Review: Buddy Fruits Orange Fruit Bites & Icelandic Garage Doors Are A BITCH
Junk Food Nation, this video below was discussed on Deadspin yesterday and brought to my attention by my friend Rob. I don’t even know what to say about this. Just watch. Please.
So yeah, that happened. Uh….yup. Let’s discuss it in the comments below. Holy S.
Today’s “junk food”: Buddy Fruits Orange Fruit Bites!
So, Buddy Fruits Orange Fruit Bites are most certainly NOT junk food, but they ARE fruit snacks, which I enjoy eating by the pound, so I figured I could talk about these today quickly. I first tried these at the Summer Fancy Food Show, and snagged a few packages to go. Normally when I think “Buddy Fruit” I think of the squeezable fruit pouches that are popular with kids these days. Me? I prefer my fruit in fruit snack form, clearly.
Buddy Fruits Orange Fruit Bites have no preservatives, no colors, no artificial flavors, no genetically engineered ingredients, they are gluten free, fat free, BPA free and vegetarian. These are basically just fruit and sugar mixed together…and I’m down with that.
When I opened this package of Buddy Fruits Orange Fruit Bites (they also have other flavors like Banana, Apple, and Blueberry) I was definitely struck by the color (dark orange), smell (almost vitamin-y), and stickiness of these fruit bites. There were definitely NOT like Ocean Spray fruit snacks or the like, which are almost like gummy candies themselves.
No, these Buddy Fruits Orange Fruit Bites were just spot-on TASTY. The consistency of these Fruit Bites was SUPER soft, so that my teeth cut through them almost like they were just firm globs of jelly – there was no rubberiness to these bites at all. The chew was really pleasing and didn’t coat my mouth with a weird plastic-y feeling.
And the flavor? Simple pure sweet orange flavor. There was definitely some aded sugar to these, but the general flavor was SUPER fruit, FULL of that orange citrus bite that I’m familiar with when eating regular fruit. These Fruit Bites, to me, got it right, and were way better than every fruit snack I’d had so far in life.
Like I stated, I’m not really comparing these to gummy candies – I mean, I love Sour Patch Kids – these are firmly, for me, in the fruit snack category. And these are definitely at the top of that category. Nice work, Buddy Fruits.
PURCHASED AT: Not sure how much they cost, or where to buy them. I’m so helpful, right? Go here – there’s a store locator on the linked site.
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 8 Comments
I can’t stop laughing!! It hilarious. What an idiot!
@Alek: I know, right?
I don’t even understand what happened there. First off, what is that see through mesh garage door? Second, why did the driver/woman jump out and push the car through it? Third, WTF!
@Steve B: Exactly. How? HOW? HOOWWWWWW????????
Carauba wax is what I use on my car… just sayin’…
@Mike N: LOL
I think it’ll buff out.
@Dana; just a little elbow grease…