FOOD FACEOFF: Kellogg’s Chocolate Krave Cereal vs. Honey Maid Chocolate Go Bites (Which Company Did Chocolate Filled Carbs Better?)
JFG Nation, let’s do another Food Faceoff! I chose today’s contenders because at some point when walking through the grocery store, I noticed that these two items were, essentially, the exact same thing: carbs, shaped like little squares, stuffed with chocolate. Sure, one is a cereal and one is a cracker, but does that really matter? I could pour milk on both, or eat them straight out of a box.
The contenders: Kellogg’s Chocolate Krave Cereal (left) and Honey maid Chocolate Go Bites (right):
I mean, honestly; after Krave Cereal came out, you KNOW the execs at Honey Maid gathered and said, “HEY. WE CAN DO THAT.” One is cereal with “smooth chocolate inside” and the other touts itself as “crispy pockets” with chocolate inside. Neither is that new, and I’ve been snacking on both recently.
PS: What does the green triangle inside the O on the Go Bites box mean? Is that a “Play” symbol? And if so…I *guess* that illustrates “GO” but why not use an arrow or a Green Traffic Light or something? I’m being persnickety here. Sorry.
When the boxes for both were opened, both smelled like chocolate. Well, sort of – both smelled like sweet carb with a hint of chocolate. They were different – the cereal smelled a little sweeter, while the hint of chocolate smelled a tiny bit deeper with the Go Bites. But honestly, if blindfolded, I couldn’t tell you which one WASN’T cereal.
Krave Cereal is light and the texture of the outside was of standard corn/wheat blend texture that we’re all familiar with when eating, say, Cap’n Crunch or Apple Jacks. Different flavor, but you get my point – it’s that mixed blend that when cooked up results in that sort of pock surface that is great for trapping milk.
The Go Bites, on the other hand, were relatively smooth, and definitely had a firmer texture. Pointy corners. They didn’t smell particularly “graham”-y, and the pieces were, by and large, bigger than the Krave Cereal.
Cracking them open, the amount of chocolate was greater in the Go Bites than in Krave. Still, the question remains: Which Company Did Chocolate Filled Carbs Better?
To me, it was hands down the Krave Cereal. Sorry Honey Maid. I ate both WITHOUT milk, to give them a fair matchup, and the Krave Cereal was lighter, which meant that despite the lower quantity of chocolate within, I was able to taste the chocolate flavor more immediately and with greater clarity. A big mouthful of Krave Cereal produced BIG chocolate flavor, the kind that absorbed immediately into my bloodstream and made me want to eat more sugar. Kids eat this stuff? Have fun, parents!
The Honey Maid Go Bites were crunchier, and while the chocolate flavor that came out was not as sugary as the Krave version (and I’m sure to some that’s a good thing), the chocolate taste wasn’t AS immediate. Moreover, I got no graham FLAVOR from the cracker, which was bizarre, since this is a Graham Cracker company. Instead, the cracker seemed like a crunchy afterthought; just a vessel for the chocolate. Tasted good, but my over-analytical self didn’t see the point. Good for grubbing on the go? Sure, but I have no shame in carrying a box of cereal with me either.
Don’t get me wrong; I’d mindlessly eat both of them, and I am not saying that the Go Bites were bad – If I were rating these, they’d be 1A and 1B. But given the choice, I’ll take Krave every time.
What about YOU, JFG Nation? Which do you prefer? Which do you think did chocolate filled carbs better? Which would you eat again? Let me know in the comments below. No parameters here – you can argue any side of the product. You can argue something totally different than me; go for the aesthetic, the health factor, the non-health factor, whatever. Tell me in the comments which YOU like better, and why.
Talk to you tomorrow!
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 7 Comments
Unrelated have you ever reviewed Fig Newtonsbi saw they had a strawberry kind and I wanted opinions 🙂
The strawberry fig newtons are amazing. I can sit there and eat half the package with a cold glass of milk lol.
From a practical standpoint, the Krave cereal is a better buy per ounce vs the Go Bites. If you will, more “chocolate-filled carb for your cash.” Plus, Krave is a more marketable name with a more visually appealing logo design.
I applaud you on your use of persnickety 🙂
@Deanna: HAHA thanks Deanna
Thank you Liz! I will have to try tgem.
them typing on my phone ????
does the play button in the word go mean “go play” maybe? idk. kind of an odd message to put on a snack food, but then again, i guess they are saying – eat this then go play to burn off the calories you just ate, lol.