Well, it’s vacation time, boys and girls. It’s been a long Spring, a long Summer, and I need a break. Time to recharge the batteries. Time to kick the tires and light the fires, big daddy! Wait, no, that’s a quote from Independence Day.
For the next week, I’ll be in the sunny/foggy Bay Area, hometown of the Junk Food Gal:
So what will I be doing?
1) Eating In-N-Out.
2) Visiting the Rock.
3) Doing my best Nic Cage impression while on the Rock (“green smoke! GREEN SMOKE!”)
4) Responding to all (most) of the comments I’ve received on this blog for the past month. Ugh, I’m a slacker.
5) Instagram-ing my ass off. Follow me! I’ll be straight flexin’.
6) Eating In-N-Out.
7) Drop/adding the same defense over and over again in one of my fantasy football leagues. (Philly vs. JAX or Pittsburgh vs. CLE? I CAN’T DECIDE.)
8) Re-evaluating my life; try to refrain from sobbing out loud. Realize that football is almost back; smile.
9) Renegotiating my waist line. Damn you, In-N-Out.
10) Besides In-N-Out, stuffing my face with as much authentic Mexican food I can get my hands on.
But most of all, Junk Food Nation, I’ll be thinking of you. No, seriously. I’ve been blogging for over three years now, and I never want this blog to become a ball and chain – something that I am afraid to stop doing at any point for fear of the large void in my life that would be left behind. Instead, I’ve always wanted this blog to be our symbolic walk through the grocery store together – you see what I eat, and you read what grinds my gears for that day. I want our relationship to be easy breezy. When I want to take a vacation, I want to do so knowing you won’t take offense.
But have no fear, Junk Food Nation – I’ll be thinking of you the whole time. How I can entertain you. How I can eat even MORE things out in the world. And how I can interact with you even more than I currently do.
So yes – I’ll be off from tomorrow, and I’ll be back next Wednesday. Meanwhile, anyone have a taco place they love in the Bay Area? Anyone been to Alcatraz before? Is there something I MUST see/try/nosh while I’m West Coasting it? Let me know in the comments below.
Until then, remember: action expresses priorities. Go out and have some fun, Junk Food Nation.
Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 20 Comments
If I were you, as I do when going to Vegas, need more stops at In n Out. Jealous.
Also – get some Pliny the Elder brews. Enjoy brother.
@MarcP: Damnit – now, responding to all these comments, I’m thinking of In-N-Out. GRRR
Happy vacation! Alcatraz was amazing, so memorable! When I went they had those head phone sets that you walked around with. I am sure there is some new high tech way of doing this now but it is like your own personal tour. So amazing! I am sure you will enjoy that! If you want to be really touristy, go feed the sea lions… They are so huge you won’t feel bad about your waist line and that will allow you to eat more in and out! Enjoy your time, we will miss you but we won’t hold it against you!
@Sarah: Alcatraz = BIG thumbs up. Agree. I visited the Monterrey Aquarium – it was AWESOME.
Yes, go to Alcatraz. You don’t have to bother with the night tour (it wasn’t even dark when we went) but it’s really amazing. Buy your tickets ahead of time online. Can you go see a SF Giants game? That stadium is really worth the hype, and it’s close to a microbrewery (21st Amendment) that has a nice watermelon ale that is nice for summer. Of course, it’s SF, so it’s probably 55 there, so I’ll say “summer” in quotes.
@LB: I thought the audio tour for Alcatraz was pretty cool – definitely one of the highlights
You must eat at the CurryUpNow food truck, it makes the rounds throughout the Bay Area but there is usually at least one truck somewhere in San Francisco.
Chicken Tikka Masala burrito and you can thank me later.
@Lauren: Missed it, but I love the name CurryUp. HA!
The Rock… it’s so amazing! I would love to do the night trip as part of a ghost adventures tour. Praying “The Big One” doesn’t hit while you’re there. But if you go to the docks and don’t see the sea lions, it’s a sign. Get outta there! Have a great “waist-cation”! Oooohhh In-n-Out! Drool…
I once swam from Alcatraz to the mainland. The tour was that boring. Anyway, go to Sonoma (presuming the wineries are open). It’s worth at least a day, and don’t forget your More News from Nowhere cd.
Nick Cave is definitely best listened to careening through blind curves in the middle of nowhere.
@Steve Shrader: Awh, you didn’t like the tour? I thought it was good… not as good as the Elara Towers, but still
Go track down the Bacon Bacon food truck or go the brick and mortar cafe:
There’s lots of good ice cream in SF, and everyone has their favorites, but for my money, BiRite is the hands-down winner. Perfect mix of interesting flavors and creamy texture. Do not miss the salted caramel.
@Mia: Holy cow. I NEED to hit BiRite next time
Surely your secretive trip to Silicon Valley is all about finding an angel investor for a Junk Food Guy app. I expect to see the “Put My Junk In Your Mouth” app available for all operating systems in less than a month.
And instead of Alcatraz, if you fancy a journey, I recommend Fort Walton, Kansas. St Michael’s Church, Fort Walton, Kansas. Front pew, right leg, hollow.
@Stanley Goodspeed: Honey, do you wanna know who really killed JFK?
have a great vacation. so jealous of your future in-n-out consumption. i’ve only had it once in my life so far, but i know that is not enough!
@Kaitlyn: Oh – you need to have In-N-Out again as soon as possible.
Cool little place to check out in the City is The Red Poppy Art House
I don’t know what they have going on right now, but I have seen some crazy stuff here. The girls that run this place are the best.
Have a great time!
@Carrie: Great suggestion – next time!