Review: New Philadelphia Bacon Cream Cheese & Recent Wins/Losses & The Nosh Show Ep.40: Thunderbeast
JUNK FOOD NATION! It’s Columbus Day, which means I have the day off. It’s also Canadian Thanksgiving (no, seriously, it is), so, to all my Canadian readers, eat some turkey and pumpkin pie today! Wait, do they eat the same foods for Thanksgiving in Canada that they do in the US? Someone look that up for me.
Meanwhile, here in the US, I wanted to mention a win and a loss that happened to me recently. MY WIN: Fantasy baseball people who are truly fantasy nerdy like me know about MLB Trade Rumors. Run by Tim Dierkes, MLB Trade Rumors has sort of become THE site for baseball news – a lot like Pro Football Talk for football. Tim also happens to host his own fantasy baseball league – stemming from his other site, RotoAuthority – in which I’ve been a manager for the past three years. A highly competitive league, it features 12 managers where the bottom four finishers are kicked out each year. After finishing 8th, then 6th in my first two years, I finally finished in the money this year, edging out Tim himself on the last day of the season. BOOM. #PersonalVictory
MY LOSS: I bet Nick from that the Bills would cover +3 yesterday versus the Pats. DAMNIT. Well, I lost, so I’m here today to talk about Nick’s Tumblr account which is sweeping the nation, FYEAH SUNDAES (
I’m not a Tumblr guy myself, but basically Nick posts amazing photographs of ice cream creations that he concocts…like this:
UM, wow. If you’re an ice cream person, you NEED to visit/subscribe/reblog his Tumblr and see all the crazy deliciousness going on. I especially liked Nick’s Elvis Ice Cream Sandwich. I want that.
One last thing before we get to today’s review: The Nosh Show, Episode 40, is out today!
It’s sort of good timing, since Nick sat in for Dubba this week on the show! This week, “we discuss Mountain Dew Lemonade, stevia-sweetened Pepsi True, candy bars from Mars that won’t be available until 2015, the McFried Ice Cream Pie, junk food and fast food crossovers, and more.” Listen embedded here:
You can subscribe to The Nosh Show using various services: iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS, or, you can also download the episode.
Today’s junk food: New Philadelphia Bacon Cream Cheese!
New Philadelphia Bacon Cream Cheese is a new flavor that adds to a line of cream cheeses already filled with such varieties as Strawberry, Chipotle, and Honey Pecan. It surprises me that it took so long for this one to come along, although this definitely ain’t kosher.
New Philadelphia Bacon Cream Cheese jumped out at me immediately, because I often, when I’m looking for a quick breakfast, will eat a piece of toast with cream cheese on it paired with a couple strips of bacon. Sort of like a BLT with no lettuce or tomato. Whatever, don’t judge…it tastes good! What, like YOU’VE never made a makeshift breakfast? I’d like to hear some of YOUR quick breakfast ideas in the comments below.
I opened up this New Philadelphia Bacon Cream Cheese and smelled….nothing. Just smelled like normal cold cream cheese. No overwhelming pork smell. That’s ok. But where WAS the bacon? I needed to dig to find out.
New Philadelphia Bacon Cream Cheese had tiny tiny bits of bacon mixed in. Scraping away the surface, I was finally able to see them. There was no rocket science behind this – the cream cheese wasn’t made with bacon flavoring; this was just cream cheese mixed with bacon bits.
I spread some of this New Philadelphia Bacon Cream Cheese on some toast and ate….and I must say, it was pretty damn good. This may just be cream cheese and bacon mixed together, but the flavor was pretty spot on. Now look, this doesn’t have OVER THE TOP bacon flavor like you’re eating a real strip of bacon on top of cream cheese, but this definitely had enough porky bacon-y smoky flavor that it was noticeable.
The cream cheesy flavor of the cream cheese set up the perfect cool backdrop to the smoky bacon flavor. The bacon, for the most part, gave the cream cheese a nice saltiness (not TOO salty) that gave the combination a great savory taste. One a piece of toast, this was just right – smoky and creamy in one bite.
Nothing mind blowing, but there’s lots of ways this could have gone wrong. As it stands, I’d say this flavor was VERY successful. I’d buy it again.
PURCHASED AT: Giant Grocery, Germantown, MD
COST: $2.99.
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 17 Comments
I admit to being intrigued by this product although you lost me some with the idea of not getting smacked in the face of pork.
Philly should have a product with salmon it.. oh wait? how about one with pumpkin.. oh wait? strawberries.. oh wait? Seriously, can you let me add my own garbage the way I like.
A DISGUSTINGLY painful loss for my Dolphins yesterday. At least I have the Yanks in the playoffs.. oh wait?
@Marc P: Yeah, the pork flavor was more subtle. Tasty though, I tell you. Wait for it to be on sale?
I’m not a big fan of cream cheese paired with savory elements so I won’t be trying this one. I’m like you though; I can’t believe it took Kraft this long to come out with a bacon flavor. Bacon is EVERYWHERE these days. I wouldn’t be surprised if a Bacon Snickers popped up in the candy aisle…Hey, that might actually be a good idea! Get on that Mars!
@Heather: BACON SNICKERS. Mars, get on that
its k to have other flavors but u have to get ur ass and get the salmon.. im not a cream cheeese guy but the flavor is so like that u forget its cream chese.. and get bcon pringles and mayo is u can.. tc
Oh, that ice cream looks so good! 🙂
@Elisa: LOL
Why not a cheesecake flavored cream cheese?
@alek: how meta
Alek, Kraft did make a cheesecake flavored cream cheese back around 2002-3, but it didn’t sell, so they took it off the market.
It was yummy, though – you could basically eat it with a spoon.
They now make a ready-to-use cheesecake filling that you can just spread into a crust.
I used to work in a Kraft cream cheese plant and I could pretty much deal with every flavor being made except salmon. Smelled like old rotten fishy socks in the plant. The best smelling days were honey nut and blueberry.
I’m so glad I won, making that Junk Food Guy inspired sundae was nauseating me just thinking about it.
@Nick: ME TOO
terible to have such products with no actual flavor then the label just a hint.. what the hell kind of market does that and ecpect lp to like and sccept it?.. u know the salmon version is the oppostite. it hass that awesome flavor that u all know and love beacause t does it right… its overpowering because my god thats how u make a product.. so… ur either in or out. i was surpised to read that this has no bacon just bits and u find that k? thts wrong.. il keeep the salmon and a true product should not be lazy but rather just what the label says.. im tired f bsacon though.. pass the salmon.
@Alan: I’ll have to try the salmon
Got this Thursday at Safeway for $2.49 after trying some bacon and chocolate e-juice. The cream cheese was way better. Love the smoky-saltiness of it. Used it in the filling for an omlet and was instantly satisfied. Kraft should make this a permanent flavor option. Now all we need is bacon hershey bars and kisses!
@James Evans – Oh good! Glad you liked it – I enjoyed it too. Weird they didn’t come out with this sooner, no?
We saw this in the store and immediately thought, BACON CHEESECAKE! I am very surprised there are not more articles and recipes online on this. Next up “Bacon -Wrapped Jalapeno Popper Cheesecake” mixing the Jalapeno flavor and the bacon!