MICRO-REVIEW: Quaker Chewy Girl Scouts Thin Mints Granola Bars & EVERYTHING WENT WRONG &*(&^^&*%%$#
JFG Nation, here’s what has been going wrong in my life lately:
1) I wrote black shoes with a brown belt the other day. THE HORROR.
2) I just had three great days of Lay’s Do Us A Flavor chip reviews, right? Well, that has ended BECAUSE MY LOCAL WALMART DIDN’T HAVE ANY NEW YORK REUBEN POTATO CHIPS FOR SALE. I asked an employee who was stocking the chips, and she commented, “Oh yeah, for some reason, they didn’t send us those yet.” FRITO LAY WTF. Maybe they’ll have them this weekend, but I wanted to nosh them NOW WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH (commence baby tantrum).
3) I screwed something up in my uploading for today, so I have no pics for today’s post. If the photo below looks familiar, it’s because I nicked it from my Instagram. Sigh.
Ok, so these aren’t REAL problems…just wanted to vent. Meanwhile:
Today’s junk food: Quaker Chewy Girl Scouts Thin Mints Granola Bars!!
UPDATE: New pictures, FINALLY!
Quaker Chewy Girl Scouts Thin Mints Granola Bars! Man, Girl Scout flavors are EVERYWHERE. Ice cream, Crunch bars, and now…granola bars? Color me skeptical. I get the branding – it certainly drew me in – but from the look on the box, it’s not like the granola is chocolate granola or anything.
After work, I’m going to upload more pics so you can see what I’m talking about, but basically these granola bars are TINY. Like, maybe 1″ by 4″. I was wondering how each bar only had 100 calories…it’s because there isn’t much food per bar! The granola was held together by lots of syrup, but the overall bar was soft (hence the CHEWY category) – which meant that little granola crumbles kept falling off. It also meant that when I bit into the bar, the part remaining in my hand started to crumble too. Not awesome.
Flavor wise? I mean…this was basically a granola bar with a bit of chocolate mint flavor. It definitely tasted like chocolate mint, and the flavor was decently strong, but this was one of those times where the term THIN MINT was just slapped on there for brand value only…which, I guess, was a surprised to no one. Yes, these were chocolate mint, but there was nothing outstandingly THIN MINT-y about these, and I would not buy them again, even if, sure, I could down several of these at once.
Verdict: Pass on by.
PURCHASED AT: Target, Germantown, MD
COST: $2.50
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 7 Comments
1. There are much worse fashion faux pas. How about sneakers and suits?
2. Try shopping at my Podunk Winn-Dixie. I love my fuel perks so I shop there but they don’t have half the items in the sale flyer.
3. Happens to the best of us.
On that note, I’m sick of Girl Scout cookie branding for the sake of branding. THERE’S REALLY NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT ANY OF IT! Even the cookies aren’t so special. The good ones are all made by Keebler year round.
@Jess: I agree, don’t even get me started on braided belts 😉
Same thing in NJ earlier this week: Walgreen’s had all of them but the Reuben – the one I wanted to the most. D’oh!
@Marc P: Did you ever track them down?
yea, these thin mint granola bars were good, but obviously not going to replace a thin mint in my book. not to mention they are way too tiny!
@Kaitlyn: TINY
Finally did find the chips. Good but the Gyro were by far my favorite.