Review: Hot Cocoa & Cream Peeps & Backup QB vs. JFG: NFL Week 16, 3 Mon / Derm Ref Revealed!
Yesterday’s comment contest was a big hit – thanks for your entries. So, what WAS “3 Mon” and “Derm Ref”? Many of you got the “Derm Ref” one – I had been looking for a dermatologist referral. I realized after yesterday’s post that the reason *I* had such a hard time figuring out what “Derm Ref” was is because not only is my memory bad, but so is my handwriting, and my scrawl looked like, “Dorm Rep.” And I was like “……but I don’t live in a dorm. Why would I need a rep?”
“3 Mon” was trickier, and definitely the reason I stared at my paper for so long. Because, like many of you, I thought Mon was Monday as well…but it wasn’t. No one got this (wouldn’t have expected you to) but “Mon,” turned out, was shorthand for “monitor” and I wrote a note to remind myself to investigate how to attached three monitors to my new iMac. I KNOW, it’s random. The way I figured it out? My brain: “3 Mon….3 Mon… ARGH forget it. Let me go back to browsing the web. Track package…oh, my new iMac is coming soon. Oh, I should really think about how to connect this monOMG THAT WAS IT.” Yeah, that’s how it happened.
My prize winner from yesterday?
KATE (ooKate2____@_______)
Congrats, Kate! I enjoyed your creativity – email me your contact info to and I’ll get the free coupon in the mail to you! BTW, you were right – last night’s Jags-Titans game was ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
To win today, it’s time to RT RT RT today’s post on Twitter. I’ll be Tweeting some other links to this post throughout the weekend – RT those too! TWO MORE winners out of the entries. TWEET YOUR HEART AWAY.
Here’s the tally so far regarding the season long bet between me and the BackUp QB:
Backup QB Picks | JFG Picks | |
WEEK 15 | 4-9-2 (4 pts: MISSED LOCK) | 6-7-2 (6 pts: MISSED LOCK) |
SEASON | 92-110-8 (108 pts) | 105-97-8 (129 pts) |
21 points is a lot to make up in the final two weeks…unless the BQB and I agree to keep playing into the Postseason. (Maybe.) Still, I’m looking forward to posting pics of the BQB in this. Amazon Prime will get that to your house quick, buddy.
The BQB’s lock for Week 15 is Chargers +1. No explanation this week. I’m guessing the BQB is banking on the Niners continuing to implode. Good bet.
My LOCK OF THE CENTURY…OF THE WEEK… is the Giants +6.5. Yeah, it’s a road game for NY, but the Rams are favored by almost a touchdown?? Ridiculous. Have the SEEN Odell Beckham Jr. play? The Giants cover this, easily.
The rest of our picks here:
GAME | Backup QB Picks | JFG Picks |
Eagles @ REDSKINS | REDSKINS +8 | Eagles -8 |
Chargers @ NINERS | Chargers +1 (LOCK) | NINERS -1 |
Vikings @ DOLPHINS | Vikings +6.5 | Vikings +6.5 |
Ravens @ TEXANS | Ravens -6 | TEXANS +6 |
Lions @ BEARS | Lions -9.5 | Lions -9.5 |
Falcons @ SAINTS | Falcons +6.5 | Falcons +6.5 |
Packers @ BUCS | BUCS +12 | BUCS +12 |
Chiefs @ STEELERS | Chiefs +3 | STEELERS -3 |
Patriots @ JETS | JETS +10.5 | JETS +10.5 |
Giants @ RAMS | Giants +6.5 | Giants +6.5 (LOCK) |
Bills @ RAIDERS | Bills -6.5 | RAIDERS +6.5 |
Colts @ COWBOYS | COWBOYS -3 | Colts +3 |
Broncos @ BENGALS | Broncos -3.5 | Broncos -3.5 |
I picked against my Bills last week, and they beat the Packers…here’s hoping that they don’t lose to the Raiders in a letdown game. CRAP I ACKNOWLEDGED MY BACKWARD JINX! DID I JINX IT??
TODAY’S JUNK FOOD: Hot Cocoa & Cream Peeps!!
I found these Hot Cocoa & Cream Peeps the same time I found the Red Velvet Peeps. BOTH featured the bottom of the Peep being covered in white confection…here, they say it’sjust “fudge” not cream flavored fudge.
When I opened up these Hot Cocoa & Cream Peeps, I was struck by (1) the smell of hot chocolate that I got from the Peeps, (2) the curious dusting of sugar on the TOP of the Peep, and (3) that, it seemed to me, the bottoms of these Peeps were even MORE covered with white confection.
I bit into one of these Hot Cocoa & Cream Peeps, and hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm not bad. Not great, but not bad.
The obvious question is, did these Hot Cocoa & Cream Peeps taste like hot cocoa? Personally, I think the Peep DID accomplish that – the Peep itself had a muted chocolate flavor, much like hot cocoa, and since Peeps themselves are marshmallows, the flavor of the Peep itself actually did taste like hot cocoa with marshmallows. That part was spot on.
The white fudge on the bottom is what threw me off, honestly. It tasted good – sweet, chocolate/fudge-y, and creamy. But it sent my taste of hot cocoa in an entirely sweeter direction than anticipated. I personally don’t drink hot cocoa with like a dollop of Cool Whip or whipped cream on top, so maybe I’m just unfamiliar with this flavor profile. But because I’m not, this Peep, as a whole, did not taste like hot cocoa to me, even though I enjoyed the flavor generally.
So yeah – get these if you just want a really tasty chocolate-y Peep. But if you’re targeting hot cocoa flavor specifically, you won’t really get that with these.
Have a good weekend, JFNation!
PURCHASED AT: Target, Germantown, MD
COST: $1.25 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 5 Comments
Why not only hot cocoa peeps? They could attempt on apple pie peeps. Pumpkin spice peeps.
For valentine days they could try cinnamon heart peeps. Give it some spice there.
Where is a cereal with Peep marshmallows?
Marketing people. .. Wake up….. Marketing people.
It could be called “Duck Soup”
Put them in the microwave and then compare it to a cup of hot cocoa with whip cream . 🙂
How did the minion taste?