Review: Limited Time Only Cinnamon Sugar Pringles Tortillas & STOP RUINING DR. DOOM
Junk Food Nation, I’m a comic book geek. Well, I used to be – not that I wouldn’t be now, but I fell behind a while ago and never caught up. Still, I feel fully justified criticizing the new DC or Marvel movies that are released, deeming certain movies worthy of my time and others as trash. Dark Knight? WORTHY! The Punisher, featuring Thomas Jane? I mean, c’mon now.
Recently I learned of the new Fantastic Four reboot, and I was stoked – the first two Fantastic Four movies were garbage, as hot as Jessica Alba was, and I was wondering how Chris Evans would fit into the new Marvel Universe since he, as Captain America, was also the actor who played the Human Torch in those early movies.
So, the reboot is here, and I learned over the weekend that the arch villain in this iteration, Dr. Doom, would NOT be, the power hungry crazed leader of the fictional country of Latveria, but would instead be an anti-social programmer who uses the handle DOOM when blogging.
I realize that the version of Doctor Doom in the original movie was kind of hokey, and to do a modern retelling of the Fantastic Four story is hard when Dr. Doom is such an old-timey villain – but an anti-social blogger???? So basically, Dr. Doom is a disgruntled Reddit user? Or a troll from’s comments?
See what I’m talking about here. What the HELL, Marvel. These choices better pay off, or this comic book nerd is gonna be PISSED.
What do you think, fellow nerd members of Junk Food Nation? Dr. Doom as an anti-social blogger? Does he write a junk food blog too?
Today’s junk food: Limited Time Only Cinnamon Sugar Pringles Tortillas!
I’ve written about Pringles Tortillas before here and here. My general take is that I really liked them – something about the lightness of a Pringle combined with a corn chip really worked. I’ve also written about Cinnamon Sugar Pringles before – Those I was sort of MEH. Weird tasting cinnamon and sugar on a potato chip. But now…cinnamon and sugar on a corn chip? Would these Limited Time Only Cinnamon Sugar Pringles Tortillas work?
Not sure why these Limited Time Only Cinnamon Sugar Pringles Tortillas are limited…if these are good, why would be limited? If I bite into these chips, and they taste/feel like light crispy churros, I’m going to want these all the time.
Limited Time Only Cinnamon Sugar Pringles Tortillas contain dried black beans. And paprika. Pringles, these are cinnamon and sugar chips, you know that, right?
I opened this can of Limited Time Only Cinnamon Sugar Pringles Tortillas, and sniffed – it smelled just like a box of cinnamon LIFE cereal! OOOOOOO. I liked the aroma – not too sweet, definite cinnamon smell, and the chips themselves gave off a corn-cereal-vibe. My taste buds are PRIMED AND READY.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM these Limited Time Only Cinnamon Sugar Pringles Tortillas are good. I’m just gonna get right to the point – these are pretty tasty. Now, pump the brakes a bit – these are not SUPER sweet, like a cinnamon sugar cookie, a snickerdoodle, etc. These are cinnamon and sugar tortillas chips. So what did they taste like? Well, they reminded me sort of like a less sweet version of the Taco Bell Cinnamon Twists, or a les sweet crispy version of a churro. They also sort of reminded me of Corn Flakes that had cinnamon and sugar on them, or maybe more accurately, like Corn Chex.
Basically, these chips were nice and light, and full of corn flavor, like a cereal, while the dusting of cinnamon and sugar was sweet but not so sweet to kill the tiny bit of salt that was present too. It was more sweet than salty, but I’d definitely characterize this more of the sweet/salty amalgam variety. And it WORKED – the flavor of the cinnamon and sugar, while WEIRD on a potato chip (Pringle), was PERFECT on these tortillas chips. In my estimation.
So yeah – another successful addition to the Pringles Tortillas family! Happy Monday!
PURCHASED AT: Walmart, Germantown, MD
COST: $1.50
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 16 Comments
Why are they limited? For the same reason great foods like Cookie Dough Oreos were: make people buy them in quantity while they’re available (guilty as charged…). That and Cinnamon is one of those “borderline” seasonal flavors.
@Jessica: If you get these, def let me know what you think!
Yeah, Dr Doom also makes football picks on Fridays & visits ice cream factories 😛 The comics I read & collected were in the newspaper. Sadly, comic strips & movies were a lot better 20 years ago.
@MP: LOL +1
Favorite old comic? Mine: Calvin Hobbes, Far Side, I’m aging myself…
+JFG Yup, plus Bloom County / Outland. Also been collecting old Andy Capp books. Someday I might continue the Peanuts books but those strips are all online.
Sometimes when I go to party I will bring along a fruit salsa for a dessert. I usually take flour tortillas and fry them with cinnamon and sugar for the salsa vehicle. These Pringles would definetely save some time….too bad they are limited! Talking to me about comic books is like talking to me about fashion….no effing clue. Also….what happened to the option to get an email when someone else leaves a comment on your blog. Do you know what I mean?
@Sarah: Fried flour tortillas in cinnamon and sugar???? WOW…………like a sweet -take on chilequiles?
Many years ago I found cinnamon and sugar fried (I assume) flour tortilla chips in the local grocery store, some brand with a Spanish name that I hadn’t heard of before. They were really good, but they disappeared. They were not super crispy like a corn chip but not too soft either. The bag claimed it was a traditional recipe.
Those sound great , any other good chip flavours you recommend
@Jes: if you can find these, I really liked them:
JFG, I looked for these Pringles in a huge grocery store and NONE FOR ME. Walmart is pretty cutting edge in the junk food scene, eh? I’ll check there….
The same store I was in had huge mountains of Angie’s Candy Corn drizzle popcorn they were trying to get rid of for a buck a bag, and yeah I fell for that and found out why they are stuck with so much of it post-Halloween…it’s truly dreadful. And I love most popcorn things, too, so it’s saying a lot that I threw uneaten product in the trash. Blech!
@Indigo – keep checking! And let me know if you find them. In my store, they were (strangely) BY THE REGISTER. WTF
No love for Thomas Jane as The Punisher?!? I bet every other movie superhero is jealous that he got to kill John Travolta. I mean, he didn’t shoot him on the can, but it was pretty bad-ass.
@Frank Castle – Thomas Jane was better as Mickey Mantle
They should have had it so that he actually is the same person as rapper MF DOOM.
@Nate D: +1