Review: Pepperidge Farm Limited Edition Dessert Shop Chocolate Brownies Cookies & Heading West; NFL Draft
Junk Food Nation, I’ll be flying to LA tonight to visit the Actor Sis, which means two things: (1) Last night, I had to pack, and (2) I’m going to be airborne while the Wiz/Pacers Game 2 is happening. Sigh. Does anyone know if United has on-board televisions? I know JetBlue and Virgin do… gaaaaah. CMON TECHNOLOGY – give me what I want!
Anyways, yes – last night I had to pack. And I’ve come to realize that I HATE packing. No one likes it, everyone hates it, and it’s always for the same reasons: packing too much. Packing too little. Not sure if you have enough underwear. Different events? Damn, now I have to add three pairs of shoes now. That’s my entire carry-on! Do I check a bag now? GRRRRRR. WHERE IS MY PLASTIC BAG FOR ALL MY TOILETRIES??? I mean, seriously…everytime I take out my travel toothbrush, I eye it suspiciously, thinking, “….What have YOU been up to since I last saw you?”
I remember when I was a kid, going on family trips, my parents would pack everything for me. My packing job consisted of seeing how many Nintendo Power magazines I could fit into my small Jansport napsack. Hey, at least I provided my own distractions so my parents didn’t have to. This was before in-car viewing screens, when kids HAD to do something else besides stare blankly. (Note: I was just complaining that my flight had no TVs to watch the Wizards game.)
So anyways, over the next few days, be sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook– I’ll be posting some pics of my trip to the West Coast. Hopefully I’ll be finding some good food stuffs. I’ll also (hopefully) be tweeting during the NFL Draft, which is tomorrow night. Where will Johnny Football go? Will Jadeveon Clowney actually go #1? Who do people want to see more: Blake Bortles, or Blake Bortles’ girlfriend? These are the hard hitting questions I’ll be answering.
Also, just as a heads up – my travels also probably means that Thursday will be blog-post-less, unless I’m somehow REALLY ambitious. I’ll prob still be able to make my Friday post. So until then, have a good Hump Day. GO WIZ.
Today’s junk food: Pepperidge Farm Limited Edition Dessert Shop Chocolate Brownies Cookies!
You know, I passed by these Pepperidge Farm Limited Edition Dessert Shop Chocolate Brownies Cookies in the store again and again. No I’m not gonna buy these. No I’m not gonna buy these. I can already predict how they’ll taste. $3? Not worth it. No No No.
And then what happens? The Junk Food Gal snags them and puts them in my cart. Damnit.
I LOVE BROWNIES. Who doesn’t? That fudgey mix of cake and chocolate in the perfect ratio to make everything stick to the roof of your mouth – now THAT’S a brownie. Will these Pepperidge Farm Limited Edition Dessert Shop Chocolate Brownies Cookies have the same effect? Maybe. I’m hoping these are essentially just flat brownies.
When I opened this bag of Pepperidge Farm Limited Edition Dessert Shop Chocolate Brownies Cookies, I must admit – the fudge-y chocolaty smell was there. And the look of these cookies was nice – large soft cookies, large visible chocolate fudge chunks, and the surface of the cookie reminded me a little of the surface of a pan of brownies.

Pepperidge Farm Limited Edition Dessert Shop Chocolate Brownies Cookies: Yeah, I thought this picture would turn out better
By the way, you all might’ve noticed I’ve started to put selfies of me and the product in all of my reviews lately. It’s really just because I get bored with food photography sometimes and want to spice up some of these pictures. Some of these will be good, some not so good. This one? I had a different image of it in my mind – I was like, “OH, I’ll show how massive these cookies are by having one hang out of my mouth!” I didn’t count on my MASSIVE HEAD to dwarf the cookie. Ah well. I promise I’ll never shy from putting the not-so-perfect ones up.
So how did these Pepperidge Farm Limited Edition Dessert Shop Chocolate Brownies Cookies? Pretty good! I mean, honestly, like I said before, the flavor of these isn’t hard to predict. The softness of the larger cookie resembled the softness of a brownie. The cracked surface of this cookie was reminiscent of a brownie’s surface. They indeed WERE sort of like flat brownies.
They lacked the fudginess that brownies had, but that ok to me, because these were cookies…that extra fudge flavor was instead provided by the fudge chips. When my mouth hit some cookie with fudge chips, everything came together pretty perfectly. As usual, I could’ve done with MORE fudge chips, but whatever.
All in all, these were good, I KNEW they’d be good, and yes, I’d probably buy these again. Next time: ice cream sandwiches.
COST: $2.88
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy
Discuss - 21 Comments
Funny, I saw that selfie and thought to myself, “gee, he’s posting a lot of selfies lately” and then I read the next paragraph!
Anyway, I’m always leery of ‘soft’ packaged cookies, as they always seem to have a weird flavor. Maybe they’ve improved them recently though; I don’t buy enough cookies to really know. About the only cookies I buy these days are those Grandma’s 2-packs they sell at gas stations (the peanut butter ones are awesome!) I do like the Pepperidge Farm Chessmen, even though they’re old man cookies.
Have a good trip! There are a lot of fast foods in Cali that you (and I) don’t have ready access to, but I can’t really think of regional junk food off hand, though. It’ll be interesting to see what you come up with!
@Mike N: I too am leery of soft packaged cookies, because it usually means they are loaded with oil. Still, these were decent.
What are you going to do at LA?
@alek: more selfies, no doubt.
@Shorneys: Touche
@Alek: Visit the sis!
One of the reasons why I like flying on Southwest is the no bag check fee.
@Elisa: I managed to get my bag gate checked – that wasn’t too bad.
Enjoy your trip! Hope you love Cali as much as I do. <3
@MJ: I did!
Nintendo Power and Jansport. Well done, but don’t forget our trapper keeper to keep up with the school work. Nevern know when the protractor is needed.
As far as United, some of their planes have live TV and some don’t. I give you a 50-50 shot from my latest experiences.
You better In ‘N Out your face off out there!
@MarcP: In N Out was the FIRST place I hit right off the airplane!
*sigh* Will be flying tomorrow night during Round 1. Please don’t do anything stupid, KC. Someone’s gonna crack and take Manziel top 5, just no clue who right now, probably someone no one is expecting will trade up for him. Or Houston has pulled the snow job of the decade and will take him at 1.
So that’s like 0 for 3 there…
@Dana: Johnny Cleveland (zzzzz)
I tried them the other night and I must have gotten a bad batch. There was no brownie smell when I opened the bag and they were very dry. Very dissapointed because I love brownies.
@Daniel: Hmmm, that stinks. Sorry!
I also found it funny that at the front of the store Walmart was advertising them as on “sale” for $3 but if you sent to the normal cookie section they were marked as $2.88.
@DanieL: Did you try them?
Yes , see my post above.
@Daniel: Ah yes – sorry. Sometimes I reply to these posts altogether and forget to look at previous replies.