVE gingerbread. But “Pumpkin Spice” these were not, despite the aroma. Maybe these were a little more muted than a ginger snap, and THAT’S what made these more pumpkin spice than gingerbread? Who knows. These tasted like a sweet crunchy ginger snap – and I loved them.
So yes – if you like what I’ve described, go buy these. But don’t expect a distinct pumpkin spice flavor – but DO expect a delicious crunchy cookie that you can eat dozens of. And really, what else matters?
PURCHASED AT: Wegmans, Germantown, MD
COST: Big bag for $6.99. Worth it.
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

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Based on the ingredients her story of using left over filling isn’t entirely accurate.
@Sylvia: MRS THINSTER WOULDNT LIE. Or would she????