Review: Limited Batch Tribe Fiery Sriracha Hummus & April Fools Day ALL UP IN YOUR FACE

Junk Food Nation, it’s April Fools Day! It’s time to scour the web for the best April Fools jokes/hoaxes:

1) Turkey Hill is debuting their “Ice Cream headache Prevention Helmet” – FINALLY a way to prevent those debilitating ice cream headaches:

2) Red Box is debuting Pet Box: “carrying the latest movies and games your pet will want to sit and stay for.”

3) Virgin is apparently airlifting and flying Chihuahuas from SF to NYC…wait, this is an April Fools Joke, right? Wait, is it not? I’m so confused.

4) Honda has released the H-RV SLF – the world’s first Selfie-conscious automobile:

5) The Galaxy BLADE Edge – nuff said.

6) Miz Mooz, a shoe company, is debuting Selfie Shoes, to help prevent selfie stick clutter:

It’s sort of genius.

7) Google Panda?? Google Panda:

8) Google Fiber – Dial-Up Edition! They managed to slow down that ultra-fast internet to pre-2000 speeds:

Actually, just go here for more Google April Fools gags.

Those are just a few that I was able to find quickly; what else have you seen out there? Let me know in the comments below, OR let me know your biggest April Fools Day prank you’ve pulled before!

Today’s junk food: Limited Batch Tribe Fiery Sriracha Hummus!!

Limited Batch Tribe Fiery Sriracha Hummus

Limited Batch Tribe Fiery Sriracha Hummus: The Money Shot

Limited Batch Tribe Fiery Sriracha Hummus was sent to me by the good folks at Tribe, and I photographed and ate all the tubs of this stuff waaaaaay back in February. Of course, I managed to sit on the review for weeks now, delayed by Vegas and other goodies that have popped up. BUT HERE WE GO! Sriracha Hummus!

I’ve reviewed Tribe products before, and as a personal fan of hummus AND sriracha, I jumped at the chance to have this. I don’t see the flavor listed on the Tribe website, but I’m sure it’ll be out soon. Let’s do some photos, shall we?

Limited Batch Tribe Fiery Sriracha Hummus

Limited Batch Tribe Fiery Sriracha Hummus

Enjoy this Limited Batch Tribe Fiery Sriracha Hummus within a week? Who else out there can kill a tub in one sitting, like me? Just give me a bag of pita chips and I’M OFF!

Limited Batch Tribe Fiery Sriracha Hummus

When I opened this tub of Limited Batch Tribe Fiery Sriracha Hummus and sniffed…I smelled the typical smell of hummus. Chickpea, tahini, etc….nothing really jumped out at me, per se. I picked up a slight nose tingle of spice, but not much. It just smelled like good, honest, hummus.

Limited Batch Tribe Fiery Sriracha Hummus

Tasting a big spoonful of this Limited Batch Tribe Fiery Sriracha Hummus, my mouth exploded with flavor. The initial taste was nice and tangy – a solid, tahini-strong, hummus flavor. Lots of good tang – I’m sure that came from some of the citrus. As I chewed/swished, the hummus flavor broke and gave way to some spice…actually a lot of spice! The burn came, baby. The flavor was reminiscent of when I have chewed red chili pepper flake – that burst of burn emerged immediately and burned nicely. For a spice fan like me, this wasn’t too hot, and the burn lasted nicely throughout the entire taste of hummus. I found it to be well balanced.

I tried some Sriracha side-by-side to this hummus, and here’s what I’ll say – the hummus isn’t as acutely spicy as Sriracha (like, it didn’t make me start coughing like Sriracha can if it catches you off-guard) but this basically tastes like hummus mixed with Sriracha. It was really really tasty, and exactly what I wanted from this flavor. One small critique – the hummus definitely dampened the garlicky flavor I enjoy from Sriracha. If Tribe ever dpes a re-blend, I’d ask them to kick the garlic up a bit more.

All in all, however, this flavor delivered exactly what I expected – a tasty hummus that TASTED like hummus with lots of burn. Good work, Tribe. I’d definitely buy this again.

PURCHASED AT: Sent to me, but soon to be available in grocery stores everywhere

COST: I’m gonna guess that the suggested retail price is $3.49 per tub.

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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Discuss - 8 Comments

  1. Jessica says:

    I’ll occasionally make homemade hummus (it’s not hard) and I will literally just spread it thick on bread and eat it as a meal. Yeah, I have to be careful about hummus because I will overeat it.

  2. Elisa says:

    I remember those modems! And the loud noises while your computer connected to the internet!

  3. Considering I’d put sriracha on ice cream and not look back, I approve of this pairing.

  4. ibagoalie says:

    Did you really ‘swish’ the hummus during your taste test?!?!?! Looks awesome, will have to try.
