JFG Nation, this morning on the way to work, the Washington Metro (our subway) was, as usual, packed. As the trains pull into each station, it’ll slow down and eventually come to a halt. Then normal people get up, exit the train, and go on their merry way.
Now, for some, that slowing down period as the train pulls into the station is also a time when you start to jockey for position. Makes sense…if you’re blocking the doorway, and you don’t have to get off this stop, you might scoot to the side. Or you might position yourself to get off the train to let others out before getting back on – the way that polite people might act on an elevator.
That usually applies when there is room to maneuver. Now, I don’t think its TOO wise, since even when the train is pulling into the station, it’s like you’re surfing on choppy waters – the train has weird spped up / slow down moments so you’re taking your life and knee/lower back into your own hands. But, if you’d like to shift, be my guest.
Case No. 1: This morning, the train was packed. There was no room to move. A woman gets up out of her seat and says excuse me to an old lady in front of her. AN OLD LADY. The old lady has no where to move, and as she turns slightly to try to figure out where to go, the woman starts to step INTO her, shoving her chest into the old lady’s face. Of course, at that point, the train lurched as it slowed, and the lady stumbled INTO the old lady, half knocking her over.
Old Lady: “OH MY WORD!” She actually said that. Like an old movie.
Rude Lady, with raised voice: “I SAID EXCUSE ME!” And then continues to SHOVE people to get off the train.
WTF LADY. I wish I had tripped you as you left the train. How about you WAIT until the train has stopped and the doors are ACTUALLY OPEN before you get up? I’m sorry the people didn’t part like the Red Sea when you commanded it to. Jerk.
Case No. 2: Wednesday morning where, on the way to work, I was standing AT the doors, waiting to get off at the next station. I could hear someone shifting around people, excusing their way to the “front of the line,” until he got right behind me. Now, I’m FACING OUT of the subway car, AT the doors. I think you can at least ASSUME I am getting off at the next stop.
So I’m standing there, and I hear an “excuse me” behind me. I turn to face this dude, and he says, “I’m getting off at the next stop.” UM WHAT AM I DOING, making pancakes over here?
What I DID say: “Uh, so am I.”
What I SHOULD have said, “Uh, so am I….dick.”
And with that, HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! (Also, what is your take on these situations? Let me know in the comments below.)
Today’s junk food: New Crazy Hot Pop Chips!!
New Crazy Hot Pop Chips! I’d been looking for these EVERYWHERE. I absolutely LOVE Pop Chips, and I’ve reviewed plenty on this site. And, of course, I love spice. Seems like a good match to me!
When I opened this bag of New Crazy Hot Pop Chips and sniffed, I could tell these had decent spice. I could smell the tang, but most of what I smelled what the standard Pop Chip aroma of potato.
Pouring them out, the form was standard excellent Pop Chip form. Light, puffed circles of potato, the surface of which was slightly cracked. Plenty of flavor powder blasted onto these chips.
I grabbed a bunch of these New Crazy Hot Pop Chips, placed them into my mouth and chewed…SO GOOD. LIKE, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD.
First, like other Pop Chips, the amount of potato flavor that I got from these chips was perfect. It wasn’t enough to overwhelmed the desired flavor profile, but it was always there to provide a nice starchy backdrop to the powder.
The powder itself was…I have to be honest, it’s hard to describe. My tongue tasted a nice tangy spice as soon as it touched the chip, but it didn’t burn at all – it was just the sizzling sensation that could be attributed to either tang or spice. As I chewed, it tasted like an amazing hot sauce – cayenne pepper, slight vinegar, a tang (but not a citrus tang), and good onion / garlic notes. Plus, there was a tiny bit of creaminess from a cheese to help round out the flavor so it wasn’t only sharpness on my tongue. Honestly, it sort of tasted like the powder that is one Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, but with less citrus note.
Whatever it was, it was REALLY savory, and the spice kicked in on the backend, which was nice. Overall, these were not CRAZY HOT to me, but had a good ending kick that, with the perfect savoriness, made these hard to put down.
REALLY REALLY Good. I am going to buy these again this weekend for SURE.
PURCHASED AT: Safeway, Chevy Chase, DC
COST: $2.50 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 18 Comments
You need to treat such contemptible people as you would an untrained pet and bring a squirt bottle to spray them with for their unacceptable behavior. Bad metro rider! BAD!
But seriously, a surly reply followed by a serious throwing of shade while not moving an inch is the most appropriate response.
@FD Carney: I’ve been working on my throwing-shade technique
They were giving them away outside my office the other day and I grabbed a bag. And I was able to eat the whole thing. Since you know I have no tolerance for spice, I I give these a 1 out of 10. Crazy good, but definitely not crazy hot.
JFG Nicole: “Crazy good, but definitely not crazy hot.” – you’re a poet.
Blair’s Death Rain Habanero Potato chips are crazy hot. These were only hot at best.
#Richard: You speak the truth!
The Subway: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.
The worst are the assholes on the Silver Line in Boston who jockey for position WHEN IT’S THE LAST GODDAMN STOP ON THE LINE. Like, I’m getting off too, dickwad – *WE ALL ARE*.
@Shorneys: LOL
As I Popchip addict, I can’t wait to find these but haven’t seen them yet.
As for your subway misadventures, this is gonna sound mean, but here goes….I’m so super glad these idiots are riding a subway instead of driving a car. Because these are the kind of people that cause devastating accidents with carnage and loss of life. If they have not learned how to function in polite society by now, they never will. Just (try) to keep a safe distance from them.
@Marianne: haha thanks! True – keep these morons off the road!
You’ve got us wanting to find these sooooo bad!! Can’t seem to locate them anywhere in the Chicago area.
Thanks for the mention with the Mojo Criollo.
@Chip Review: ALWAYS! You guys rock.
I love the idea of public transportation – but hate the public has to get involved with it part.
@MP: True that
I tried these chips for the first time approximately a month ago and was wondering if JFG was aware of them. Turns out to be emphatically so. He is. Anyway I picked up a bag of these because I was in the mood for something ‘crazy hot’.
New to the product in general, I like the dietary boasts. Half the fat! Great.
I also like their description (on the bag) of how they’re made: NOT fried, NOT baked…zapped with some kind of high-pressure, wave-motion gun (from StarBlazers?) so that flat slivers of potato magically become puffy and crunchy. I’m down with that. That’s how ‘Popcorners’ probably started, and ‘Popcorners’ are a decent snack.
Reaction to the new texture: its interesting but not extraordinary. Doesn’t blow me away.
Reaction to the ‘crazy hot’: it was an ‘okay’ tangy-hot flavor but no way was it ‘crazy’. It was well-within my ability to handle without losing my mind.
The only ‘crazy hot’ I’ve encountered in recent years was red-pepper Szechuan sauce from an *authentic* Szechuan restaurant here in Brooklyn. That stuff was so hot that yes, I did temporarily lose my mind and hallucinate. I doubt any company can make a snack chip that crazy..
I am eating these right now! I think I have officially found a healthier alternative to xxtra hot cheetos. And when I eat a whole bag of these, I am consuming 450 calories instead of like 1500 when I down a bag of the aforementioned cheetos.
Only complaint: 3 times already I have put a whole pop chip in my mouth, proceeded to chew, and then realized I had somehow inhaled the powder…. runny noses and crybaby faces then ensue. What on earth am I doing wrong?
@Jessica: What are you doing wrong? Not sure…but keep eating them and do extensive testing 🙂 That’s what I would do