Review: Supreme Cheddar Doritos & HUGE JUNE TURKEY HILL DAILY ICE CREAM CONTEST & Horrible Screen Names

Junk Food Nation, a LOT to get to today!  SO MUCH – so let’s get right to it!


Press play if you want to learn how to win ice cream EVERY WEEK DAY THIS MONTH!

So, did you get all that? I’m giving away free ice cream EVERY. SINGLE. WEEKDAY. this month.  Yes, yes. You’re welcome.

I only had a few rules, one of which was: if you’re gonna enter, I have to be able to find you if you win. Don’t make this a scavenger hunt for me – I promise you, I get bored quickly and will just move onto the next winner.


Like I said in the video, sometimes the daily contest will require you to comment on various blog posts. For those who comment on this blog, I read all your comments and try to respond to every single one, even if it sometimes takes me weeks to do so.  Still, I get a chuckle when I see some of the names/email addresses of people who leave comments! I know some are probably fake, but I also know some aren’t.

For example, people with addresses still?  I KNOW those silly email address and screen names aren’t fake.  When we’re kids and we pick these names, we think they’re awesome, right?  “BuckeyeUltraFan99” or “$$MoneyTalks$$” or “<3princess_2001“….We think it’ll look awesome in our AOL chat, but when it comes time to create a resume, we’re scrambling to create a new Gmail account.

I swear I knew a girl once whose screen name was something like: *~*~*~*~(O–v–o)))~~~>lover69. What the hell IS that? Seems obscene.  I’m pretty sure she was still using a Geocities account.

My own childhood wasn’t any different.  For a good period of time, because I was really into fantasy sports, I owned the email address DRAFTNINJA@YAHOO.COM.  Yep.  I was ridiculous.  AND APPARENTLY A NINJA.

So what were some of YOUR horrible email addresses or screen names? Tell me in the comments below. I wanna hear from every that was once

TODAY’S JUNK FOOD: Supreme Cheddar Doritos!

Supreme Cheddar Doritos

Supreme Cheddar Doritos: The Money Shot

Supreme Cheddar Doritos? How had I not seen these before my Doctor Sis picked them up for me at Costco?  And just how big IS this bag??

Supreme Cheddar Doritos

Supreme Cheddar Doritos: Normal view

Hmmm… lookin’ a little chubs these days, Junk Food Guy.  Probably from eating too many Supreme Cheddar Doritos.

Supreme Cheddar Doritos

Supreme Cheddar Doritos: 30 SERVINGS????

Supreme Cheddar Doritos

Supreme Cheddar Doritos: Romano and Cheddar Cheese

I mean, who DOESN’T need a 30 oz bag of Supreme Cheddar Doritos? Thirty ounces of pure corn munching goodness?  Get it in me!

Supreme Cheddar Doritos

Supreme Cheddar Doritos: Looks like Doritos to me

Supreme Cheddar Doritos smelled, well, like regular Doritos!  They didn’t look QUITE as heavily powdered as Nacho Cheese Doritos, however.  I’m used to seeing a LOT more red/orange on Doritos, and these looked sort of like Cool Ranch Doritos…but they weren’t Cool Ranch.

Supreme Cheddar Doritos

Supreme Cheddar Doritos: Strangely not very powdered

I munched WAAAAY too many of these Supreme Cheddar Doritos, and my verdict – PRETTY GOOD.  Of course, it would be hard for me to find fault in ANY Dorito, but in all honesty, I did like these.

These Doritos had the standard light flaky crunch, and they had a great cheesiness despite looking like there wasn’t much powder.  The cheesiness didn’t have the same amount of bite or tang as the Nacho Cheese variety, however.  I don’t know if they lowered the amount of tomato powder in these as compared to the Nacho Cheese variety, but these were sort of muted when it came to any seasoned punch.

Instead, the flavor of these Doritos was all about the cheese.  I tasted a lot of good general cheese flavor from the mix of cheddar and romano cheese powder.  Didn’t quite remind me of a SHARP cheddar flavor, per se.  Just a good, cheese flavor that sat on the chips. I tasted a nice savory flavor because of the added powders, but ultimately this chip was all about highlighting the cheese flavor.

Because there wasn’t as much punch with these chips as compared to the Nacho Cheese variety, I sort of tasted the corn chip MORE.  This reminded me of how Doritos tasted back in the day, when the powder wasn’t as coated.  I liked that a lot.

In the end, I give these thumbs up. In a time when companies are trying to figure out how to pump up flavors to extreme levels, I can appreciate a company trying to release at least ONE flavor that is more simple. Not sure if these are only available at Costco, but you can certainly find HUGE BAGS of them there.


COST: ~ $6.00

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 35 Comments

  1. Jessica says:

    I use 3 different screen names…theladyshark was (is? I do still play occasionally!) my online poker handle as I tried to create a persona, aquamarine84 is based on a joke from high school (my career aptitude test said I’d make a good jeweler when I planned on and did study marine science) and jcooliegirl is just my first initial with a play on my long last name. I still use the old ones on some sites even though I’ve grown up a little. But for my resume, I do have an email that’s just my first and last name.

  2. Rocketgirl says:


    My first AOL 1.0 name was like .. KatieG+ a billion numbers because Katie’s are a dime a bill-zen. I don’t even have one entire “G” in any parts of my name, that’s how popular the Katie screen names were even in the earliest inception of screen names.

    I think I then became “KaTiEKaTEKiSseS” and then “RoxyAwapuhii69” after my Paul Mitchell shampoo and Roxy t-shit collection. I think I pretended I was from Hawaii because I’m from Minnesota and that’s basically the same thing. And 69? Because I was a turdmuff and really didn’t know what it meant. I was walking internet predator bait. I still don’t really know what it is, tho, to think of it.

    Later, I became “a scar in a jar” before emo was emo. I still have that as my AIM chat, tho I don’t AIM anymore. Oh, and then “CPRissoerotic” .. because it is. And “PartlyUncloudy” because … ?

    So many names. More that I can’t even remember. I think the best part was using capital I’s to look like lower case l’s because finger to you, internet screen name creation game! I’m gonna wIn. At everything. Especially life.

  3. Brent Harris says:

    I think was my first email address. “Welcome, You’ve Got Mail”.

  4. “I just scored some new Doritos from Costco!”

    “Really? What kind?”

    “SUPREME Cheddar.”

    “Cool. Wait, did you say Costco? How big was that freakin’ bag?”

    “As big as me.”

    And now you’ve lived it, DoritosBagSizedGuy. Seriously, give it a rinse and cut some arm holes in it and you can dress as a bag of Supreme Cheddar Doritos next Halloween. How sweet is that? Living the dream.

    I seriously don’t remember what my original AOL screen name was. I’m sure I went through a few, some probably lamer than others. I don’t even recall which one I was using to use AOL’s match thing many moons ago, but it couldn’t have been too bad…had our 11th wedding anniversary a couple of months ago 😉

  5. Devin says:

    I was kinda impressed that you were holding all of those ice cream containers like that in the video, but when you tossed them at the end it sounded like they were empty. Now I need you to confim or deny whether they were empty or not. 🙂

    To be honest, these Doritos sound kinda boring to me. I’d still be willing to try them if I could find a (much) smaller bag.

  6. Ryan Cullinane says:

    Needless to say, I still use AOL Email for majority of my online doings and take the pleasant “You’ve got mail” greeting with pride. However, my lovely screen name had come from my young obsession with the Nightmare On Elm Street films. Yeah, Kruger-kid. I’m pretty sure it frightened my family to endless amounts. Cheers.

  7. Jeni says:

    My current email is somewhat embarrassing, but not as bad as my RPG name from my favorite BBS back in the day – Kitten. Yeesh. Oh, and my first email password was only FOUR characters – it didn’t even have to include numbers. How old school is that??

  8. Lilli says:

    YAAAS! GIVE ME ICE CREAM. but seriously, I’m one of those people with so frickin many screen names that I sometimes just have to make a new account… oops. but still, GIMME DAT CREAMY GOODNESS!

  9. JoAnn says:

    Very nice contest for Turkey Hill ice cream. My screen names and email addresses have been rather boring. I guess that means it’s about time for me to get a new email address!

  10. Kaitlyn says:

    my first user name ever was for my first email account – “kbug[insert random numbers that i don’t remember here]” – not too bad. it’s a little cutesy, but i was like, 10 years old when i came up with it. one AIM screen name that i remember was “kissthis” with some x’s and o’s if i recall correctly, that one is a bit embarrassing, lol.

  11. Elisa says:

    With that size of bag, you’re ready for a party! 🙂

  12. Kelly says:

    Eekk!!! I was which I am pretty sure still exists, I just don’t remember how to access it.

  13. Kate says:

    Thanks for holding the contests! I am excited Turkey Hill has a natural line. They make awesome iced tea too!

  14. Michael says:

    When I was young I tried to get names with Omega_ because I just thought it was cool back then.

  15. Maria says:

    My first email was something with PurplePuppies, because I liked purple and puppies 0.o My second one though was I thought it was clever hahaha

  16. James says:

    Why do they call it Turkey Hill when their is no turkey in it? Hmmmm,,,,,,

  17. Shelly Buchanan says:

    Well, the Doritos sound good. I’m praying I win some Turkey Hill ice cream. I enter a lot of contests, don’t win much. Oh, well (why does iPad keep changing well to we’ll?), hoping for the best. BtW, love your site! Great idea.

  18. Jarmel Rhem says:

    First email address was pretty lame…

    I still don’t get it, actually.

  19. That Doritos bag is intense.

  20. Meral says:

    I love ice cream. Turkey Hill is coming out with a limited edition all natural banana peanut butter ice cream in the near future and I would love to have some coupons for when it does!

  21. Jenny says:

    I was totally unoriginal (and possibly exposing myself to scam risks, according to my friends) by going last name first name. I want to win some ice cream! You rock!

  22. Colby says:

    Man oh man I would looooveee to win free ice cream!!
    Especially considering I probably spend $30+/month on ice cream 🙂

  23. Devon says:

    My first email address was (because I was 9) and then I moved onto
    My AOL screenname was also bubblegumwisher.
    I thought I was pretty cool.

  24. sarah s says:

    thanks for the giveaway!! would love to win 🙂 cool video

  25. Mark says:

    My worst was an email address. Anyone remember rocketmail?!

  26. MP says:

    Those Doritos look good. I’m a huge cheese snack fan. The ironic thing is, when I started using email & eBay back in the 1990s, I used my real name & then went to random anonymous ones. One in part I did a lot after that was including my initials & “34” for Walter Payton. RIP, Sweetness.

  27. i think my current screenname is pretty awesome – fatboystruggle on twitter my email address for online shenanigans is through the years, it’s been a variation of this – fatblackboy, fatboyblues, fattymcnuggets. i’m not ashamed.

  28. Sam says:

    I think the most embarrassing one I can recall was Ugh, I was a total fangirl back then. But, even now, my email address is a little sketchy. My husband is in the military and I sent a message to his work email. Apparently ‘Bioterror’ will get you flagged pretty quick, so lesson learned, I guess.

  29. sarah says:

    Yumm!I adore anything cheddar..especialy if it has that “tang” to it!!
    The icecreams also look good ,and I love that their all natural..not so many of those here!
    My screen names are pretty lame ,as I`ve such an awful memory they have to be!!LOL..I know with my first computer I began with my basic name/age/etc but then mixed it up a little..Then I opted for song titles I liked..also pretty easy to remember!
    Really enjoying your vlogs and blogs and all the yummy food reviews!Thanks!!

  30. SD says:

    No good screen name stories, but I do like Turkey Hill ice cream and want to try Supreme Cheddar Doritos.

  31. TeyTey says:

    My first email was

  32. Jessica says:

    Oh man, those days were embarrassing. My email use to be and It was cool back then, but not anymore!

  33. Jamie Hamilton says:

    I was really into fiber arts when I was younger so I had a jokey email name of “crochetglue”. Harmless, right? Well, my dad told me that he was sick of sending emails to CROTCH GLUE. My grandma thought my email address was “crotch glue” too. ugh.

  34. Bill says:

    Big Doritos fan for many years (MANY).

    I’ve never seen a Doritos bag that had 30 oz. My!! I’ve munched way too many chips. If it’s cheddar, it’s not sharp cheddar. Romano cheese flavor seems to offset the cheddar. My conclusion is that it’s addictive. It’s good but does not replace my favorites, Nacho Cheese and Taco.

    Kudos to Frito Lay to experimenting. Tangential comment now to the Jacked Test Flavors – 404 and 2653, I wouldn’t buy them again.

  35. david lucas says:

    Just picked up these at costco. They are on sale and i got the same bag as you for under 4 dollars!!
    My email address was made because i had to send out resumes. Couldnt put Allmightylucas@ (old gf made up the email for me) on a resume.
