Announcing The Nosh Show, Episode 29

Junk Food Nation, hope you had a lovely weekend!  I….well, I AM EXHAUSTED.  I flew back from LA on a red eye on Saturday night to Sunday morning surrounded by FOUR screaming babies (well, three screaming babies and one CRAZY ASS toddler), spent all day Sunday trying to re-adjust from jet lag while celebrating Mother’s Day, and to top it all off: TODAY IS A TRIAL DAY FOR ME.  You know what that means, Nation. It means no communicato from JFG today until the deed is done.

So that’s why this post is a little slap-dash, a little hurried, and oop! No review.  Spending my evening putting my exhibits together while watching the Pacers/Wizards game didn’t help either.  I’ll be back tomorrow, better than ever – I promise.  Thanks for understanding, Nation.

Meanwhile, for you stragglers who HAVEN’T YET caught on that I do a podcast that EVRRYONE SHOULD LISTEN TO – a brand new episode, THE NOSH SHOW EPISODE 29, is out today!

The Nosh Show: Episode 29!

The Nosh Show: Episode 29!

This week, “we converse about two soon-to-be-released Chips Ahoy cookies, cinnamon roll-flavored gum, Subway hummus, mini Peeps, and a Buzzfeed fast food quiz.”  Listen embedded here:

You can subscribe to The Nosh Show using various services: iTunesStitcherSwell appSoundCloudTuneInRSS, or, you can also download the episode. Thanks for listening for the past year!

I’ll be back tomorrow with a regularly scheduled review, Junk Food Nation.  Thanks for understanding. AND GIVE THE NOSH SHOW A LISTEN!

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

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