MICRO-REVIEW: Jalapeno Bacon Pringles (Walgreens Exclusive)
Today’s junk food: Jalapeno Bacon Pringles!!
Jalapeno Bacon Pringles! I first spotted these over on The Impulsive Buy, and finally tracked them down at my local Walgreens. I have to be honest – while I like chips that have spice and I love bacon (who doesn’t), I never would have put these two flavors together. I mean, when do I eat them together in real life? Answer: never? MAYBE on a burger? But I actually think that has never happened.
I popped the can, and could smell the vegetable-y aroma of the jalapeno right away. The look of these chips didn’t reveal much – there was no dark green or brown powder or anything. As soon as I licked the chip, though – HOLY SALT BATMAN. These registered sodium RIGHT away. I crunched the chip – and my mouth EXPLODED with flavor powder.
The jalapeno and bacon flavors were not subtle, and neither cancelled the other out – I immediately got the salty porky flavor of bacon, and it had a decent smoky flavor. Layered on top of that was the vegetable-y taste of the jalapeno – bold, spicy, and in your face. Honestly, they didn’t really complement each other. Just BAM BAM to the tongue.
I ate a bit more, and I got used to the saltiness (maybe that’s not a good thing), but the bacon and jalapeno flavor stayed strong all the way through all the chips I chewed. These weren’t HORRIBLE, but again, these were just not two flavors I understood together. It’s like when you get a burger – certain toppings work well in certain combos, but add the wrong ones together and its disaster. “Yeah, I’ll have grilled onions, and mushroom, oh and chili, and melted cheese, and bacon, how bout some avocado*” JUST STOP MAN.
I probably wouldn’t buy these again, but I give Pringles credit for trying something new. Check out Chip Review’s take here!
COST: $2.00
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

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Disappointed. Man, I hoped these would be good. I haven’t tried them, though, and probably still will if I happen to go into a Walgreen’s at some point.
@Jeni: Yeah, I mean, they were fine. The JFGal tried them, and was like WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAA SALT
I agree with the burger-topping metaphor. When I order a burger I have them make it in one of two ways: ‘cold toppings’ or ‘hot toppings’.
I order ‘cold toppings’ if I am absolutely certain I will eat the thing in the next two minutes. Cold-toppings are: pickles/relish, sliced onion, tomato slice, mustard, lettuce, and mayo. See what I mean? Classic combination, but most of these ingredients are cold. Therefore, they are going to quickly pull down the hot internal temperature of the meat and wind up making the burger a slippery, halfway lukewarm mess in my hand unless I scarf it down forthwith.
Whereas my usual choice is ‘hot toppings’: melted cheese, bacon, grilled onions, hot sauce, and yeah even sometimes jalapenos. All these hot, warm, room-temp, or melted ingredients applied to a hot burger means the thing stays hot while I eat it. In many ways it is the more ‘amped-up’ experience. Searing, piping-hot juices spill out of it from every side; and sometimes you even have to struggle to keep on top of the heat/smoky/greasy/spicy combo.
Meanwhile, if you take the burger wrapped in foil, ‘to go’ then even by the time you get it home, it is still not ‘lukewarm sliding into cold’ –thanks to no chilly lettuce or tomato, it is still on the ‘higher side’ of warm; still very toasty; and still gives nearly the same effect. Consistency in burger toppings is my watchword!
Just sayin’
@C: remember the old McDonalds trays that would keep cold ingredients on one side and hot ingredients on the other? Then when you got home you’d fold them together. Ah, back during the days of styrofoam.
You’ve never had jalapeño poppers? That’s jalapeno with bacon!
@Sylvia – SOMETIMES it is….but most of the poppers I’ve had are just pepper and cheese.
Hmmm really? Why bother without bacon!
I love these I am even willing to drive to the one spot in town that sells them! and I am not a usual,fan for anything bacon or jalapeno but these are addicting