Review: Wegmans Mac & Cheese Ravioli & Crowdsourcing: What the Hell Do You Do With Belts?
Junk food Nation, I have a random clothing question – how long do you keep around a belt? That is to say, how worn does it have to be before you replace it? I own a variety of belts, and recently just throw a bunch out. I had the gamut: I had ones from when I was heavier so that now if I put it on I would have to punch new holes in it and deal with the foot of extra leather sticking out from my side. I have ones that were smaller and as I got heavier the holes were streeeeeeeeeeettttttttttched until they looked like oblong button holes. I had belts there were reversible, so the turning mechanism is all jacked up right now from spinning the belt head too many times. I have belts where the notch I usually use is accompanied but HUGE CRACKS in the leather.
For the longest time I wouldn’t throw a belt away until it basically broke, but sometimes I’m like, “Hey this is a nice suit! Why am I wearing something that looks like I chewed on it around my waist?” But belts are NOT cheap – even if you get them at, say, TJ Maxx, they can still be $15 a pop. That’s like 2.5 Chipotle burritos. I’ll keep the cracked belt and have another carnitas with extra guac, thanks. Priorities people.
But seriously, what does everyone else do out there when it comes to belts? Replace them every three months? Own enough so that each one only gets worn once a month? Do women have this same problem? I have no idea. Please, give me your belt knowledge in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: Wegmans Mac & Cheese Ravioli!
Oh Wegmans. How do I love thee? Growing up in Upstate New York, I’ve been eating from this amazing grocery store chain for decades. Now, having spread downwards into the DC/MD/VA area, I’ve been able to continue to consume their excellent products for the past several years. Like the reputation Trader Joe’s has, I believe Wegmans-branded products are always legit. So when I saw this Wegmans Mac & Cheese Ravioli, my immediate thought was YES – get in my cart.
Wegmans Mac & Cheese Ravioli just makes sense to me – just like a normal cheese ravioli, but you fill it with ricotta, cheddar, and American cheese to replicate that mac & cheese familiar sort-of-fake cheese flavor. I’ve had completely homemade mac & cheese before, with several cheeses and bread crumbs and the like, and it was awesome. But with this, I just wanted something to be better than Kraft powdered mac & cheese.
Wegmans Mac & Cheese Ravioli were each the size of a large postage stamp. Empty the bag into a pot of boiling salty water…
…boil for 4-5 minutes until all of them are floating and BAM! DONE.
I’m a glutton for cheese, so on top of this Wegmans Mac & Cheese Ravioli I added a little shredded pepperjack.
The ravioli carried heat well, so the shredded cheese, just on the top, melted right away.
OOOOOOOOO lovely, isn’t it? Yes it is. Yes you are, Wegmans Mac & Cheese Ravioli. Super simple to make, and how did it taste?
Wegmans Mac & Cheese Ravioli tasted PRETTY DAMN AWESOME, is how it tasted. There wasn’t enough pepperjack to distract, so I was able to taste the ravioli pretty clearly. The pasta itself, having been pre-cooked, was standard – soft, springy, and nicely chew-able after only 4-5 mins of boiling. None of the ravioli broke and leaked all over, which was nice.
Cutting into the ravioli, I was also pleased to see there weren’t huge pockets of water, which is usually the problem with ANY ravioli – was there any seepage, etc. Nope, none here. Instead, just a gooey pocket of orange colored cheese filling.
The flavor of the orange filling was pretty straightforward – salty cheddar & American cheese mix. Nice and gooey. LOTS of cheesy flavor – there was just the right amount of cheese in there where eat ravioli I chewed felt like I was eating the right ratio of pasta to cheese in regular mac & cheese. Best of all, it didn’t taste too greasy – it’s not like the inside felt like a big glob of oil. The mouth feel was just a nice portion of gooey flavorful cheese. I’m sure the ricotta was in there somewhere to help provide the more solid texture. All of the raviolis, even with only 4-5 min of heating, had nice hot centers – none were a lukewarm ice cube.
All in all, I think this Wegmans Mac & Cheese Ravioli set out to accomplish its goal – to perfectly replicate mac & cheese flavor in a different form. The benefits, to me, of this form of mac & cheese is the ability to make it in such a short amount of time without needing to mess with powders and half cups of milk, etc. It’s just a solid taste without much mess – not going to say that it BLEW MY MIND, but I was pleased with the execution of the product.
I liked this a LOT. Have bought it again twice. You need to try this.
PURCHASED AT: Wegmans, Germantown, MD
COST: $3.49
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 22 Comments
To be honest, my BF and I buy a lot of belts at thrift stores. You can get like-new ones for a buck or two. He gets all his work shirts there, too. If you’re not a thrifter it’s an acquired taste, but once you ID the good thrift stores in your area to streamline the amt of time you spend pawing through junk, spending 2 bucks per shirt leaves a lot of burrito money. Consignment shops are the next level up…you’ll pay a little more but the stuff will all be good quality.
@Indigo – HMMMM not a bad idea. I have no oppositions to Goodwill, etc…. never thought about looking for belts there.
“You need to try this.” *sad dog eyes* Wegman’s is only in a few select eastern states so there’s no way I can try this. As for belts, until this summer I still only had 1 & yeah, it’s cracked but on the inside. Until it falls apart then I’ll throw it out. I should probably wash it, tho. There has to be decades of germs on it!
@MP: LOL, gross.
How bout them Royals, right? Defense + bullpen.
@JFG – Yeah, and you know what this means? For the first time ever, when the Royals visit, those tickets won’t be the cheapest ones anymore. Hard to believe they were below .500 as late as July 22nd
I once had a belt I was so reluctant to get rid of that I made an extra hole with a hammer and a screwdriver because I had lost a good deal of weight. Still not sure if I should feel pride or shame for my thriftiness/innovation. I did break down and get a new one about a month later, which I still own.
@Justin – haha, I’ve down the same; used an awl like a maniac to carve a new hole. Eventually I ended up with a mangled hole that undermined the strength of the belt itself, so I had to chuck it. Still…
Replace when the one hole typically in use gets cracks around it. Rotate belt to ‘non-work’ duty. Rotate previous ‘non-work’ belt to ‘working outside around the house’ duty. Throw away previous ‘working outside around the house’ belt. Yeah, it’s $15, but that’s like once every couple of years…at least for me.
Shredding extra cheese on those things is totally a FGFB thing to do…except they would have put more than one kind of cheese on there. And then some more cheese.
@Dana: “working outside around the house” belt – lol, I love it. I feel like back in the day, people used old belts to hold their books together:!
…so maybe I could use my old belts to hold boxes of crackers together, or something.
Hey Junk Food Guy! I recently found your site and I must say I enjoy your writing style and sense of humor. I laughed out loud and your riff when your train was running late. I love in Georgia, so no Wegman’s for me, though those ravioli look tasty. Keep on reviewing and writing; I’ll keep reading. As far as belts go, I have a calf hair one that I absolutey adore that I bought when I lost a good amount of weight, and now have gained back some and can only wear on the first notch ….gotta get back to that thinner self
@Beeb: Thanks! Please continue reading, and feel free to share. Also, if you’re curious if I’ve covered a certain food product, there’s always the search bar to look things up. I had to look up what a calf hair belt is, I admit – never knew these things existed!
I always try to keep at least three belts in rotation;
Belt 1 – Reversible Black/Brown belt which is sort of worn down. I use it when I put on a older suit.
Belt 2 – Nice Black belt to use when I’m wearing a nicer black/tan suit
Belt 3 – Nice Brown belt to use when I’m wearing a nicer grey/blue suit
Purchased all my belts from Macy’s since they always have a ONE DAY SALE which goes on for 365 days a year.
Now, what do you do about dress shoes?
@DK: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm dress shoes are even tougher. I have a brown and a black pair that I wear for work, and I’m a pretty consistent shoe polisher, to be honest, so those have looked good even with some wear. But you’re right – I can’t remember how old they are. I feel like I need to etch the date of first wear onto the shoe somewhere, and then just toss them after…a year, two years?
JFG – My BF wears work shoes for years and years. As long as they are still comfortable and don’t look bad, why pitch them?
Suspenders. You can snap them all the time and it helps the mise-en-scene when you make the “I’m just a country lawyer” closing.
@Kahnfucius: You can snap them all the time…haha!
My dad has bought a belt or two from LL Bean; they’ve held up. Others have come from Brooks Brothers or other high end men’s clothing stores.
@Elisa: LL bean?? This ain’t Maine! (just kidding 🙂 —- good suggestion)
I live in Upstate NY so I’m heading to Syracuse to get my fix. Sounds yum!
@GaGirrl – let me know what you think!
I’m going to start reading your blog just to reminisce about Wegmans!
@Former Upstater: We can reminisce together!!!!