Review: Lindt “Hello My Name Is Pink Explosion” Chocolate & QUICK QUESTION: Which Canadian Lay’s Do Us A Flavor Chip Do YOU Want To Try?
JFG Nation, quick question for the comment section below: Just as we have OUR Lay’s Do Us A Flavor contest (I reviewed the USA flavors all of last week), there is an equivalent contest in Canada right now! @Junkfooddog sent me and some others a picture of Canada’s flavors:
Cowboy BBQ Beans, Butter Chicken, Montreal Smoked Meat, and PEI Scalloped Potatoes!!!! COOOOOL. I love those flavors – I’d be most interested in the Butter Chicken one, to be honest. Indian curry of a potato chip? WHY HAS NO ONE DONE THIS BEFORE???
What about YOU? Tell me in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: Lindt “Hello My Name Is Pink Explosion” Chocolate!!
I’ve reviewed Lindt products before, with varying results. I’ve really liked some and just been so-so on others. I actually don’t review too much chocolate on this blog because, well, there’s always new combos of flavors coming out all the time. So unless something truly different comes out, I’ll avoid even buying it. When I spotted this Lindt “Hello My Name Is Pink Explosion” Chocolate, I knew it was something that needed testing.
This Lindt “Hello My Name Is Pink Explosion” Chocolate, as I see it, is basically a chocolate bar with Pop Rocks in it – hence, the EXPLOSION part. I’ve had two AMAZING chocolate bars with Pop Rocks in them before – Chuao’s Popcorn Pop bar and Chuao’s Firecracker bar. I LOVED those. The combo of Pop Rocks and chocolate was divine, and really added something to the experience. Would Lindt be able to capture this?
Hmmm maybe I was wrong about this Lindt “Hello My Name Is Pink Explosion” Chocolate. I don’t see where the popping candy is listed in the ingredients…did I assess this chocolate bar incorrectly? What IS popping raspberry, then?
I have to admit, now I’m totally confused by this Lindt “Hello My Name Is Pink Explosion” Chocolate. WHAT ARE YOU?
When I ate this Lindt “Hello My Name Is Pink Explosion” Chocolate, my suspicions were half-right – there is a TINY bit of popping candy in this bar. As I chewed through the soft confection, I did get a tiny bit of crackle here and there, but it wasn’t FRONT AND CENTER like in the Chuao version.
The rest of the chocolate was…well, just ok to me. I’ve had some good mixes of fruit and chocolate, and I actually love that combo, but this was strangely…plasticky to me. The raspberry popped a little when the little candies would pop, but otherwise the raspberry flavor was flat. The cream filling might’ve been the problem, muting any strong fruitiness. And the milk chocolate on the outside was standard – nothing mind blowing.
So this bar wasn’t BAD, but I wouldn’t buy it again since the popping was too minimal to bring anything new to the table. Sorry, Lindt – I’ll chow on some of your other items instead!
Have a great weekend everyone!
PURCHASED AT: Target, Germantown, MD
COST: $2.00 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 18 Comments
Not many intrigue me here, maybe the Butter Chicken version. Won’t hold a candle to my all timer here, Gyro.
Go Yanks!
@MarcP: Beltran has been a savior this year.
The Pop Rocks are listed in the ingredients, just not by name…sugar and carbon dioxide.
@Caley – Ah, good read. Thanks!
Honestly, all those Canadian flavors sound gross.
butter chicken and beans!!
Butter chicken!!! I agree why there haven’t been any indian curry flavored chips?
They should had amped up the popping effect more
The gyro chips just made me want real gyros, which ended up costing me like $35…but I still want the butter chicken ones. Even though we don’t have an Indian restaurant here. I’d risk anything for butter chicken.
Have u tried the trader joes dark firecracker popping bar?
@Sylvia: In real life, yes – nice and popping! I liked it a lot. Maybe I’ll insta-review it sometime.
The Canuck lineup looks weak to me. Nothing really that interesting except for ‘Scalloped Potatoes’ which are an awesome dish in real life, especially when combined with any mix-in like ham or seafood. Scalloped potatoes in a creamy white sauce with tons of black pepper and onions galore..really something. Too few people know about scalloped potatoes.
Anyway, meh. At the very least the flavors that I’d expect to see from Canada would be something like, ‘Baby Fur Seal’ or ‘Moose Haunch’…’Whale Steak’…’Elk Ears’…’Wolverine/Badger Hot Pot’…even a ham/swiss Monte Cristo would be more intriguing than ‘baked beans’…
Maybe my post didn’t go through.
Scalloped potatoes seems like the lamest flavor. It is the safety net of cheese flavored chips to fall back on.
@Michael: Agree, cheese chips are the safety net…but I’m not complaining! 😛
@C: LOL Elk Ears
Cool you eat swiss chocolate 😀 its funny that you have sorts of “hello my Name is Jigga Nigga chocolate” that we havent in Switzerland.
We just have this 4 sorts here:
And now a New one with Pop Corn in it xD
@ICeDog: You’ll have to try this Popcorn Bar:
The Best is Caramel Brownie!
Wow, I was just thinking how I wished curry potato chips existed! I love potatoes in curry, especially day old curry. I actually have some leftover, but I think the vegetables were all eaten out.
That’s disappointing. I don’t have a favorite Nice to Sweet You flavor, so I get the variety pack when it’s on sale.