Review: Limited Batch Pumpkin Spice Chobani Greek Yogurt & Learning About Native Americans on Alcatraz
Junk Food Nation, did you know that there came a time when Alcatraz was occupied by Native Americans? I didn’t, until I visited Alcatraz Island while traveling this weekend. All I knew about Alcatraz was what I had seen in movies (WELCOME TO THE ROCK) and the old 80’s David Copperfield special. Needless to say, in person, it’s a VERY cool place – awesome self-guided tours too. When I first pulled up to the island on the ferry, I noticed that the water tower and the walls near the dock had large red painted letters that read things like “INDIANS WELCOME.” Right when I got off the ferry, my off-loading group was greeted by a park ranger (Alcatraz is a National Historic Landmark) giving a spiel about the do’s and don’t’s of Alcatraz, where to go to start the self-guided tour, etc. Plus, the guide explained right off the bat the “INDIANS WELCOME” messages.
While on Alcatraz, I actually got to experience two different “welcome” rangers: the older graying man I listened to when I first got to the park, and the younger bearded dude that was talking to the new ferry-arrivals when I was getting ready to leave. They had different ways of doing things, for sure. The younger guy, when explaining the painted messages, explained that Alcatraz for two years was occupied by Native Americans for two years in 1969-1971 as a form of protest, a “Red Power” movement. The painted messages were graffiti; the Native Americans were activists from the Bay Area who wanted more awareness on Native American issues, etc. His spiel was very informative.
The older guide I heard in the morning? Well, he had a VERY different take on things. I sh*t you not, he said (and I’m paraphrasing): “You might be wondering why there are all these messages painted on the walls here? Well, there came a time when the US government felt bad about what they did to the Indians, so they gave Alcatraz to the Indians to celebrate their culture! And the Indians loved it, they lined up their teepees right here on the docks and got to do their rain dances. They would carry on for hours, a-hootin’ and a-hollerin’ with their war paint and what not…”
Seriously. Now look, I can be both PC and not-PC depending on the situation, but I KNEW this wasn’t correct info he was telling us. I mean, if there’s an Alcatraz historian out there, please correct me if I’m wrong…but teepees?? In the 1970’s? Really? A-hootin’ and a-hollerin’? Wow. Anyways, my mouth was agape when listening to this dude, semi-curved into a chuckling smile. I could tell from the murmur in the crowd that people were trying to figure out whether he was correct. Awkward!
I dunno, how would you have reacted? I thought it was great, because it gave me a funny story to tell all of you. Let me know in the comments below.
Today’s junk food: Limited Batch Pumpkin Spice Chobani Greek Yogurt!
Yeah yeah yeah, I know, yogurt ain’t junk food. Save it. I had to try this Limited Batch Pumpkin Spice Chobani Greek Yogurt… I’m surprised pumpkin spice yogurt hasn’t come along sooner. Maybe it has…but I’m happy to see Chobani take the plunge.
I love the design elements on this Limited Batch Pumpkin Spice Chobani Greek Yogurt – the bright orange container definitely caught my eye.
Limited Batch Pumpkin Spice Chobani Greek Yogurt contains pumpkin puree and spice. Plus, locust bean gum! Can’t remember the last time I had that.
As soon as I opened up this Limited Batch Pumpkin Spice Chobani Greek Yogurt, I was struck by the look – lightly orange yogurt, with lots of tiny spice dots. IMO, very appealing. I sniffed – still just the tang of greek yogurt smell, nothing overly pumpkin. Hm. Time for a bite.
Limited Batch Pumpkin Spice Chobani Greek Yogurt was pretty good, IMO! Here’s the deal – I placed the bite in my mouth, and got IMMEDIATE pumpkin spice flavor. I’m talkin’ the pumpkin, the nutmeg, the cinnamon, all of it! I could definitely get the flavor right away – it was clear, distinct, and prominent. BUT, the tang of the Greek yogurt was still nice and strong – there was no mistaking that I was eating yogurt. What I mean is, this yogurt wasn’t flavored so heavily as to make me think I was eating a tub of cold pumpkin puree – this was definitely yogurt that was spiced and pumpkin. Does that make sense? I hope it does.
All in all, the perfect combo of yogurt and pumpkin spice flavor. I give this high marks. If you’re looking for overwhelming pumpkin flavor, like a pumpkin spice CANDY flavor, this isn’t it – but I think Chobani got the balance just right. Thumbs up!
PURCHASED AT: Giant Grocery, Van Ness in DC
COST: $1.00 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 13 Comments
Interesting story.
Did the second guide you describe happen to be a Washington Football fan?
@MarcP: +1
Yogurt can be junk food if you eat too much of it! 😉 Thanks for the review, I’ll have to try it since I love both Greek yogurt and pumpkin.
@T: Did you try this? And if so, what did you think?
I want it! If I could get this and their “limited batch” summer flavor of pink grapefruit all year, that’s probably all I’d buy. Can’t wait to try this.
@Elise: Did you try it? And if so, thoughts?
I tried these a little over a week ago…LOVED it. I loved it because it wasn’t sweet…it was a real pumpkin flavor w/out that sugar.
@Nikki: Have you had the Noosa brand? Also good
Very good! Nice pumpkin and spice flavors. I don’t usually go for flavored yogurts because most seem to ruin it for me but this one I agree still has a yogurt taste.
@Jamie: Yeah, the yogurt taste is key
Wow, it REALLY is a perfect balance! I can def taste the nutmeg but like you said, you still get the taste of the yogurt. Chobani sure did hit a home run with this one!
Chobani greek yogurt pumpkin spice was delicious, t
oo bad I didn’t get more.