Review: Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels & Hey Idiots, Stop Bending iPhones

Junk Food Nation, who else watched that crazy ass baseball game with me last night? I couldn’t believe it. I mean, how many times were the Royals going to bunt someone over into scoring position? Why did every single batter in the Oakland lineup look like a different version of John Connor?  How is TBS the station America picked to broadcast these games?  The list of craziness goes on and on.

I spent yesterday also reading a lot of articles about the iPhone 6 and whether it was bendable, how Samsung has started making ads to attack this flaw in Apple’s design, and how people have now taken it upon themselves to go to the Apple store and bend the display models.   And here’s basically what I found out, since TONS OF SITES have a taken it upon themselves to do their own testing: essentially, yes, the iPhone WILL bend if you REALLLLLY REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLY try.

So there you go. My reaction: Uh, so what?  I do not see what the problem is. Some people say, “Well, if you sit on it, then the iPhone will ben*” LET’S HOLD IT RIGHT THERE. Who the hell is sitting on their iPhone?  Not me.  iPhone goes into FRONT pocket, not back.  Who is carrying a 6+ inch phone in their back pocket, Samsung or otherwise?  What, am I just BEGGING people to steal it?  Let me just carry my Kindle and iPad Mini back there too. Who DOESN’T like feeling like they have a clipboard glued to their ass for most of the day.

And THAT’S the main argument I’ve heard from people – that if you sit on it, it’ll bend.  SO DON’T SIT ON IT.  This isn’t even about Samsung vs. Apple, but about common sense. I mean, what else are we going to ridiculously gripe about? “My TV screen splinters when I whip my Nintendo Wii controllers against it!” “My Kindle gets scratched when I dice onions on it!” “These champagne glasses are BS if they crack with the slightest drop five feet to the ground.”

It’d be one thing if the iPhone 6 somehow EXPLODED when you tried to launch iTunes. But we have here is people in Apple Stores ACTIVELY trying to bend the sh*t out of these phones to prove a point. Hey idiots. Knock it off.

What do you think? Comment below.

Today’s junk food: Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels!

Limited Edition Snyder's of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels

Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels: The Money Shot

Well, Junk Food Nation, it IS October, and that means it’s time for Oktoberfest! To be fair, Oktoberfest started on September 20…but it lasts until this Sunday, so this post is still relevant. My buddy Corey is actually there right now, and hopefully he’s drinking his fill of beer, and eating lots of chicken and pretzels. Me? I’m here in DC watching postseason baseball and munching on these Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels.

Limited Edition Snyder's of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels

Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels: PROST!

There’s lots of history behind Oktoberfest, but basically it’s a Bavarian culture fair that happens in Munich every year. Lots of food and beer.  That’s really it.  And it looks awesome.  Have you ever been?  Tell me below how it was.

Anyways, these Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels are Snyder’s attempt to get in on the action. BTW, “Prost” is essentially “Cheers!” And now we’ve all learned something today. YOU’RE WELCOME.

Limited Edition Snyder's of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels

Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels: Let’s celebrate

Beer is good. Pretzels are good.  Snyder’s pretzels are VERY good.  And these Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels look pretty cool – just BIG ASS CRUNCHY PRETZELS.  I’m in. All in.

Limited Edition Snyder's of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels

Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels: 120 cal per pretzel

Limited Edition Snyder's of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels

Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels: Simple ingredients

Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels have very little preservative.  This is a good thing.

Limited Edition Snyder's of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels

Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels: WHOA

Opening this box of Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels, I was impressed.  These things were pretty big!  How big? Let’s see…

Limited Edition Snyder's of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels

Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels: Remote for size comparison

Two Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels end to end equaled my TV remote.  So, about four inches wide? These were substantial.  They felt very light, despite the thickness of the pretzel. Time to munch/crunch.

Limited Edition Snyder's of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels

Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels: LOTS OF SALT

Biting into one of these Limited Edition Snyder’s of Hanover Oktoberfest Crispy & Robust Pretzels, I knew immediately that I liked these.

These aren’t some unique flavor or anything – just a well executed pretzel.  The pretzel was crisp and crunchy, but not too hard – when I chewed these I wasn’t carving up the roof of my mouth with sharp edges.  The pretzels instead had a nice airy quality inside.

The outer shell tasted very good – not too bitter, just a good pretzel flavor with the right amount of coarse salt.  The inner breadiness came out as I chewed, and the whole thing tasted sort of…buttery?  That’s the wrong term. I don’t know how to describe it – it just didn’t taste dry, despite being a crunchy pretzel.  The internal breadiness had a basic well rounded flavor.  Think of when you eat fresh baked bread – even without butter you still get this warm rounded flavor. This had that.

These pretzels were pretty big, and it took me five or six bites to finish it off.  Then it expanded in my stomach nicely.  These would go really well with beer, a theory I plan on testing for the remaining five days of Oktoberfest.


PURCHASED AT: Mailed to me, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find it everywhere soon!

COST: According to THIS LINK, $3.49.

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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Discuss - 16 Comments

  1. Amen to the iPhone bending take. It amazes me how stupid people are and what lengths they’ll go to just to get some sort of attention for ANYTHING. This iPhone bending thing is clearly one of those cases and it’s absurd. Like you said, just have some common sense and treat it like the expensive piece of machinery it is. Knuckleheads.

  2. Jessica says:

    My iPhone 5c is too big for my pocket. I have a clip case if I need it on me and not in my purse. On that note…I have had a PROTECTIVE case ever since I had a smartphone. Who buys an expensive phone and doesn’t safeguard it?

  3. Indigo says:

    I had seen some kind of official video of the iPhone bending on day one, and the hands in the video were shaking just a little from the effort of bending it. If I take my 10″ tablet and place it across my knee and lean on the sides hard enough I bet I could get it to bend, too. I lack the idiot gene, though, so I think I won’t actually do that.

  4. JohhnyP says:

    There’s two kids in the UK that filmed themselves doing it in Apple stores too. People seem to be getting dumber by the day. I could get my Galaxy S5 to break in half if I wanted, but why would I try to?

  5. Brugtown says:

    Thank you for saying the iPhone piece!! I said the exact same thing. The solution to the bending iPhone? Stop trying to bend your phone in half like a savage. And considering the phone retails at $400+, I don’t recommend sitting on your phone in your back pocket either.

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Brugtown – Lol “Stop trying to bend your phone in half like a savage. ” I concur. Just use it like a normal phone, people!

  6. Chloe says:

    I haven’t been, but my sister went to Oktoberfest twice. She said she couldn’t handle more than two days of drinking. Apparently Italians are a big fan of Oktoberfest and act obnoxious like Americans do when out of their element. One Italian family brought multiple kids to a beer tent, to the chagrin of the patrons. It’s like bringing kids to Vegas, haha!

  7. Karen says:

    Buttery is exactly the right word to describe the new Oktoberfest pretzels! At least, it’s what I thought too, when I tried them. The worst part about the pretzels is that, while I discovered them at my local grocery store, so apparently did everyone else, because they’re all gone! 🙁

  8. David H says:

    Spotted these at Wegmans and decided to pick up a box. They have a consistency unlike any pretzel I’ve ever had before. Very airy but it fills you up pretty quickly. I liked the hint of butteriness also.
