Review: Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Pie Dessert Shop Cookies & How Do You Deal with Spam Phone Calls?
Junk Food Nation, the radio show I listen to in the mornings here in DC was discussing IRS scam robocalls, and how to deal with them. We’ve all received robocalls, scam calls, telemarketing calls – if you have a home phone, it’s usually ringing off the hook with people seeking your cash money. Some legit, some not, but usually all occurring during the most inconvenient part of your day (right during dinner). It got me thinking about what *I* do in those situations.
We are all annoyed by them, but I go back and forth between feeling bad that they have to do that job and feeling that they are the worst people setting out to scam me. Because I feel SOME sympathy, I tend to go for the quick hang up route: if I answer a unknown number, I hear a pause, and then I hear someone asking for me, by full name, I tend to just hit END CALL right there and then. Sometimes they’re actually even from legit businesses – my own bank will sometimes call to see if I want to take advantage of a new credit protection level or what not. I usually do the polite but quick, “No, but thanks” and then hang up before they can do the re-sell.
A buddy of mine likes to play with telemarketers, which I think is both funny and extremely rude. He’ll listen and listen and engage the caller before ending the call with some expletive and a hang-up. In truth, based on what I do, I think this is kind of a dick move. Plus, who has time to entertain calls just so you can get a zing in at the end? Another friend of mine will just shout STOP CALLING ME into the phone before she clicks off. She’s a psycho.
If you’ve been applying to jobs or buying a home or got into an accident recently, chances are you’re picking up a lot of unknown numbers on the off chance that it could be a legit phone call. And nothing pours water on that curiosity fire faster than a spam call. They’ve started to hit my cell phone too! But the jokes on them – I don’t even answer my own FRIEND’S phone calls. Take that, telemarketers! I’m anti-social!
Let me ask you – how do you handle telemarketers? We all have a story, don’t we? Tell me yours in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Pie Dessert Shop Cookies!!
If you know me at all, you know I like key lime pie. No, not like. LOVE key lime pie. It’s a tossup between what I like more – key lime or Meyer lemon. But I think Key Lime wins for me in the end. So when i saw these Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Pie Dessert Shop Cookies, my brain went YES YES YES as I basically knocked the display over into my shopping cart.
This sack of Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Pie Dessert Shop Cookies has a island-like motif to the design package…which is funny, because a key lime plant looks like this.
Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Pie Dessert Shop Cookies, you missed your chance to have a big fat slice of key lime pie on the bag!
Oh there it is.
When I cracked open this bag of Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Pie Dessert Shop Cookies and sniffed, BLAMMO! Key lime smell! It was really strong – very cool, refreshing, and citrus-y. These cookies weren’t in the fridge or anything, so it lacked some of the coolness that I’m used to getting in my nostrils when I smell a key lime pie, but the aroma was distinctly lime, not lemon, through and through.
Biting into one of these Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Pie Dessert Shop Cookies, the cookie was soft and semi-crumbly like so many of the other Dessert Shop cookies – it’s all the oils. Hey, I’m not complaining! I love the softness of these large Pepperidge Farm cookies. The cookie itself DID taste like Key Lime Pie, too! The cookie part was sweet and, IMHO, mimicked pie crust really well – soft, crumbly, with that distinct semi-doughy flavor that pie crust has.
The lime flavor, surprisingly, came from the white confection chips themselves. I tasted the cookie by itself – nope, no lime flavor. IT was all about the chips – they were light, sweet and creamy, and DID indeed have a bright lime flavor to them when I chewed them! Really cool – the chips mimicked key lime pie filling, being both simultaneously sweet and creamy and lime-y.
The problem with these Limited Edition Pepperidge Farm Key Lime Pie Dessert Shop Cookies? NOT ENOUGH CHIPS. Now, I know what you’re thinking: if I want key lime pie, I should go eat key lime pie and not complain that a cookie doesn’t taste like pie. No, I get that – and don’t get me wrong, altogether, I think the flavor of these cookies was spot on. But I needed just a FEW MORE chips to really get that great key lime flavor profile. To me, key lime pie is more cool and tart than sweet, so in terms sweetness I didn’t mind that these cookies weren’t cloying and over the top. But while the key lime bright flavor surprised me, I wanted more of it. MORE MORE MORE.
To recap, these were really tasty cookies – good flavor profile, good texture, and great aroma. Critique – more lime please!
PURCHASED AT: Wegmans, Germantown, MD
COST: $2.99 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 18 Comments
Robo calls – ignore. Sales calls/surveys – “Take me off your calling list immediately”.
@Jessica: Ah, you take the time! Impressive
These cookies sound great! I also find messing with telemarketers simultaneously funny and extremely rude. I’m such a hypocrite. The funniest thing was one time when my husband took a call intended for me. They asked for my distinctly feminine name and he replied, “This is she.” in his very masculine voice. He kept it up for a minute and it gave the caller a laugh, too.
@Jeni: HAHA
Wait….people have house phones? I don’t answer my phone…ever!…unless it says “DAD”. Yup, anti phone social. Have a nice long weekend!
@Sarah: Hope you had a nice weekend!
Just seeing the package reminds me of about a decade ago how much I loved Brent & Sam’s Key Lime White Chocolate cookies. Eventually I stopped ordering from them when I found out they were the producer of the Archer Farms version, and then I got sick of them because they were too readily available at Target! I guess after that I kind of lost track of the company. Nostalgia
@Technosquid – well, if you get a chance to try these, let me know what you think!
Spam phone calls–? Naw. Never get ’em. I think that must be more of a thing which hits folks who have smartphones with associated Google/Facebook accounts.
With any kind of customer service reps though, the way to handle it –and even make it enjoyable– is to ‘kill them with kindness’. Ooze phony politeness back to them. Love-bomb them. Ask about their kids’ health, their families, their love-lives. See how much you can draw them out, how far you can convince them you really care about them as human beings. Cover them with syrupy goo. You can do this whether you’re in a good mood but its even better when you’re in a bad mood and under each saccharine phrase you’re thinking how much you hate the guts of the oafish myrmidon who interrupted your day.
@C: LOL, but then you have to burn like 5-10 minutes!
See if your phone provider supports It works very well.
I got these today. I wish that they weren’t soft. I find that a lot of brands that sell soft cookies end up creating a cookie that tastes kinda processed. Also, it would’ve been even better with macadamia nuts or even pieces of graham cracker to mimic pie crust.
I’m gonna break these up into some coconut ice cream/gelato, I think.
Telemarketer? Some of my friend like to play around with them. But I’d rather not wasting my time. I’d rather not picking up a call from unidentified number. Especially if after I checked the number at it doesn’t show a blank page. Will definitely block the number then. Won’t let them disturbing my days. The cookies look so yummy.
@Zee: I’m like you – can’t waste the time
Tried these, and while they were good, each cookie gave me a stomachache. 🙁
Loved the cookies…..wanted more!
Just do what Seinfeld does 😀
I want to get back to the K.L. Cookie review, but will give you my input. I don’t get rude, but I heard and it’s true, if you ASK them to take you off their call list they have to and they did.