Review: New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips & GAAAAH KING CAKE BABY! (Other News)

Junk Food Nation, presented, without comment, the new trailer for Godzilla:

OOOO, I got chills. (That was a comment.)

And now something EVEN SCARIER!!!!

GREAT ODIN’S BEARD! That thing is REAL.  And what that thing is: It’s the New Orlean’s Pelicans (the NBA team, you noobs) extra mascot that they trot out for Mardi Gras season, which this year is March 4th. The King Cake baby is a New Orleans tradition: A king cake is a cake baked to celebrate Mardi Gras, and the cake often has a small plastic baby inside, and the person who gets the piece of cake with the trinket has various privileges and obligations.  Seems like an unhealthy way to make someone choke accidentally, but whatever. Back to the Pelicans’ mascot.

MY WORD.  There is nothing more scary than this right now, IMO. I get it; you want a mascot that represents the toy trinket inside the cake (um, ok), BUT DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT HORRIFYING?? The huge, unblinking eyes are the worst part of it for me.  If you go to this gallery of images, you’ll see hundreds of glaring eyes staring back at you. NIGHT TERRORS!!

Tell me which you think is scarier in the comments below: Godzilla or this King Cake baby mascot.  I think I swallowed my tongue.

Today’s junk food: New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips!

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips: The Money Shot

So, I love Pop Chips.  LOVE THEM!  I love the trend by Pop Chips, Popcorn Indiana, Popcorners, to make chips which are light, healthy, and full of flavor.  I’ve reviewed TONS of Pop Chips on this blog before.

Now, veggie chips?  Well…Those are another story.  I’ve had good veggie chips and I’ve had ones I’m not so thrilled about.  So when I saw these New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips, I thought “WORLDS COLLIDING!”

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips: Hint of olive oil

Sorry I felt like another picture was warranted because the bag was so damned packed with compressed air that I thought you couldn’t read the name of the product.

Sidenote: I love olive oil. You give me a plate of olive oil with some herbs and salt and give me a big basket of bread? I will tear that Sh* UP!

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips: Blend the veggies!

See? Who needs a juice cleanse?  I can get nine veggies at once with these New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips.  So…a few bags a night should be good, right?

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips: ~5 cal per chip.

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips: OOOOOO

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips contain nine veggies, so let’s count ’em! Red beet, red bell pepper, tomato, pea, pumpkin, spinach, beet, navy bean, sunflower, chickpea, potato….I have to admit, I wasn’t even counting vegetables; I just started typing. How many was that?

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips: COLORFUL!

When I opened this bag of New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips, I could smells herbs and I could smell the olive oil.  Really enticing.  I couldn’t wait, and jammed a bunch in my mouth.

I thought these tasted good.  They were light like Pop Chips, and just as starchy. They had a slight potato flavor; however, there was no confusion to me that these were vegetable chips as there were definitely other elements/flavors going on. The different colors didn’t really affect the flavor…immediately I could tell these were WAY better than your average veggie chip.

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips

New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips: Light and airy

And the hint of olive oil? VERY good.  It was a simple taste of flavorful olive oil and salt – that’s it.  Nothing too freaky, nothing too complex – in this case, the simple flavor was a good one.  This flavor layered on top of the veggie chips was perfect. The aftertaste I got after eating the entire bag of these was, IMO, awesome – just a nice leftover taste of olive oil and salt.  Just like after clearing a basket of bread at a restaurant.   Savory, salty, and starchy – a perfect combination.

Honestly, not much else to describe here. If you’ve had an air popped chip before, you know what these crunch like.  If you’re looking for a low cal chip, with not that much salt, and an alternative to popcorn or potato chips, I do recommend these New Hint of Olive Oil Veggie Pop Chips.


COST: $2.50

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. I also have Google+!! Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 9 Comments

  1. MP says:

    King Cake baby mascot, no question.

  2. Liz S. says:

    I think even Godzilla would be afraid of the King Cake baby mascot.

    Those chips sound great!

  3. Mike N. says:

    Don’t you mean the New Orleans Jazz? 🙂

  4. MKC says:

    That baby mascot is just plan creepy (shudder)………

  5. Sakib says:

    These look really nice.
